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Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 02:05 am
by Alicorn
NC liiiiiiiives! **coughs**

The masquerade is here and I'm quiet happy. I just love this event. I enjoy dressing up my HA around masks, dancing with people and buying pretty items with the trinkets we get. And there is some pretty items this year I must have (robot kitty!). A bunch I must have.
I'm liking how they did the shops this year. They have all the newer things on top and the older things on the bottom. Makes it easier to pick out the new stuff.

Let the dancing commence!

Add on!
So it seems that the links above will not work any longer. They changed up the code. But no worries! I have made our handy dandy NCer list on the subeta forums. Just go here.
Now I have the list all updated with the list here. So if anyone new comes along and wishes to be added, just post on the forum or post your Subeta name here. Then I shall add you. ^-^ Also if I messed up on someones name or forgot someone, just let me know.

I also decided to copy and paste the list as the dance link code. So if anyone wishes they can copy and paste onto their notepad and click from there.

The NC Dancers

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 02:07 am
by Kali_Lupine
thanks for adding me love!

Boy, I have been dying for this time to come! This is my favorite time on Subeta, I simply love the clothes and the food/drinks in the libertine lounge are some of my favorite items! I'm not going to want to go to sleep lol

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 02:10 am
by shaelyn76
Thanks for doing this both here and on Subeta...makes it soooo much easier to dance IMO.

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 03:06 am
by bonecrivain
Dance with meeeeee:

Code: Select all
Eventually I'll be not-lazy and will unzombify myself. I think I still need to buy some things from the Skitters shop, though, so I just slapped on a mask for now. I'm sure none of you will mind dancing with a unicorn.

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 03:06 am
by TCStarwind
My wishlist completely exploded. XD I want just about every new piece of clothing (and a few other things), and I need all of the food items from the lounge for the gourmand (which I'm slowly working to), plus an extra set of the new alcoholic drinks. I hope this lasts for a while. ^_^;

And thanks for the lists! I was freaking out earlier because NC wasn't working.

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 03:33 am
by Rakumel
Shall we dance (now that Subeta's back up for the moment)? ... ser=252009

So many lovely new items! @_@ I had to haul out some of my stash of trinkets from last year to buy the hats, drinks, and necklaces. Not wearing any of them at the moment, but I kind of like the simple HA I've got right now and I want to keep him around a while.

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 03:37 am
by AngharadTy
I loooove the new items in the menagerie. Glad I had some trinkets so I could hurriedly buy them!

Also, I got an invite from Georgiana, who gave me some of last year's gossip about Marcel. Haha.

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 05:23 am
by Wingsrising
Here's me: ... ser=157670

While not wanting to make life harder for the list-keeper, would anyone else find it useful for people's Subeta usernames to be listed after their NC usernames (if different), maybe in parentheses? Maybe it's just me, but I thought I'd float it out there to make it easy to figure out who's asking you to dance. (I'm embarrassed to admit how long it took me last year to figure out that TestName asking me to dance wasn't the result of some weird Subeta glitch wiping out the actual username...)

Not bowled over by the new wearables so far, but I think I'm going to break down and start collecting the pretty drinks...

I just threw a mask on my existing HA, but I'll have to actually get dressed for the ball soon!

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 06:14 am
by Alicorn
Not a problem Wings! Was easy thanks to the list I started on Subeta. ^-^ And I didn't even think about the confusion people would have when asked to dance and they don't know the name. It's a good idea to have both.

Haha, that's to funny Ty! That's cool you can still get the invites though. Good to hoard for the reading drive. :3

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 10:55 am
by Alecko
Never been around for this event before. ... ser=267595

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 02:04 pm
by Seerow
Sadly I'm pretty sure Keith disabled them :( I used one I had received from Anthony since I thought it might be part of the new plot, but I guess I should have held onto it.

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 02:56 pm
by Trith ... ser=166988

First Masquerade, so hopefully it's fun... I'm a bit sad I missed the plot last year. Out of curiosity, do you get invites from the characters as random events?

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 07:13 pm
by Cranberry
Put together an outfit today and am now ready to dance. ... ser=183848


Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 08:05 pm
by Seerow
Anyone notice the new achievement, for 10,000 dances? And not just all together, but dances of you asking someone. I am wondering if this is a typo or if Keith really wanted an achievement that would realistically take 10+ years to get.

So many pretty things in the Steamworks shop I need. Thankfully I had about 60 trinkets left over from last year so that helped a bit! Wish there was a way to just see the new items, the shop is getting to be quite large and I don't need anything from the previous years so I wish I could have them in a separate shop or something. *Shrug*

Re: Atebus Revolution Masquerade 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 08:35 pm
by TCStarwind
Seerow wrote:Anyone notice the new achievement, for 10,000 dances? And not just all together, but dances of you asking someone. I am wondering if this is a typo or if Keith really wanted an achievement that would realistically take 10+ years to get.

So many pretty things in the Steamworks shop I need. Thankfully I had about 60 trinkets left over from last year so that helped a bit! Wish there was a way to just see the new items, the shop is getting to be quite large and I don't need anything from the previous years so I wish I could have them in a separate shop or something. *Shrug*
Well, that's insane. I too will hope that's a typo. Because I'm nowhere near even getting the 1000 achievement (for anything).

And that would be nice. Separating items by year. The shop was huge to begin with; now it's 3 times as huge. And takes a good 5 seconds to finish loading on my browser (it won't respond to any commands until it's done, so even if I want to buy something on the first row, it doesn't do anything), which is an ailment the holiday section of my wishlist is now having as well.