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Sheeta Potential Revamp

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 05:59 pm
by adi_gallia
There is a new poll

I personally LOVE this revamp, it looks much better than the old one, the shading and spots on the legs are particularly beautiful on this. :D

It's nice to see a poll to listen to us again, it would have been nicer on a pet that I didn't like the revamp of, so I could say no. But oh well. YES!

Who drew this by the way? it = <3 so much more mature.

ETA: Kelpie says its done by teera_misu

Oh yeah, I should have seen a revamp coming, since teera_misu had that one colour of them . Does that mean Aqua is redrawing the Darkonite? I think she said she drew that in Galactic, but she said someone else usually draws them.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:04 pm
by Chandi
As much as I love the art on this one, I feel it could use some tweaks. The shoulder of the front leg looks a bit odd, like it's attached too far up or forward. The eyes are narrower and have lost the wide-eyed, mystified expression of the original Sheeta. The extra curl in the horns is odd... don't find it necessary, and I personally find curlier horns harder to draw. The head is also set at an odd angle, like they had to turn it just to make it fit in the square.

I voted for the old one... the new one will probably win out, but I'd like to see it tweaked first.

EDIT: Who was responsible for the old Sheeta, and/or the Dark Matter one?

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:04 pm
by Kelpie
Teera_Misu is responsible for this sheeta as well as galactic.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:12 pm
by Elzaim
I voted to keep the old version.

The art is nice on this picture, but I too feel that it's lost what the original sheeta had. The original had a nice sleek, yet soft feel to it - and the eyes gave it that ' knowing' look, as well as being mischevious; almost a child-like curiosity and happiness - that look is totally gone with the new drawing. Also, the legs don't seem to look as long as they used to - this new sheeta seems to be shorter, or appear shorter then the original. I also agree with Chandi about the extra curliness of the horns - it's not needed.

Also, may I point out that this re-draw looks unmistakeably FEMALE. Aren't pets made to look androgonous?

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:13 pm
by Aqua
Nah, I won't be doing the Darkonite. Jag just let me draw the Galactic.. I'm sure she'd do a good update of them on her own. :P *wonders what's going on with the Feli update*

I love Teera's sheeta, though I miss the smile it had before.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:20 pm
by Kamil
I love the new one; it's so much prettier than the old, and mind, I really liked the old Sheeta, despite not owning one.

The expression is much softer and more appealing and the ears look more . . .real, for lack of a better term. Same goes for the tail. Personally, I like the extra curl on the horn - I find it appealing. And I lovelovelove the tuft of fur over the new one's eyes. <3


Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:21 pm
by Griffin
Okay, rewriting my post now that I've got my senses together after the initial "zomg but this'll ruin MY Sheeta!!1" shock.

The main difference in personality seems to be maturity. The anatomy has been given a thicker, more realistic structure overall, except that something is off with the foreleg and head position. (Don't ask me what, I draw mostly humans for a reason.) The old Sheeta seemed like a child, whereas this one looks motherly... and since I based my own Sheeta on the youth concept, this revamp inconveniences me personally. But besides that, I forgot to applaud the otherwise very well-done art.

I would like to see an updated version with tweaks to the anatomical quirks, and a more expressive... uh, expression. Maybe slightly wider eyes and a more visible smile. This Sheeta is lovely, indeed, but I may (or may not) have to change my own, depending on how the final version looks.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:23 pm
by Slugawoo
I really like this revamp. The extra curl in the horns doesn't bother me that much, and I have to say, this new one looks a lot less girly than the old one.

The only thing that bugs me is it's chest. I think it's just a bit too low(wide?) compared to the original, which has a very small torso. Then again, that'd probably look pretty odd on the newer version.

Either way, I'll be voting for the new one, with suggested tweaks here and there. <3

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:23 pm
by AngharadTy
Oh, augh. I don't like it. The problems I have with this are the ones Chandi already listed--the shoulder joint is not a joint at all, just a smooshing on, and the head is awkwardly angled.

And this sheeta just lacks an essential softness that's a part of the current sheeta. Also, hmm. I would kind of like to see the paws turned out a little, rather than pointing straight ahead. But that could just be me.

Edit: also, the spots on the legs are teeny.

I'm a bit scared for my arid sheeta now, because of how many people seem to like this one. =\

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:24 pm
by tallan
I really really like this too, except for the foreleg beginning far too high thing. It looks softer and friendlier without being baby cute. If this goes through, I might have to get one.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:34 pm
by hebdenhippy
Hmm, not sure, it doesn't quite look as elegant as the old ones. And i really hope they don't change the Reborn Sheetas, I'm just about to buy one!

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:38 pm
by Sunwolf
The head angle does seem a bit odd - and I'd like the leg swirls to be bigger, as that's one of my favorite things about Sheetas. And the eye - it looks dead, like a doll's eye. Eeek.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 06:52 pm
by covet
In general I love work by this artist, but the new sheeta bothers me. I'm not sure what it is - there are parts of the new design I really like, I think the main issue is that it looks like someone has overused the sharp tool on it's face and now it hurts to look at. It's a little too clear, not soft and fuzzy enough.

I have no clue if that makes any sense.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 07:04 pm
by zebru
I really don't think sheeta needed a total repose - a new outline with some additional shading (and a bit thicker neck) would have been a much better option.

I dislike a lot of things about the new one - its facial expression is completely different, proportions altered dramatically as well (legs are much shorter now), it lost grace, it looks too shiny and plastic, front legs are anatomically very questionable, eyes look too human and snout looks squashed and there is no more of that cute symmetry created by the curve of the tail and horns.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007 07:04 pm
by checkers
I'm very happy with this revamp, I just hope it doesn't mean darkmatters pose/eyes will be changed as I like the 'Souls been taken' staring into space look to the Darkmatter sheeta, I find it annoying that we rant on about getting polls for big revamps, and we don't get them and then with small (but brilliant) revamps, not much change but art style, we get a poll. Same goes with the Feli :s I don't understand that.