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A sketch and a few questions

Posted: 20 Dec 2006 02:00 am
by Fantastique
So here's a quick sketch of Alemasavue that I did during art class :D


I have a question for you guys, though: Do you guys have any good tutorials for drawing anthro art? See, I've never done anthro art before, and I think it's kind of awkward to draw a Neopet as a human (well, I drew Alemasavue that way because, well, I felt like it XD and I can't do anthro; that's how she'd look as a human). At the same time, I'm not quite sure how to balance the animal parts and the human parts without making the Neopet look awkward. I think Neopets does a great job of doing anthro; I like the way they do it—they still retain their animal aspect, but you can tell that they have human features by their clothing and whatnot.

So. Any tips? :)

PS—Yeah, I know that her neck's too thin. ^^; I realized that after I scanned it in, and I didn't really want to change it... but man, I do love her poofy hair. :)

Posted: 20 Dec 2006 04:43 am
by CallyKariShokka
That.. That's.. A QUICK sketch? o_o

*sits in awe for a good five minutes*

*shakes self out of it* Uhm.. Er.. I don't know of any tutorials, but.. Wow. Your style rocks. XD;

*has contributed NOTHING of value to this thread*

Posted: 20 Dec 2006 05:02 am
by Fantastique
XD;; Well, quicker than my usual, at least... I was just looking at my friend and kind of copying her pose, then went crazy with the hair and accessories. :)

Posted: 20 Dec 2006 01:59 pm
by dandelions
That's just lovely :) Good tutorials for anthro art...hmm. I don't know of any offhand- the tutorials I remember tend to be for techniques or abstract parts of a final image- but have you tried Neopets' own how to draw, and also looking at people who manage to do anthro art well? Artists on deviantart who spring to mind are Goldenfox, Kyoht, starfinder, spiritwolf77 and Shoomlah.