Revamped Bloodred Dragarth

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
Feral Koala
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Revamped Bloodred Dragarth

Post by Huggles »

At least, I'm pretty sure it was. Wasn't it a nonredraw with drooling blood before? Anyway, where exactly is the bloodred part of the new bloodred dragarth? It's almost entirely black, with tiny little droplets of blood, and the pink mouth looks quite odd. I'm also not fond of the pose or the legs. The rear legs look like they belong to a biped, but the forelegs look like they belong to a quad. Meh.
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Post by Iggy »

Armi is probably going to die when she'll notice that =(
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Post by checkers »

It looks really bad. It's head looks TINY In comparison to other Dragarths, it is smiling far too much, the really dark blood, almost so dark it's not visiable, and the lack of dripping and more, Painted on blood (like Archan) I love the Colour of the Stomache Fur and wings, thats one of the reasons I like the Twilight Paralix quite a fare bit. That greyish pink is rather nice. Not pleased, but not disappointed certainly an improvement even if it doesn't look Dragarth like.
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Post by covet »

I wouldn't say it looks terrible, but it does nothing for me. I like how dark it is, I suppose, there just isn't anything that stands out as awesome. The furry chest continues to bother me. It's an improvement on what went before, at least.

This needs to be required reading for anyone updating the news.
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Post by Sarivonne »

I'm sorry but a certain mod's post there is bugging me :|
Posted by Dokuja

I have no problem making out the details on my screen, since I'm on a nice new laptop. This is a hardware issue, not an artist one.
Posted by Dokuja

It's a hardware issue if it can be seen quite clearly on a decent screen.
Considering 80% of the comments are "It's too dark!", are they expecting users to FULLY UPGRADE their monitors just to see the damned pet? It's really obnoxious and I can't say I appreciate the snarky attitude :|

Also, the pet looks waaaay too happy.
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Post by tallan »

Err. *squints* Way too dark, I can hardly make out what goes where. I agree with checkers, the colour of the fur and wings is very nice, but that's all I like about this pet. The salmon-like pink of the mouth makes me go eww, and the weird grin combined with the pose makes it look excited in a way I don't think fits Bloodred. They should be creepy and sinister, not looking like they're about to jump into your lap. :/
So... no. More interesting than the original, but not good.
Feral Koala
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Post by Huggles »

Yeah, those are stupid comments to make. It's as if the thought that it might be a subjective aesthetic preference never occurred to them.
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Post by Sarivonne »

I can't afford a spiffy brand new computer myself, so when she goes in there all 'I CAN SEE IT FINE MAYBE YOU GUYS ARE HAVING HARDWARE ISSUES' I feel kind of like she's trying to dumb us down :(

It's too dark, too silly looking. There's nothing menacing about it. And someone actually thought it was the DRAGON. That's gotta be bad.

Okay it looks like she feels a lil bad. So maybe she's actually confused. I hope so. I can't handle anymore staff snark :/
Last edited by Sarivonne on 29 Aug 2007 07:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Feral Koala
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Post by Huggles »

I did too, at first. Even before it's current incarnation, they were similar enough to confuse me, only I like the dragon more. The dragarth as a species just makes my brain hurt since it has the body of a furry dog, and then the head of a dragon with pokemon horns.
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Post by Elzaim »

I'm personally not too fond of this pet... but I've never been fond of dragarths in general.

I will, however, join the chorus of people complaining about it being too dark. I have a pretty darn good computer here at work because we do some crazy 3d, photoshop stuff and rendering... and this pet still looks like a black blob. Hardware problem my butt.

I don't really like the pose, and that fake almoat-grin with the bright pink inner mouth throw me for a loop. It just makes me cringe.

I also find it amusing that someone actually confused it with the dragon. Guess it just goes for saying that the two are just too similar.

*EDIT* Yet ANOTHER person has confused this pet with the dragon. Surely the artists and staffies are seeing this and how bad it must reflect. :?
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Post by Sarivonne »

Well, Keith did say there were going to be negotiations on the dragon. We'll see how that works :O I think, since she said she was on a laptop, that she might be sitting above it and looking down, which makes it easier to see darker colors. I'm betting DNA works on a laptop too, which is why it looks fine for them but too dark for us D: Not sure, so don't quote me!
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Post by painesgrey »

Sarivonne wrote:I can't afford a spiffy brand new computer myself, so when she goes in there all 'I CAN SEE IT FINE MAYBE YOU GUYS ARE HAVING HARDWARE ISSUES' I feel kind of like she's trying to dumb us down :(
don't worry - i HAVE a nice new laptop and it's still too dark. it's not a hardware issue, and i don't think it should be a question of staff saying "that's your problem, not ours" since quite a number of other bloodreds seem completely fine in my book. to me, that shows an issue with the artists' colour calibration.

either way, i don't like it. the pose looks completely wrong. it looks as if it's rearing up, but the back is bent at a weird angle.
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Post by Kari »

My computer and monitor are both brand spankin' new, and I think it's dark. The mouth is in an odd shape, and I think it needs some blood dripping off of the front feet (there's a tad on the back, but it's hard to see). And since they're making Bloodred pets have one red eye and one green eye...I think it'd be nice to see both eyes.
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Post by Wingsrising »

I also have a lovely display here at work, thanks, and it's not a hardware issue. It's too dark.

The legs don't bother me so much, but it doesn't look sturdy enough to be a Dragarth and the fact looks squished to me.
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Post by Jessi »

I also have a lovely, relatively new flatscreen monitor that does colors VERY nicely, and I can't see it at all - that there's blood, I mean. This looks like the way a shadow Neopet SHOULD, not the way a bloodred pet on Subeta should. x_x

The bright pink mouth is really... awkward and completely random. The pose would be okay if there was.. yknow, blood.
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