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Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 11:05 pm
by NeonDragonfly
Image Image

The Water Draik looks rather nice, again I love the colours they've chosen to go with for the water. I like how the tail seems to taper slightly to show that it's fluid, and the little water splash on the head is nice. The eye colour is nice too.
Jelly is decent, i like how they show it's see-through near the far leg and arm.

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 11:50 pm
by Unari
I wish the water draiks wings were drippy, but I s'pose it's still a lovely color.

Jelly is jelly. And unless ffqs give jelly (I don't think they do? May be wrong. They do give chocolate) I believe it's somewhat pointless ._.

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 12:05 am
by Kantark
The translucence of Jelly is great - a big improvement on the opaque Jellies we used to get.

The new Water colour doesn't suit the Draik as it did the Kyrii - a lack of a decent mane of hair means there is next to nothing in the foaming wave department (except a teeny bit on top of the head), leaving this looking like an Ice/Maractite cross. The swirling on the legs is pretty, as is the tail as it tapers down.

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 12:28 am
by Madge
Man, does anyone know if water comes from an FFQ? I'm kind of tempted to make Xanler a water draik. Though after being a desert draik I'm not sure if that's the best idea... but I can see it now: a ninja archer who hides in the water itself and comes jumping out of the water to ambush people!

Then again, doing so in the desert leaves one's options limited...

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 01:44 am
by Xelio
I really dislike the dark patches of shading, or whatever it is, on the wings and ear fringe membrane things. They seem so blocky and stark compared to the rest of a very fluid (pun intended) coloring job. The eye color is nice, though a bit jarring. I think that could be constrewed as a good thing. I do adore the subtle color changes along the base of the tail, top side. And how it looks like some lighter color water is slowly surging up the legs. But that shading... it might just kill this draik for me.

Like others said, jelly is nice for a jelly pet.

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 02:51 am
by Darigan
So soon for another Water pet.

So late for the first Jelly pet of the year.

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 06:12 am
by Jessi
I hope water comes from an FFQ, Madge, because I am so going to use mine on my new draik. I might paint him desert first so I can have those clothes, but omg. I was talking to Rah about how badly I was hoping that the draik would come out in water, and I'm not disappointed - though I agree with Chris, since it lacks the Kyrii's mane it doesn't quite compare!

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 06:34 am
by Griffin
Water is turning out to be such a promising color. I already feel certain I'm going to have one somewhere down the line. Draiks have never been my cup of tea but the color makes it so likeable- the little squirt on top is so cute, and the drops from the tail look like they're in motion. Somehow it reminds me of a living water bottle, in a beautiful way.

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 07:21 am
by thelonetiel
Xelio wrote:I really dislike the dark patches of shading, or whatever it is, on the wings and ear fringe membrane things. They seem so blocky and stark compared to the rest of a very fluid (pun intended) coloring job....
But that shading... it might just kill this draik for me.
This for sure. I was hoping those parts were poorly rendered in the news image, and the actual would be better, but then I realised that it was the Rainbow Pool image posted. So I'm hoping it gets fixed, I just can't deal with those blocky lines of sudden solid flat color.

The rest of it is remarkably pretty! Really smooth coloration. Jelly looks nommy, which is always nice.

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 03:58 pm
by Kari
Water is nice, too bad it doesn't "fit" any of my Draiks (well, it might fit one, but so does Maraquan and dammit I spent a lot on that brush!)

Jelly is the usual.

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 02:45 am
by Haken
Water looks nice. I like what they did with the legs and the tail. I do think they should ahve taken more advantage of the wings and done something nicer to it but oh well. The little splash of water on it's head looks a bit strange though '^^

Jelly is jelly.

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 12:30 pm
by Faun
Oh my god I haven't been on here in forever and I've missed so much. ;______;

Water is nice, the tail is pretty.
Jelly is better than usual. :P

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 07:10 am
by Jessi
For anyone who is curious. Water IS available by FFQ as I used mine to paint my draik Water c: yay!

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 09:20 am
by Kantark
Congratulations, Jessi! Was that a recent FFQ or one you've had 'in the bank' for a while?

Re: Water and Jelly Draik

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 06:38 am
by Jessi
haha Chris, I've had that FFQ for like, 2 years! I just kept putting off what to get with it - I honestly just had NO ideas. I contemplated it make something Maractite, but then Rah convinced me to get a converted Draik... and bam xD There it goes! I feel a bit special since I know I had one of the first water draiks on-site though!