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Desert and Skunk Tonu

Posted: 20 Feb 2008 11:26 pm
by Fury

Re: Desert and Skunk Tonu

Posted: 21 Feb 2008 01:17 am
by Bif
I think that both of them are really lovely. I know that a lot of people will have fun with the desert accesories - I love how the black hair has that blue shine to it.

Also, I really like the skunk, I'm not really sure exactly what it is about it - but I just like it. :P

Re: Desert and Skunk Tonu

Posted: 21 Feb 2008 12:12 pm
by daisybell
I don't like desert- the blue highlights look very, very strange to me. The gold accessories aren't so bad- the bangles on the forefeet are quite nice- but the whatever-it-is beard thing on its chin looks so pasted on.

But then I think I find tonus less appealing than chias, so I was never going to find a lot of positive things to say about them, especially after using up this week's snark quotient on the chia review.

The clothing is fugly too.

Re: Desert and Skunk Tonu

Posted: 21 Feb 2008 01:40 pm
by nanabobo567
I'm fine with the Desert, very desert-ish, if I had one I would take off the annoying Pharaoh beard, though.
Skunk? Skunk. Why do they even bother with it? The stripe is barely visible at all on the Tonu, and a Skunk's stripe does not stop in its fur, it's all the way through. Obviously, or else we wouldn't know about it, but whatever. I wish they would be more creative with Skunk pets. In particular, I had always hoped a Skunk Flotsam would have the colouration of an Orca...

Re: Desert and Skunk Tonu

Posted: 22 Feb 2008 12:09 am
by Koryo
I really like the desert one here, I think it was well done. The blue in the hair looks great though I agree the beard looks a little funky.

Skunk isn't winning any points with me. Much too dark and the yellow in the eye gives an almost diseased appearance.

Re: Desert and Skunk Tonu

Posted: 22 Feb 2008 10:32 pm
by yvonne_l_d
I quite like the desert one. The colours compliment the tonu, in my opinion. If I had one, I'd remove the beard, though.