Pet Requests

Forum for adopting out pets. Remember: to keep paintbrush clothing on a pet, you must use the transfer option!
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Pet Requests

Post by Jessi »

Jazzy gave me permission to start up this old thread, so here it is! I'll be doing my best to keep this updated on a regular basis, but I'm asking that if you fill a pet request, please post a new reply and don't just edit your old post - chances are I'll never find it!

Looking for a pet? Post your requests here, so people adopting out on the forum can check the list for potential adopters! There are a couple of rules:

1) You must be an active member with at least 25-non spam posts before you may request a pet!
2) Please only request 5 pets at a time! These requests can be changed as you wish, but only five max at a time.
3) Please do not post any species-specific requests unless it's a limited edition pet (like krawk, draik, cybunny, etc). And please don't post -any- requests for Lutaris - they can't be transfered at the current time. Once they can, I'll open up requests for them. Also, please do not post just asking for a specific color without a specific species to go along with it (ex: "any maraquan pet")
4) If you want a 'decent name', please specify what you're looking for - no numbers? No underscores? Caps? Etc.
5) Please only request a gender if you want that one SPECIFICALLY. Do not put: "Male, but would take the female". If you do that, I'm going to edit it out completely.
6) VERY IMPORTANT: Do NOT post a request here with the intentions to trade the pet later. This thread is for pets going to PERMANENT HOMES ONLY. If you decide later you wish to trade the pet, you MUST contact the original owner to see if they would like the pet back, or if they will give you permission to trade. If we find out later you traded a pet you received from here, you will be BANNED from any future pet requests.

A note about the clothing-only request section: As of November 1st, 2008, TNT has decided that when you transfer or trade a pet, its clothing will automatically come with it. The ONLY way to steal clothing from a pet and keep it is to dump it in the pound, or to paint it a different color. If you are okay sending a pet to someone to take the clothes, please make sure you understand you will either have to let them pound-transfer it back to you, or paint it a cheap color to safe-transfer it back to you!

If you wish to request a pet, please post which pets you are looking for here - and make sure you note if you are specifically looking for an unconverted pet, where applicable!

Mistress Morbid - Zombie, nice name (no numbers or underscores, capitalized)

Paint - Maraquan, nice name (no numbers or underscores)

Iggy - Plushie, unconverted, gender-neutral name

Iggy - Pea

Ailiel - Plushie, unconverted

Hebdenhippy - Faerie, unconverted, nice name (no numbers)
Madge - Any

thelonetiel - Mutant, nice name (no underscores or numbers, capitalized, pronounceable)
Dead Webby - Maraquan, nice name (no underscores or numbers)

Hebdenhippy - Plushie, unconverted, nice name (no numbers)
Kudosandhuzzah - Royalboy

PennyLane - Mallow, unconverted

Kamil - Maraquan, unconverted, nice name (no numbers or underscores, capitalized)

Jessibean - Plushie, unconverted, nice name (no numbers or underscores, capitalized)

uberstav - Plushie, unconverted

Lark - Baby, unconverted, female, nice name (no underscores or numbers, capitalized)

Paint - Any, nice name (no underscores or numbers)
Kamil - Plushie, unconverted, nice name (no underscores or numbers, capitalized)
Xelio - Tyrannian, unconverted, nice name (no underscores or numbers, preferably male)

Seerow - Royalboy, unconverted, decent name (some underscores or numbers okay)
TCStarwind - Robot, unconverted or converted with casing
TCStarwind - Pirate, male, nice name (no underscores or numbers)

Dead Webby - Faerie, unconverted, nice name (no underscores or numbers)

Kamil - Royalgirl, unconverted, nice name (no underscores or numbers, capitalized)
TCStarwind - Darigan, male, nice name (no underscores or numbers, capitalized)
Hebdenhippy - Grey, unconverted, nice name (no numbers)
Uberstav - Royalboy, unconverted

TheLoneTiel - Faerie, unconverted, nice name (no numbers, pronounceable)
Larkspurlane - Faerie, unconverted, nice name (no numbers or underscores, capitalized, pronounceable)

Ailiel - MSPP, unconverted
Ailiel - Any
Mellaka - MSPP, unconverted, not too picky on name (underscores, 2-3 numbers are OK)

Dead Webby - Baby, nice name (no underscores or numbers)
Alecko - Faerie, unconverted, nice name (no numbers, capitalized, some underscores ok)
Alecko - Darigan, unconverted, nice name (no numbers, capitalized)

Zebru - grey, unconverted, nice name (no numbers or underscores, capitalized)

Covet - Royalboy, unconverted
Covet - Royalgirl, unconverted

Iggy - Plushie, unconverted

Larkspurlane - Maraquan, nice name (no numbers or underscores, capitalized, pronounceable)

Zebru - Plushie, unconverted

Kamil - Faerie, unconverted, nice name (no underscores or numbers, capitalized)
Covet - Plushie, unconverted

Hebdenhippy - Faerie, unconverted, nice name (no numbers)

Jazzy - Faerie, unconverted

Clothing Only Requests
Wingsrising - Island Peophin, Halloween Peophin
Lark - Christmas Kacheek, Island Kacheek
Seerow - Island Elephante, Island Hissi
Fullmetal Dragon - Halloween Bori
Jessibean - Island Lenny, Island Kacheek
thelonetiel - Island and Halloween Peophin
Farseek - Desert Aisha
Kamil - Desert Draik, Halloween Hissi
Xelio - Halloween Bori
Kudosandhuzzah - Halloween Gelert
Ailiel - Halloween and Royalboy Poogle
Last edited by Jessi on 28 Sep 2009 04:04 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by uberstav »

Um who am I kidding...I need an UC royalboy came so close to getting one but it just fell through...maybe I'll get lucky this time around :P
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Madge »

On a completely different note, I was thinking as I was driving today that there was a request for a maraquan shoyru from Dead Webby who is apprently not very active anymore. I was thinking of ways to make old requests no longer an issue, short of deleting the thread and starting again; and I was thinking maybe posting the month and year the request is posted would be helpful? And maybe refreshing them each time that user posts in this thread? (So if I have a request for a blue poogle in Jan 2008, and then I post requesting a green mynci in December 2008, the month/year on my blue poogle is put back to Dec-08).

That way it will help people have some idea over whether the person who posted the request has been active lately.

But now I am thinking about it, it's probably just as easy to look up the username and see the last time they posted. Maybe having the month of the original posting will help people know to give their pet to the person who wanted it the longest? I don't know =/.

In summary, this is probably not a good idea but I'm not reneging on posting it because I already typed it out.
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Xelio »

I always kind of assumed the person listed first in any given species list was the first to request it. Usually I just look at the potential adopter in question's neopets/NC account to see if they're still active anymore. The dating might come in hand for removing old requests, but then again its not like the adoptee will be able to contact the adopter if they're not active anymore anyways. This was kinda of poorly worded, but contain my thoughts on the matter.

While I'm here, put me up for a pirate shoyru, well named (I'm more picky than most), gender negotiable, if you don't mind. Kind of doubt one'll come my way with the lack of labbing, but a girl can dream.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by zebru »

I'd like to be added for a well named UC grey scorchio. Whenever you have time Jessi :)
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Rah »

I'd like to put in a request for an island poogle in order to steal its clothes (and then either pound return to the original owner, or paint a different colour and transfer return)
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Michelle »

I'd like to be put down for a well named (no number, underscores, capitalized) female shadow xweetok as well ^_^
Got one for christmas =)

Thanks for maintaining this thread Jessi!

EDIT// I found a great petpage a couple of nights ago that lists users willing to give out their extra paint brush clothing. It can be found here:

When you have time please take off my request for a royal shoyru and add a request to steal a pirate lupe's bandana and earring ;D

Thanks again! Happy holidays!
...formerly known as 'spiraled'
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Paint »

Heya (: Um, could you take down my request for a maraquan gelert please?
Keep the maraquan acara request up there, if possible xD
Aaand change the krawk one to any colour. I can work with whatever, I just like the species ^^ Thanks!

Many thanks to the wonderful Tiel for the set.
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Jessi »

Updated to here - Jazzy, thank you for leaving me a note, or I would have been very confused xD

Madge - Requests are indeed listed in the order that they are received. However, I'm perfectly happy to go through the list and remove people who are not active on the forum for x-amount of time - perhaps 6 months? When they come back they can re-request, of course. I'll go through people we don't see often and figure out when their last post is - most people here aren't going to adopt to a lurker, anyway.

re: Rah and other pet clothing requests: I've added a note to the main post about the new rules with transfers and clothing and what not, so hopefully people'll read it and understand this when they give away pets for clothing!

re: Well named pets: Please specify what you mean! By default, I put 'no underscores or numbers, capitalized' because that's what most people seem to want. However, some people are more picky than others, some are less; please put down what YOU mean by well named (especially now that the thread has been cleaned up quite a bit - I can't go back to check!)
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Paint »

Eesh, sorry to post again. I forgot to put 'nice name (no numbers or underscores)' after krawk.
Sorry! ><

Many thanks to the wonderful Tiel for the set.
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Usul_Princess »

Take me down for everything and replace 2 slots for a UC plush cybunny, and a non-species specific Neopet with high BD stats. Can be a lab rat, but very near over 200 str boost. (Can we still ask for that?) My permies are filling up fast.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Would you please remove all of my clothing requests? Thank you. :)
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by invsagoth »

Can I request pets? I don't have the required number of posts officially (darn my lurking ways), but I had over 1000 posts on the old neocolours board. :/

Ya'll remember me, right? *crickets chirp*
Thank you to Jazzy for the av!
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Huggles »

Yes, you may and those crickets sure are snarky. *huggles*
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by invsagoth »

Yay! I am remembered! xD And those are snarky crickets, aren't they? :3 *huggles*

My pet requests are kind of unlikely, but hey, gotta dream big right? n.n;

UC plushie cybunny, UC faerie peophin, UC faerie xweetok, UC RG aisha, any draik (I want to have a faerie one, but I can work on a brush).

Any gender is fine. I'm honestly not that picky over names either. :3
Thank you to Jazzy for the av!
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