Free Pet Names

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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Trave »

I've been struggling for a Maraquan Gelert name for a while now .. *prods thread*
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Michelle »

Minacky, Eandri, Eandra, Toorane, Fremort, Nierte, Heimp,

Also found some L-names...
Lotreva, Lotrev, Lotrask, Lotrack, Larenat, Lafrep, Lushko, Lindorp
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

It immediately made me think of the Portuguese Water Dog. Looking it up on Wikipedia brought up some variant names, and one included "Pescador" or "fishing."

So, how about "Pescadog?" It's not taken, and essentially it's a run-together of fishing-dog, mixed languages. It's non-gender, though it seems slightly masculine to me. I also didn't see any immediate unfortunate things when I searched for it on Google.

Essentially, that's the same method I used for naming my Peophin, Seaquus.
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Madge »

I'm trying to think of a name for a royalgirl chomby. I've put together a personality idea, based on the matriarch of elephant herds; she's wise, sage and all of that sort of thing. I was thinking of possibly having something magical going on with her, though who knows.

And her shtick will be speaking in Haiku. I've always wanted a pet that spake thus, so why not?

I kind of am after something vowel-heavy, because I somehow consider that to be very feminine.

Anyway, here are my ideas - if anyone takes them before I do, I will cry, because we all know that the name you took will be the name I end up deciding I want.

Abeigh - I loved this when I first saw it, and I still like it - it means something like aloof in scottish or something, was in my ancient dictionary, but not on
Iakhu, Kuhia - Both anagrams of Haiku (I like anagrams)
Elergie - something I'm not sure about. "Elegy" is a poem, which is IIRC mournful. It sounds like a name, though. But I hatehatehate those names that are pathetic and obviously TRYING to be a real word, like Infestashuns and stuff, and I am worried that Elergie will become that.
Icmaj / Icmag - syllables of Magic reversed. Didn't care for it when I first wrote it, don't care for it now.
Arcima - Somehow got that from "Matriarch". Sounds a bit little-girly though and not old-womany enough, really.

Eandra - I saw this on the thread and think it's pretty cool. I knew someone in school called andrEa, which I am assuming is where this name came from. It sounds strong and at the same time feminine and a little old, too.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the names or any ideas of their own?

Fuck. This is long.
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Seerow »

I have no names of my own to give, but just thought I'd add that I adore the name Iakhu and would choose that in a heartbeat.
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by covet »

I love Kuhia (and if you don't use it, let me know if it's okay to steal it XD ) and Abeigh is probably my second favourite.
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Larkspurlane »

Madge your idea sounds brilliant. I've never seen such an original idea for a character. You must really really like writing haikus (or you're a glutton for punishment).

I looked up abeigh in the OED and it comes up:

[Of uncert. deriv.; possibly f. A prep.1 in + Norse beig, beyg, fear. In any etym. the final guttural must be accounted for.]

‘At a shy distance, aloof.’

I like that its origin lies in the Norse for fear. (Thinking more in terms of respect/awe than terror, though.)

The names that are anagrams for haiku are also really clever!! Top marks :D
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Madge »

Thanks for the compliment Larks :)

And also for proving to me that Abeigh is indeed a real word.

I have finally decided that I don't think I could ever stop liking Abeigh, and though I don't like it as much as Elergie, the fact that my like for it will not reduce while I think I like Elergie a little less now than I did earlier.

All the other names are thus available. Iakhu and Kuhia, though, are best left for Covet and Seerow, unless they don't want them.

And yes, I like writing Haiku. They're really easy to write and cool.
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Aster »

Awesome names, thanks for posting them. :)
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Larkspurlane »

I been playing with some names that are plays on 'siren' for my royalgirl peophin, here are some that weren't taken if anyone's interested:

And for the royalboy peo:
Aegaus (from AEGAEUS -- god of violent sea-storms) -- info from
Bytheos (from BYTHOS: One of the Ickhthyocentaurs or fish-tailed sea-centaurs. name means "sea-depths".) -- info from

I chose Siraenn and Poseidyn for my RG and RB. I'm not sure I like the girl's though, it looks a little cluttered? If anyone wants to suggest one from my list or otherwise that looks better, please feel free to :mrgreen:
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by covet »

I really like Poseidyn, to the degree that I'm surprised it isn't taken. Of the Siren based names, I think the first two that you posted read slightly easier to me? But the one you picked is fine.

If you're looking for greek sea goddesses, you could try a version of Leucothea, Poseidon's wife in one myth. Leucothya doesnt seem to be taken. Or a version of Thetis - Thyetis is free. To tie in with the sea-horse thing (Poseidon turned himself into a horse to be with her, and they had a son who was a talking horse - not Mr. Ed), a version of Demeter would be great. Demyter is free.
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Larkspurlane »

I was also very surprised re: Poseidyn -- I almost didn't bother to check it, because it seemed so obvious. Horray :)

Thanks for your suggestions! I think -- when I'm obscenely rich -- making a maraquan uni called Thyetis would be brilliant. Do you have other Greek myth-inspired nautical/equine ideas?

I think what's bugging me about the "Siraenn" name is the "ae" that looks difficult in there followed by the double n. I might go with Sierynn or Seirynn. Wish I could ditch the double n on those too though. Not really liking the obviously forced double vowels either... *at a loss for more combinations :(*

Thanks for sharing your thoughts :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Larkspurlane »

I got Oceanyd, which works with Poseidyn nicely. Siraenn is now lab rat, faerie zap pls! :D

More free names, I put the original spelling in brackets:

Eurybya (Eurybia)
Euribya (" ")
Triteya (Triteia)
Argira (Argyra)
Gallyne (Galene)
Nerryd (Nereid)
Pallyse (Pallas)
Cetyn (extremely corrupted Ceto :P I think it's pretty though.)

Edit: I took Cetyn and Covet's suggestion of Demyter for zaps.
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by hebdenhippy »

I searched for Argira and noticed that the pet was in the pound! So I adopted her ^^ Don't know what I'll do with her yet but I really like the name. Thanks Larkspurlane!
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Re: Free Pet Names

Post by Jessi »

ROFL Rachel, this is so odd, but Argira is a failed lab pet of mine I was zapping for Island Lenny to steal the flower xD I'm glad you like the name, I pulled it out of my ass xD
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