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Subeta: Reborn Endeavor and Hydrus Celinox

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 05:08 am
by Anubimon

I'm meh on the Celinox. I really love the Reborn Endeavor... Not too fond of the pose, though. The head looks a bit weird to me. I can't decide whether to change my Dark Matter Endeavor into one or not. Bah, choices. =/

Edit: Or not... They seem to have disappeared from the front page. o.O

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 11:26 am
by Circe
I love the Endeavor! So beautiful! Perhaps my Dream should become reborn? Although, I'd love to see spectrum soon :)

The Celinox is good, however I wish they would release Angelic or Spectrum :)

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 01:11 pm
by Trick
I like the Celinox, it looks big and rarr and cuddly. Yeah I like that a lot, I wonder if I want one...

I don't like the pose of the Endeavor, the pose just seems off and it looks real skinny. Flames are nice though.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 01:20 pm
by nanabobo567
I like the pose of the Endeavor. It's not exactly "reborn", but it has a grace to it. Like a relaxing bird.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 01:30 pm
by Lyria
There goes my final pet space, i love the reborn Endeavor, it's just perfect. I find the body change quite welcome.

Not such a fan of the Celinox, it's better then the last bunch of Hydrus pet's but something feels off about it's art style, i can't seem to figure out what though.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 03:03 pm
by Strawberry Limeade

LOVE the Reborn Endeavor. And it's good to see the Celinox getting a redraw. It's much better than the Hydrus Chai we just got.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 03:15 pm
by Akjara
Well, I don't like the Hydros Cerinox very much. Too fat. Just not my style. I'm more a fan of sleek for catlike pets. *g*

The Endevour is quite nice, I especially like the flames. But the head looking toward you somehow irritates me. Still very nice, but not a pet I would get.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 03:39 pm
by Jessi
I too like the reborn endeavor overall but I'm not fond of the pose. I think it almost looks too CUTE for both a reborn pet and an endeavor.

I personally love the hydrus celinox, and if it fit the personality of my own currently arid celinox, I'd consider painting him. But for HIM, I'm waiting for spectrum or reborn ^^

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 04:42 pm
by Chandi
I really like the Reborn Endeavor. I see the pose as very graceful, and the inclined head looking towards you, along with the fireball it's holding, seems like it's saying "Hey, wanna mess with me? Go ahead, I dare you." And, should you mess with it, WHOOMPF, fireball up the ass. Sorta makes me wish I didn't sell my Reborn Potion off for an Angelic one.

The Hydrus Celinox, I also like. The hulking pose and the purple coral sell it. The only part I dislike is the horns - they look pasted on and less detailed than the horns of most Hydrus pets. However, it might be a temporary look for one of my pets I'm putting on hold for zapping... hrm.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 05:22 pm
by Anubimon
By the way, for anyone who wants a Reborn Endeavor... There are still 113 in the Adoption Center on Atebus, which is nice because the cost Endeavor Elixirs is through the roof. >>
I'm a bit confused since they were removed from the front page, though. Does that mean they were taken away or something?

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 06:00 pm
by Aqua
I think they're still released, just that they were having trouble with the news page.. There's a glitch sitewide (though possible fixed in some forums) where if you use 's the post is eaten.

Pets are actually supposed to be looking at you, which I decided to try and show more with the reborn one. XD (though the hydrus is an exception from this rule for some reason.. But I think most artists make it look that way anyway)

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 06:34 pm
by strange_infatuation
Merana slowly feeds the potion she created to Daylight and...
Daylight has been transformed into a Hydrus pet!
Awesome. :D Even if it's just temporary 'til more colors are released. ^^
I love the Reborn Endeavor, too, though it's a little out of my price range.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007 10:49 pm
by kerg
The Endervor is nice, but it seems kind of skinny. I do love the wings though.

The Celinox is awesome. It reminds me of a picture I drew the other day, that was going to be a BR Telenine design, but I think I'll use it for this. I'm definitly getting one, but I don't know whether I'll pound a pet now to do it, or wait until I get a Mystical plushie.

Posted: 02 Feb 2007 12:08 am
by Monkeyguy
The Endeavor is probably my favorite Reborn pet at the moment. The Celinox is great too. It's funny that just yesterday someone posted about the Celinox not having any redraws. :)

Posted: 02 Feb 2007 01:41 am
by oh em gee
ooh, i adore the wings on the endeavor- but i must admit the head and pose seem a bit strange. o_O but overall, pretty. hee, flame-shaped shoulder... pads?

celinox is okay, i guess. i never really did pay a lot of attention to that species. O_o nice mask-like design around the eyes. =)