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My new lupeh :P ...Crits/comments please?

Posted: 19 Jun 2006 04:03 pm
by Yfandes

I'll save you the lecture about his background story and personality shall I? Very basically he's a wandering healer with mage gifts (His name is elvish for wandering healer too)...He has the power of telekenesis and that staff of his makes an appearance now and then also (10 points if you can tell what the deformed shape on the end is supposed to be -_-*)

As you can see the paper is all warped around the head from using crappy pencils...the original looks better...
I spent ages trying to decide what colour to make my new lupe permie and a plain lupe never occured to me :P This was my original sketchy idea but i abandoned it...I think there are enough mutant lupes with 'tude.

EDIT: P.S This is my first canine/lupine drawing ever! yay for that :D

Posted: 19 Jun 2006 04:17 pm
by Seerow
Nice pic. I love his staff and beard :D

As for Photobucket resizing your image, this may help. Go to Account Options at the top of the page. About half way down you'll see a drop down box that says "Max Picture Size". Just change that to whatever you want (mine's on the highest) and that should work.

Posted: 20 Jun 2006 06:50 pm
by Yfandes
Thanks for the comment and the tip! Photobucket is behaving itself now :P

Anyone else care to comment?...pretty please? *whimper*

Posted: 20 Jun 2006 10:26 pm
by Pants.
oo, nice pic! yes, and staff and beard = cool.
is his staff a snake? xD