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Non-Neopets: How's my project's website?

Posted: 04 Apr 2009 12:08 pm
by Madge
Well, I'm doing a project for one of my units (human computer interaction) and because you guys are so well-versed in HTML, CSS, and all-round prettification, I'd love it if you could give me some pointers on this. ... ment1.html

20% of the project is presentation, broken down into:
5% Web page structure/navigation
5% Info is all there and accessable
10% style, diagrams, navigation, etc

Feel free to critique my content also, but I don't really care if you read it or not. (If you do, at the time of posting the shareable interface, final comparison and references weren't completed)

I was just wondering if my webpage is easy enough to navigate and looks reasonably nice?

(I decided to put big navigation buttons up the top, since chances are you'd want to go through it in order anyway, but allowed quick access to the home page and also the references - I'm not sure why the references make a good choice for the last thing, but it seemed the best idea).

Anyway, does it all look good enough, basically? Is my grey and black colour scheme absolutely shit? What would be nicer? (I'd like the text to say black in any case so that way all my diagrams will still fit in)

Colours I fortunately did with a global style sheet so changing them won't kill me too much :D

Thanks guys if you help me! And screw you if you don't!

(And, mods, if it is completely inappropriate for me to ask for opinions on some coursework then I understand and let the lock/deletion button be brought upon me most hastily)

Re: Non-Neopets: How's my project's website?

Posted: 04 Apr 2009 04:36 pm
by thelonetiel
On the interface comparison page, try aligning the content of the table to the top rather than the center. That's either "valign='top'" in HTML, or "vertical-align: top;" in CSS. I'd probably also decrease the left margin/padding of that table, it seems to take up room. Unless you want to make it look more beefy than it is. :P

I'd also look into placing the entire navigation list on each page. That was my first instinct upon navigating, that I prefer to have links to click than a next button. It also makes it easier to jump around, rather than having to return to the homepage to find navigation and skip to where you want. Placing the navigation on the side would also decrease the width of the content table, which usually makes it easier to read.

If you stick with grey, I'd make the link color darker, so that it doesn't stand out so much from the regular text. It should be visibly different, but right now link are closer to the background color than the text color. I'm not a huge fan of layouts that are too monochromatic though. A color calculator might be useful, especially if you want to be able to hand pick colors exactly within a similar range. Alternatively, making the text on black backgrounds white might make it look cleaner enough to not worry about another color.

Looks pretty good though, nothing glaringly hideous and over all very nice. ^_^ Even if I didn't read enough to understand what the project is about.

Re: Non-Neopets: How's my project's website?

Posted: 05 Apr 2009 02:17 am
by Madge
Thanks Tiel! You have so many good points, I am very glad you chose to have a looky-loo!

(The project basically requires me to design 3 new ways to play a game that's available on mobile phone and PC; I chose worms. Also, I have to discuss things related to coursework and their relevance to my designs etc)

I've messed with the colours to make it brown. Brown is very wormy and also prettier than most people think. That page was very helpful, Tiel! Thankyou for linking it to me!

I've made a new version, and put it on all pages. I'm pretty happy with it and the project content itself is all finished now. If you have any more thoughts do let me know about them, but the niggling "there has to be a better way than those nav buttons" doubts I had have been diffused.

Re: Non-Neopets: How's my project's website?

Posted: 29 Apr 2009 09:09 am
by Madge
I just want to bump this to say thanks Tiel :) I ended up getting 20/20 for all the presentationy effects and I think that it is largely due to your input!

Also, I got 91/100 for the entire project, which is awesome, considering in Australia a pass is 50% and a high distinction is 80% - I just completely owned the assignment! :D

Re: Non-Neopets: How's my project's website?

Posted: 29 Apr 2009 02:15 pm
by Larkspurlane
Congrats on the marks, Madge! I hope that project is a big component of your final grade. :D

Re: Non-Neopets: How's my project's website?

Posted: 30 Apr 2009 01:26 am
by Madge
15% of the mark, so not too shabby :D. I also did a test which was 10% of the mark and got 9.9/10.

And all of that having only attended one lecture for the entire unit :D