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Island Ogrin

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 09:12 pm
by tehcutiepie

I kind of like the colours, though it looks too cluttered :/ The beaten pose is great, once more!

All poses

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 09:16 pm
by Xelio
You're right about it being too cluttered, something the ogrin has as an inherent fault even without the island markings. Even the flowers on the poor thing's head are too busy, not to mention they clash horribly with the deep yellow/tan hyrbid of the mane. Unless neopets manages to wow us with a redrawn sometime, I don't think I'm ever going to like an ogrin. Heck, I don't even like the name. I'm glad they're on Rachel's half of the adoption thread and not mine!

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 09:20 pm
by DamionDarkheart
The only good orgin is an orgin that's been beaten within an inch of it's life

and thrown in a pit of starving rabid Yurbles.

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 09:27 pm
by Seerow
Grr, once more with the Ogrin hatred :(

True, it is a cluttered and I think it would have been better if they'd replaced the stripes with the white markings, but I like it anyway. Island is one of my favorite colors and Ogrins are currently my favorite species, so I like this by default. If my labs nice and turns my Ogrin lab pet into this, I'll be more then pleased to keep it.

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 09:28 pm
by le_diable_blanc
They should've made the regular stripes white and wavy and got rid of the other ones, cause there's definitely too many things on his body o_o

Re: Island Ogrin

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 09:28 pm
by phoebemittens
tehcutiepie wrote:I kind of like the colours, though it looks too cluttered :/
Like every Ogrin ever - the basic design is cluttered, an accessory-heavy colour like Island (or, God forbid, Royal) isn't going to help any...

I must admit the colours look a little muddy and grey to me, but that might just be the influence of my general Ogrin-hate.

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 09:31 pm
by Lucifer_Apollyon
Seems TNT's artist couldn't make up their minds just what color the head was suppose to be primarily. It's white with tan markings in the close attack pose (and a couple of others), but otherwise tan with white markings. It'd be nice if they'd just realize that there's nothing they can do and get rid of the pet...replace it with the lutari...something!

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 09:33 pm
by Spivsy

Ogrins are not what I like, if I wanted a tiny giraffeorse with makeup on I would've gone to my local medical research centre.

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 10:41 pm
by Moonstruck
Cluttered. As always. Is not redeemed in the slightest.

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 10:44 pm
by AngharadTy
I really don't like the colour. It's like a mix of mold and crusty mustard. Bleh. I like the flowers, and I always appreciate the bracelet/anklet dealies on island pets, but I can't get past the icky colour. (Leaving aside the fact that it's an <i>Ogrin</i>, of course.)

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 10:49 pm
by Kuroro
I kinda like the cluttering. Then again I have a cluttery personality (and desk too).

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 11:32 pm
by Silverevilchao
Alright. Look at this:

*points to head markings*

<img src= ... d_left.gif>

VS this:

<img src= ... d_baby.gif>

Argh. No, no, and no. Excuse me, but I like consistant coloring...

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 11:41 pm
by Elfwoman99
The number of color-patterned pets with actual consistent coloring is slim.

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 11:42 pm
by Silverevilchao
Elfwoman99 wrote:The number of color-patterned pets with actual consistent coloring is slim.
True, but at least it's not that obvious.

Posted: 13 Feb 2006 11:42 pm
by Lakota
The colour's nice for the orign, but it would look better if the species didn't have those stripes. I like the island markings they gave it, but with the stripes, it just looks way too cluttered. But that's a problem to the species in general anyways. ;)

At least the artist put some effort into it. :)
AngharadTy wrote:I really don't like the colour. It's like a mix of mold and crusty mustard. Bleh. I like the flowers, and I always appreciate the bracelet/anklet dealies on island pets, but I can't get past the icky colour.
Well we always had a mold problem with our house in Cuba. Maybe it was the humidity or the warm temperature. (likewise we have a similar problem in SC during the summer >_<) Given that, the moldly colour suites a tropical colour like Island. :P [/joke]

Seriously though, I like the colour because it's not another tan colour like you see on almost all the other Island pets. But maybe it's just the orgin trying to be unique again (and failing).