Lab Ray Questions

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Lab Ray Questions

Post by tiroryb »

I decided to save up for a the complete lab ray map, but I have a few questions.

1.) Does it only zap one pet per day? Or is it one zap for each of your pets?

2.) Can all of the pieces be found in user shops? I've seen prices for some of the pieces at 99,999 but I am not sure if there was a more expensive piece.

3.) Can the lab ray also change the GENDER of the pets?

Thanks in advance.
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Post by Spivsy »

1. one pet a day.
2. no.
3. yes.

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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

The best way, I think, to get the best deals on map pieces, is to be patient and refresh like mad at the Shop Wizard and check each time which piece each user has. If you find an insanely good price on one, snag it right away. Otherwise, mark the username and compare, then buy the best deals. You can also sometimes get good lump deals from people selling all (or most) of them in trades competing for buyers by keeping their prices a bit lower than others.

Also, if you get the lab and refresh at the "choose a pet" page, you'll get the Scientist as a battledome challenger. During fights, he can change a pet's gender...very handy if you want to keep your pet a specific gender (or in my case now, have the ability to change it if someone else wants the pet upon adoption time whenever the pound reopens and prefers a certain gender).
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Post by daisybell »

You haven't asked what colours are available, so perhaps you already know. But if you don't, you should know that some colours you can't get from the lab ray- pirate, plushie and baby for example. There's a full list here:

I need to tidy up the page, as I had to pull some images quickly and then didn't go back and sort out the code. *adds to "to do" list*
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Post by tiroryb »

Thanks for the link. It is very helpful. (=

I've done the shop wizard thing, just to see the prices, I haven't bought yet. The most I've seen is 7 pieces, are the last two pieces only buyable through trades/auctions?
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Post by Fury »

I've had the lab map for almost 3 years now, but I was just wondering, as I've never seen anyone talking about it - can the lab ray turn your pet into a Krawk or Draik?
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Post by gidget »

Suttle wrote:I've had the lab map for almost 3 years now, but I was just wondering, as I've never seen anyone talking about it - can the lab ray turn your pet into a Krawk or Draik?
TNT has not ruled it out. In fact, they've said pretty much explicitly that all species are available. There are rumours that one or two Krawks and Draiks have been made by the lab. It would be rare, rare, rare, however.
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Post by yvonne_l_d »

Right now piece 9 is the only one that is unbuyable. I would suggest waiting a few months before buying it, if you're trying to save money. Right now it's at 300k+. It was at 100k just a couple of months ago, but inflated after a site glitch. (I think that many users who were frozen for glitch abuse had bought that piece.)
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Post by tiroryb »

I think I will wait until I can buy it all together even though I plan to buy separate pieces. Thanks for the replies and for the link of colors available!
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