New Pet: Legeica

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by klaatu99 »

I don't think it's my monitor. I just got a brand new one with nice, sharp, crisp colors, and the brightness and contrast are both maxed out. And I have the color setting at 9600 degrees.
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Post by Slugawoo »

I like it. :D Not enough to get one, not a horse person, but I don't mind seeing it around.

But the fur colors are a bit dark on some. My monitor's as bright as possible and it's still difficult to see the details. But the light colored fur is very pretty. (Especially on the nuclear. <3)

And I can't decide whether I like the missing horn or not. It sets the species apart from the malticorn/demi/etc., but it looks awkward. x:
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Post by Wingsrising »

When I saw this topic I thought to myself, jeez, ANOTHER one?

However, I really like these. I don't know if I like them well enough to get one given that I only have one pet spot left... but if I ever got my hands on a mystical plushie -- or with the right redraw color -- I might.
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Post by Cranberry »

They're okay, but I'm not a big fan. The mane looks too much like human hair for me, I think, and the face bothers me, although I can't articulate exactly why. I do really like the hair on the tail and feet, though.
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Post by Elzaim »

Arbor, I really like your work and everything, but this new pet is just not my cup of tea. :(

The whole thing just seems really flat to me - the scales need definition on it's hind end - right now they lay flat against the flanks, and if they are scales, they would have been overlapping and making a bit of an outline on the proflie of it's rump. I also don't like the flatness of the face - all in all this pet seems to lack definition and '3d-ness'; and I'm also rather bothered by the lack of a mouth.

Again, you generally do lovely work Arbor, but my first thought oh this pet was 'wow - it's so flat...'
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Post by uncharted »

Elzaim wrote:Arbor, I really like your work and everything, but this new pet is just not my cup of tea. :(

The whole thing just seems really flat to me - the scales need definition on it's hind end - right now they lay flat against the flanks, and if they are scales, they would have been overlapping and making a bit of an outline on the proflie of it's rump. I also don't like the flatness of the face - all in all this pet seems to lack definition and '3d-ness'; and I'm also rather bothered by the lack of a mouth.

Again, you generally do lovely work Arbor, but my first thought oh this pet was 'wow - it's so flat...'
I really agree with this statement. I like this new pet, the art is very nice, but it lacks a certain life-like quality to me. It just doesn't seem very alive. I know that that is a very subtle distinction, but that is the best way I can express it.

But let me edit this to say that one thing I really like about subeta is that it's very dynamic. There are new colors, new pets, a few different styles, and a lot of user/artist interaction. That's important to me, and I'm always very happy to see new things.
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Post by Huggles »

I think this is one of those pets like the popoko. I love the color schemes. The pet? Not so much. Again, not what I was hoping for in a new pet and ditto Mr.Black on the malticorn/whatever we already have. It does remind me of My Little Ponies, which fought valiantly alongside my G.I. Joes, so points for that. But, I also dislike the mouth or muzzle. Everything else is very detailed and streamlined for a Subeta pet, yet the muzzle literally looks like what I'd draw for a horse muzzle. That's...not so good. I do think that this is perhaps the best nuclear pet so far. I think it's because the scales are already well defined and not just splotches of color, and the green and yellow blends nicely into the hair.
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Post by Xelio »

I'm with Slugawoo. I like it, but not enough to get one. Very pretty though, despite the tiny mouth kinda creeping me out a bit. I also wish there was a large, sweeping back horn like on the Windstone ki-rens, but such is life. Still rather pretty, and a nice addition to the site.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Post by hebdenhippy »

I LOVE it! It's amazing, I especially love the Marsh and the Cream one, if only I had room for one, still, i can't wait to see the redraws
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

OK, if Neo were to ever irreparably piss me off, I would join Subeta for this, especially the "blue" one (and the Graveyard Serpenth). :D *has been very casually browing this area of the forums too*
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Post by dandelions »

Added to the dropdowns.
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Post by Crystal Firefly »

Oh God, I've always wanted a Kirin pet so this is almost perfect! I'm a little disappointed about the stub for a horn but the rest of the pet is great. I'm quite fond of the Cream colouring myself. Very tempting to get one now but I think I'll wait for some new colours. Somethings telling me Reborn would look really good on these.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I am in the club that struggles to see the details on the manes of the Arid and Common Legeica. I can see them just fine on the Twilight version, so it isn't all dark manes, just the two colours.

The shading on the manes are the only thing I like about this pet though. I think it looks quite well shaded, but it seems more two dimensional than the other pets. It has the tiniest of mouths, but that might suit it, I can't picture one grinning at me.

Actually I lied, I quite like the scales on them as well and the way the tail is. But I have too many complaints about it. Some others I haven't mentioned yet is how the mane looks like it comes down on either side and kind of joins up to be some kind of chest hair. Actually, looking to our left of the front leg closest, to us, it that what it does? :o If so..ew. I also don't like the lifted leg, it looks quite limp and pathetic.

Sorry for my harsh words Arbor, but it's how I feel about it and I am in a minority so don't worry. =P
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Post by AngharadTy »

I wouldn't call it chest hair, exactly, it's more like a mane. Semantics, I suppose, but... still. ^_~
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Post by Jessi »

Huggles wrote:But, I also dislike the mouth or muzzle. Everything else is very detailed and streamlined for a Subeta pet, yet the muzzle literally looks like what I'd draw for a horse muzzle. That's...not so good.
Ahh, thank you. I've been trying to pinpoint what I find 'off' about the pet, and that was pretty much it. The muzzle looks very, very flat compared to the rest of the pet; I made a comment to Lindsey that that's how I draw horses, and... well I can't draw horses. I think it would have looked more impressive from a more frontal-view, or at least where you could see a bit more shape to the head. It looks rather flat.

The colors are beautiful, but it's definitely not something I'd want.
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