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Woodland and Eventide Uni

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 01:24 am
by NeonDragonfly
Image Image

The Woodland Uni looks beautiful! From what I can see from the small image, it has a beautiful colour for its body which tapers into a darker colour towards the hind legs. I think the foilage are flowers and it's nice to see two different colours, though it looks like its horn has some flowers growing on it as well which looks a bit off but it's still a great colour.
Eventide looks beautiful too, and it's nice to see the mane and tail isn't one solid colour, I think if it was it would be to distracting.

Re: Woodland and Eventide Uni

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 03:14 am
by Larkspurlane
I like the woodland colour scheme, it's very gentle. I think the flowers at the end of the horn look awkward though, it would've been better with a small creeping vine working its way up the horn rather than the SURPRISE, here is your giant bouquet.

Eventide is ok, though I would personally prefer if they toned down the neon warm colours a little bit. I'm also not loving the obvious light-blue gradient line going horizontally right in the middle/across the tail (unless that's just my screen).

Ok I'm done bitching.

Re: Woodland and Eventide Uni

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 03:50 am
by Darigan
If Woodland is based on a real world flower they made the perfect choice.
Wishing that's the case and wanting to see in large size.

Re: Woodland and Eventide Uni

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 04:14 am
by Gumdrops
Woodland is sooooo pretty.

I've finally found the right pet to use my FFQ on. It's showing up as a gear right now though. :(

Re: Woodland and Eventide Uni

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 10:30 am
by Kantark
Woodland looks like a winner but it's a bit difficult to see in any great detail from the small pic. I'm reserving judgement until I can properly see the detailing near the hooves and the horn. EDIT: Possibly just a tad too many flowers on it... the flowers on the horn I don't mind at all, and I thought that the flowers might just look like they were behind the Uni rather than being on it but fortunately that doesn't happen. The base colour is odd, and a very shiny white on the nose - if it's made of wood it's Ikea-grade sprayed MDF. The odd detailing near the hooves and the base colour makes me think it's based on a specific species of plant or tree - anyone know what?

Eventide isn't my favourite - I agree with Larkspurlane, the light blue line across the middle totally dominates it. There's also a weird shadowy effect going on from the neck to the right foreleg which looks awkward.

On the extreme off-chance that anyone from TNT's art department ever reads this, I'd still love to see an Eventide with a bit more purple/deep blue in it, and less of the light blue :-) And I'd also like to apologise for (some of) the crap I've thrown in your direction over the years.

Re: Woodland and Eventide Uni

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 03:17 pm
by Reconnection
Get rid of the flowers on the Uni's horn and Woodland would be gorgeous.
That flower on top of the head is too much for me.
Might have to play around with wearables to see if something takes that off.

And I've never been a fan of Eventide :/

Re: Woodland and Eventide Uni

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 07:05 pm
by Hummingbird
Eww...Woodland is so ugly. The wood, the flowers...everything. I absolutely hate it. :X

Eventide = meh. It isn't a bad colour, but there's too much blue for my liking.

Re: Woodland and Eventide Uni

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 12:06 am
by Color Wheel
Woodland's gorgeous! I love the white colors and the details, like the branches coming off the horn, look great. My only problem is what other mentioned: the bouquet of flowers coming off the horn. A clever idea, but it makes the image too busy. The eye might look nice with a bit of a pink/purple tint to it, but it's not necessary.

Eventide's decent. I like the color positions, but the gradient line is really distracting. Also, my mind keeps turning the star near its mouth into a fang when I glance at it.

It's worth noting that both of these colors have updated the Uni's shading slightly under the wing, which is an improvement.

EDIT: Here's a Photoshop of the Woodland Uni without the bouquet and a bit of a purple tint to the eye.


Re: Woodland and Eventide Uni

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 03:56 am
by Zekumi
I think the Woodland is gorgeous. I just love it. I really don't mind the flower bouquet right up on top; in fact, I kind of appreciate that it's a more busy piece because of it. The uniformity of the converted art really irks me, and it's a relief to see something deviate a little more than expected from the typical silhouettes.