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Neopia meets Subeta- Update 1

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 04:01 am
by NyauNyau
Soo..rather than have it to where its two separate worlds of rivalry..I decided, and will eventually, to mesh my Neopets and also, my Subeta pets, in one pretty shiny pic.. eventually..FOR NOW..


Painted my Ghostkerchief grey, sometime back... Look! Its happy to see the Sugar Pixie, no, really!

Then, I said.."I wonder how they would look if they traded present...

The Darkmatter Aisha


And, the Darigan Malticorn


Both of my main pets on both sites. Yay! I chose the "evil" colors of both sites, so, there you go!

I know I didnt sign the last two, please no stealing, you ..lurker..evil..un-neocolours members peoples.


Shoyru (With faerie version base) and a Poogle!


These are fun to draw

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 04:03 am
by Aqua
Those are awesome. XD I love your pet colour ideas especially. Make more~ D: lol

*tempted to try one*

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 05:06 am
by zebru
Oh, I love both petpets and particularly darkmatter aisha! That's some nifty artwork there :) More more!

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 10:35 am
by phoebemittens
Cor, those are absurdly good.

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 11:21 am
by Huggles
That malticorn bears an uncanny resemblence to the ogrin, only minus the hideousness.

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 11:32 am
by Trick
Wow, those are awesome. You rock, and also - more please? *grins*

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 02:16 pm
by Jessi
Wow, those are wonderful - I LOVE the dark matter aisha, it's lovely. You should take commissions for pets like those xD

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 02:43 pm
by Lucifer_Apollyon
Wow! Those are awesome! The aisha is wonderful and the malticorn is to die for. :D

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 03:22 pm
by Basketball
I agree with jessibean, you should do commissions or something for other people

Posted: 28 Oct 2006 03:33 pm
by Zap
Wow! That's like what I always wanted for my Shadow Aisha.

And it does look kind of like an Ogrin, without the stupid tassels.

You done good. *nods*

Posted: 30 Oct 2006 06:43 pm
by stonomola
Great job! I love the Aisha!!!! The petpets also rock, they are full of live!

Posted: 31 Oct 2006 10:27 pm
by Kuroro
I love the Aisha. I'm not that found of the Malticorn, but that might be the species.

I love the way you line your drawings and the clean coloring. *ish jealous*

Posted: 16 Nov 2006 03:22 am
by chickvw
Those are fantastic. You'd get neo and subeta rich quick with commissions on those pieces ^_^

The Darigan Malticorn is especially awesome.. and I don't like Malticorns under normal circumstances!

Posted: 16 Nov 2006 04:11 am
by Kamil
*adds own voice to the echos*

Those are amazingly awesome. I'd have an aisha like that in a second. If you feel up to comissions paid in sp, please, let me know.


Posted: 21 Nov 2006 09:56 am
by Cyaneus
Wow, these have style! Really awesome!