Pet Requests

Forum for adopting out pets. Remember: to keep paintbrush clothing on a pet, you must use the transfer option!
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Madge »

Take me off for a desert aisha, trading is good for something :P
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by rosiely_ »

Hi, I would like to request a pet. A female darigan Ixi, a nice name that is capitizie and underscores are alright. Thank you :mrgreen:. My user is rosie_ly92
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Jessi »

I know I haven't updated in a bit (sorry, guys! I will this weekend, I have the entire weekend off :D) but Rosiely, I wanted to ask you to go ahead and read the rules on the first post, if you don't mind :3 You must have 25 non spam posts and be an active member of the forum before you can request any pets.
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by rosiely_ »

ohhh okayy, sorry about sometime I read to quickly that I miss words
Anna the Red
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Anna the Red »

Could I please request a Hissi? Any colour is fine, with no numbers. I am in love with the Shenkuu outfits.
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by thelonetiel »

You can take me down for a UC Darigan Bori, I have one now. :3 *dances with evil spikey thing*

And if I could be put up for a UC Faerie Peophin (No numbers, pronounceable name), chances are slim, but it would be worth a shot. ^^

Thanks Jessi. :D Doing a great job.
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Larkspurlane »

Could you take down my requests for:

Unconverted faerie lenny
Unconverted faerie pteri

And could you put me up for:

Unconverted faerie grarrl, nice name (no numbers or underscores, capitalized)

One never knows. Haha. Thanks a ton!
Thank you for the av and sig set!
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by covet »

Gosh that reminds me. Please take my requests down for an

unconverted rg Aisha
unconverted rg Cybunny

and in a giant stab in the dark, please add me for an

unconverted plushie Wocky.
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by zebru »

My pirate aisha request can go down, that's will be the job for my ffq :D
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Xelio »

Somehow I neglected to notice how...portly shoyru are now. Please remove my request for one since I'm shameless in my finicky nature. Please do leave my Halloween lupe pants request up though.

Its a long shot I'm sure, but just so I'm up for something that I never envision myself getting in case of the happy chance, please add me for a MSP poogle, UC or converted, but UC preferred. Good name, male slightly preferred to female. Thanks much!
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Madge »

Scrap my Desert Aisha request, I traded for one ages ago!
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Jessi »

Okay guys, so after a few months of fail, I finally managed to get this all updated - everyone's requests should be in order now :3

In the next few days (...or maybe even later today xD) I'm going to clean this list up a bit; anyone who is on it that hasn't made a post in 4-6 months or so is going to be removed, because... it seems silly to keep their requests up here. Just as a note!
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Xelio »

Yea for updates. Course, its not like any of us will go beating down your door for a delay. I'd like to think we're all nicer people than that. Well...except for me.

Please remove my request for a Halloween lupe to strip. Friend had better lab luck than I and so I'll be getting my pants in April.

Edited to remove an impossible pet request born from a deceitful lookup. Boo to auto conversion, boo I say!
Last edited by Xelio on 02 Apr 2009 03:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by Jessi »

Xelio, all Royalboy Zafaras were auto converted, I believe? Someone may have to confirm this for me, but I'm pretty sure of it.
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Re: Pet Requests

Post by mellaka »

Jessibean wrote:In the next few days (...or maybe even later today xD) I'm going to clean this list up a bit; anyone who is on it that hasn't made a post in 4-6 months or so is going to be removed, because... it seems silly to keep their requests up here. Just as a note!
Do you mean posts on NC or posts on this board? Well I guess here's my post on this board if that's what you meant. =P
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