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"^_~" Art request!

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 05:34 pm
by checkers
Well...I personally do not understand the function of this face "^_~" so I was wondering, well I'm requesting for someone to draw the face onto this:
I see a lot of people use that face, and I always seem to think that they have something in their eye, or a lazy eye or something and when I asked my brother what it is he shrugged.
Could you draw in a Nose and mouth too? XD I wanna know where/what it looks like on a face.

I'm sad, I know

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 05:59 pm
by Kidnemo
I've always figured it's a happy wink.
I'm not going to put it on that face because the results would be.. disturbing.

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 06:01 pm
by checkers
A happy wink..oh hm, how can a Wink be happy? :P

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 06:06 pm
by Symmie

Yeah, uh... sorry, I don't know. No emoticons really make any sense and shouldn't be drawn realistically. Those Japanese people are NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD.

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 07:12 pm
by checkers
o__o Thos japanese people are not the only ones not right in the head :P lawlzjk

Your pictures freaky...Seriously, anyone know?

Posted: 27 Apr 2007 01:51 am
by Jessi
Um, it's pretty much the same as going ;), just done in the 'anime' style of faces.


"I saw what you did at school today. Give me five bucks and I won't tell ;)"
"I saw what you did at school today. Give me five bucks and I won't tell ^_~"

Same exact face. Just... different style. So...

Posted: 27 Apr 2007 07:54 am
by Mistress Morbid
Yeah, it's pretty much just a wink, no different than a normal emoticon, only anime-ized.

Posted: 27 Apr 2007 09:56 pm
by checkers
Hohum, so it's just a wink..well I shall be using it then. *cackle*
^_~ feel free to lock this topic.