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Pokémon D/P (Maybe Spoilers)

Posted: 17 Mar 2007 10:25 am
by checkers
Hello, I'm like making a Diamond and Pearl topic. ^^ yay.
I've always been the girl on the games, and never been able to complete them when I'm a boy, so I wanna be a boy on this game and complete it, but I cannot find a Screenie of the girl in 3D mode, because the boy looks semi-goofy.
His hat looks wayyy too big for me, but I want to complete the game with the gender I am in real life xD if that makes sense?
Also the new 3D buildings and people and trees, the game looks good quality.
I think that's all the Pokémon you can catch on this game, not sure though it's the Sinnoh Pokédex =/
*goes off crying*
there's no Staryu on the list.
The Sinnoh Dex, only housing 151 Pokémon, it does not include all of the New Pokémon that have been discovered. Here is the list of the Pokémon in Sinnoh Dex Order
Does that mean the only ones people have like confirmed (Japanese people have the game?)

ALSO this thread is just general Pokémon chat!
Oh and if you don't know how to do é's it's "Alt Gr" & "E" and it comes out with é or É with or without caps on ^^;

That's the complete list of them sorry, the ones crossed out are the ones that are always female or genderless!

Posted: 17 Mar 2007 04:30 pm
by AngharadTy
I'm sorry, we already have a thread like this here:


It's older, but it's not old enough to warrant creating a new thread yet.

When D/P is released, we'll have a new thread or two, I'm sure. But for now, this is unnecessary.

(And by the way, why is your font tiny?)