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Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 10:22 pm
by Jessi
I was going to post this in RL AATOW, but it's not really -my- achievement, just something I am very, very happy and proud about, and I wanted to share it with everyone.

As many of you know, my beloved rat Kai passed away last Monday. She was my first rat, and was incredibly special to me - the most special rat in the world, and there'll never be another like her. When we had her put to sleep last week, I didn't really get a chance to speak to my vet, and when I picked up her ashes on Friday, I couldn't catch him either. This didn't bother me, but I've been kind of 'waiting' for the card he always sends out when a pet dies that has a little note from him in it and all that.

Today, I got a letter, but it wasn't from my vet - and it was a lot more than just that card.

It was from the Kansas State University Pet Trust Program. For those that don't know, K-State is one of the top veterinary medicine schools in the world. My vet is always calling the small animal specialists at K-State for advice on rats for me (since the hospital itself is about 2 hours away, and uh, very expensive). So I was a bit confused when I saw I had a letter from K-State's vet program. Inside was a pamphlet about the Pet Trust Program, and a letter.

I won't bore you with the details of the pamphlet, but here's a bit of what the letter says:

"Dear Jessica,

The Pet Trust at the College of Veterinary Medicine at KSU recently received a generous monetary contribution from Bradley Animal Hospital in honor of your special friend, Kai.

The Pet Trust honors the human-animal bond by supporting veterinary medicine at KSU. Through this donation, Kai will live on through perpetuity and the gift will make a difference in the lives of countless other animals.

The name "Kai", along with yours, will be recorded in a memorial book which is displayed in the Veterinary Medical Library so that your friendship will be forever celebrated and to recognize one of life's greatest pleasures: animal companionship.

We would like to express our deepest sympathy for your recent loss and hope that the thoughtfulness of Drs. Bradley and Gibbs will somehow help you during this difficult time."

I know I'm probably making a bigger deal of this than it is, but I really think it's the most touching thing - that Dr. Bradley did such a thing in memory of a little rat. Granted, he always tells me that I have the best rats he's ever worked with - and in fact, the most rats he's ever worked with, as most of the procedures he's done on my girls have been a first for him! But he's never failed to go out of his way for me, or the rats (or Wyn for that matter), and I just thought this was beautiful. And since it's such a big deal to me, I wanted to share it with all of you.


Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 10:26 pm
by Iggy
This man wins at mankind.

Seriously, I cried when I read that story. Really.

Sorry for Kai, I must have missed the post or something. I know I'M late, really I'M really soyrra for you.

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 10:31 pm
by Kantark
That's so sweet, very thoughtful and generous of your vet and must have been a nice surprise. Lovely message in the leaflet . I'm glad that the University spelled Kai's name right, too.

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 10:40 pm
by Jessi
Kantark wrote:I'm glad that the University spelled Kai's name right, too.
*laughs* The funny thing is, they spelled -my- last name wrong - Jessica Lavine. I don't even care, and I wouldn't have even noticed if FMD hadn't pointed it out xD

I'm assuming this is a small reference to the stupid cremation place that spelled it as "Kat Levine" instead of "Kai". Morons e_e

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 10:43 pm
by shaelyn76
that is really cool of the doctors to do that for you and Kai. There really is such a special bond between people and their pets. It's great to see it recognized and applauded. I'm really sorry for your loss, but glad that a piece of her will now go on.

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 10:55 pm
by Twofold Black
Aw. I hadn't heard about Kai; I'm sorry. That's a terribly sweet thing your vet did. Cherish that man forever, they don't make many like that.

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 24 Oct 2007 12:27 am
by Monkeyguy
That is pretty freaking great of your vet. It's good that you have someone who seems so caring looking after your babies.

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 24 Oct 2007 12:52 am
by Cranberry
Aww, that's amazing. You have an awesome vet... and Kai was such an adorable little rat.

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 24 Oct 2007 01:36 am
by Kidnemo
Aw, Jessi that's lovely! I know you like Dr Bradley and this just shows what a great owner he thinks you are. I'm so sorry about Kai. Oh and the urn you chose was lovely.

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 24 Oct 2007 06:50 am
by Fjorab_Teke
I was so sad to read about Kai, but jaw just dropped and an unusual "AWWW!!!" issued forth.

Really, that is AMAZING of them! So sweet!!

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 24 Oct 2007 10:02 pm
by Tom
I've got to say, that's... so incredibly sweet. Amazing. One can only wish more people were like that. I can see why you speak so highly of him.

I am very sorry about Kai, I know how special you were to her, and how special she was to you. *hug*

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 24 Oct 2007 10:54 pm
by Wingsrising
That was very, very thoughtful of your vet, and a nice memorial for a beloved pet.

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 25 Oct 2007 06:12 am
by Alicorn
Oh Jessi that is so sweet of your vet to do. It made me all warm and fuzzy when I read that. I'm glad that your vet did that for you. I'm also very sorry about Kai. It's always hard looseing a family member, definetly one so dear to you. **hugs**

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 26 Oct 2007 12:55 am
by TCD
Man, I read this after I read the other thread on a certain "art" project...from the worst of humanity to one of the best. Unbelieveable.

Re: Kai and the Pet Trust Program

Posted: 26 Oct 2007 01:05 am
by Jessi
Thank you everyone, for all your well wishes and condolences about Kai ^_^ It means a lot to both FMD and I. *hugs all* All the support from friends we've had, including this letter and all of you have made the entire situation a lot easier to deal with <3