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Colour debate

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 05:26 pm
by Nogitsune
As the poll here shows, I've been debating whether to continue doing the colour day prediction threads. Though I understand that real life can get in the way, and that people sometimes simply don't like a pet (or the colours that pet has left), I'm just not sure people really care what colours a particular pet comes in anymore (and, I'll admit, some of the remaining colours for some pets are hard to care about).

I'd like to think people are interested, even if they don't respond, but that may just be hubris on my part. I'm still interested in doing them, but it can be a bit disheartening at times when the responses are low and I'm not sure if it's due to the pet, the colours left, or just general disinterest in anything to do with Neopets (making it a bit silly for me to post about something few other folks actually care about).

Please vote and let me know whether you'd like to see me keep going with them or not. I plan to do the Mutant Day predictions thread soon regardless of the poll results here, but if I get more 'no' than 'yes' I'll stop posting after that and just do news reviews. My feelings won't be hurt, but I am curious to know if folks find the colour predictions useful or not.

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 05:31 pm
by Silver Link
I say yes. I don't always respond but I check it out everytime

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 05:42 pm
by Faun
I say yes. I Like trying to guess which colours we will get, and I like seeing other peoples guesses. :)

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 09:59 pm
by Rah
I always check, but generally only comment on the pets I care about!

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 11:59 pm
by Pyrostatic
I still check back cause I like to see what's left for each pet to come in. Lately it's been a slow-down for me because the pet days are so spaced out, that I just lose interest in guessing the pet colours.

Tl;dr, yes, please keep doing this. Things'll pick back up once we get into an active month.

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 01:32 am
by Madge
I think your threads are one of the only signs of life left on this forum at times, so you need to keep doing them :). I read them every time!

Perhaps have a poll for each thread so we can see the aggregate guesses? Allow each person to choose two options. Might make you realise there's more life to the threads :).

Or you might get fewer posts because everyone just votes in the poll instead =/

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 03:08 am
by Kamil
As usual, Madge is smart. ^^

I'd vote in a poll, whereas I almost never say anything on the threads themselves. Mostly because I have no reasoning at all behind whatever guesses I might have, and so posting to say so seems kinda lame. But I'd happily click off a couple of ticky-boxes. =D

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 07:56 am
by Madge
I had the idea, once, of having a leader board for the people who get the most correct guesses. That way we can try to beat each other, or something?

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 07:58 am
by zebru
I like your prediction threads. I guessed both colours right once so you must not stop them - I need my second win to know it was not a fluke :P
Anyways, they are fun and make neo pet days more exciting.

Also, Madges's idea of a leader board sound right up my alleay.

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 20 Aug 2010 03:31 am
by Xelio
I'm another that reads the threads, but doesn't always comment. I enjoy seeing the threads and seeing the speculations of those that do post. I think you do an awesome thing with those threads and would hate to see them go almost as much as the threads when a new color comes out and is commented upon.

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 20 Aug 2010 09:52 pm
by Foghawk
I always read the threads, though I mostly find the speculation meaningless - after all, there's hardly evidence to be found or arguments to make; it's no more than playing hunches. A leaderboard sounds absolutely brilliant, though - a little competition is always fun (and maybe, just maybe, tracking the results could lead us to accurate predictions after all.) By all means, do it.

Re: Colour debate

Posted: 21 Aug 2010 12:47 am
by Nogitsune
Thanks everyone! This has really helped me feel a lot better! I think I'll take both of Madge's suggestions. The polls will be easy to impliment. The leader board I might need a bit of help with.