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September '09 DPs

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 08:54 am
by Enriana
Sapphire-Encrusted Celinox Plushie

Cinnamon Bun Beret - wearable
Spoiler: open/close
Cold Refreshing Lemonade - wearable
Spoiler: open/close
Big Bear Hoodie - wearable
Spoiler: open/close
Forget Me Not Dragon - wearable
Spoiler: open/close
Dark Matter Cobra


The Last Days of Summer

Lightly Embossed Breastplate of Clarity - wearable
Spoiler: open/close
Fabled Seven Headed Swampie Plushie

Rarely is there a month where I don't grab one DP or another - however, none of these excite me. The lemonade is probably my favourite, but I don't have a pet that'd want it, and I'm focusing on treasures right now.

Despite having a bunch of pets with very diverse interests, nothing here is something I'd need to grab for a pet. The possible exception is the book, but I dislike the angle it was drawn on, so I may not grab it. (There are enough pretty books I need to get as it is.)

There's nothing particularly wrong with any of them, they're just not my thing. It's disappointing, because I was quite looking forward to these. Oh, well! Next month is October, which should have enough awesome spooky things to make up for this blah month.

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 09:39 am
by hebdenhippy
Some quite nice items this month, nothing I absolutely need, but I'll probably get a few of them anyway.
I really wish the Forget Me Not Dragon was a minion rather than a wearable. It would make a lovely minion, but I've no use for it as a wearable.
I'll probably get the Sapphire-Encrusted Celinox Plushie, because I've been collecting the encrusted plushies. And maybe the Sephira because it's pretty. I like the item art on the Cold Refreshing Lemonade, too.

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 12:50 pm
by Seerow
The Forget me Not Dragon and lemonade are definite must have's for me. The lemonade background is pretty though dunno if I'll ever use it. It makes a lovely lovely item though!
I may also pick up the cobra (I do love snakes!) and the Celinox Plushie.

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 03:15 pm
by Jessi
This is the first time I've wanted one of the gem-encrusted plushies, actually. I think it's lovely, and I want it for Aerynn's treasures, as sort of a memento from back in the day when he used to be a 'snow' Celinox rather than a 'snow' Wyllop.

I also want the book, for Medi's treasures... because "The Last Days of Summer" seem to prelude into the beginning of autumn, and it's fitting. Though I have to think about it, because it really doesn't -match- the rest of his treasures - they're so orange xD

The Forget-Me-Not Dragon is beautiful, although I like a few others kind of wish it was a minion, rather than a wearable. I might have to grab it anyway, just because it's such a beautiful item ;_;

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 03:53 pm
by Wingsrising
This is also the first time I've contemplated getting one of the gem-encrusted plushies. Beautiful!

Nothing else I want, though.

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 04:40 pm
by zebru
Nothing jumps at me except for Sephira. Still not sure I'll be getting one - since they made it possible to choose items from DPs, minions and plushies are a bit on a pricey side.
Cinnamon Bun Beret is very pretty to, but I can't see myself using it much.

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 07:58 pm
by Sunwolf
The dragon, Sephira, and the Celinox Plushie are must haves for me <3 All are so lovely!

The Lightly Embossed Breastplate of Clarity made me go "What the . . ?" It's so plain and uninteresting. Really, you expect us to pay real money for that?

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 07:59 pm
by mellaka
Just a note: The Lightly Embossed Breastplate of Clarity is also an OK defensive weapon - it reflects all air and blocks a few other icons (for those curious about exact icons there is a thread on the BC forum). However, the Kabuto of Deathward is a much cheaper air reflector (which also has some offensive icons that have a chance of being reflected back at you).

I'll probably get the turtle, the dragon, the book and the breastplate (the last since weapons seem to change a lot and I don't want to be without an air reflector).

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 09:11 pm
by TCStarwind
The lemonade is nice and the dragon is cute, but I don't need anything this month. Although, that celinox is adorable.

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 11:27 pm
by Mayhem
I have to have the lemonade because I always regret not getting background wearables if I don't, and the Forget Me Not Dragon is just adorable as an item. I'll need to get both of those. The celinox plushie, swampie plushie, and the Saphira are all really cute, but not must-haves.

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 12:38 am
by Pyrostatic
The only thing that caught my eye was the Celinox plushie. I LOVE Celinoxes. And this plushie is so freaking adorable. ^w^

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 05:21 am
by lavender
So I'm definitely going to get the beret and one (or two!) lemonade. Yes.

The angle of the breastplate is bizarre. Why would they have it upside down like that? ROTATE IT!
The Celinox plushie is really cute, also. It looks a bit too 'alive' rather than plushie-like, imo.
The Cobra is badass. Might get one of those, too...
zebru wrote:Nothing jumps at me except for Sephira. Still not sure I'll be getting one - since they made it possible to choose items from DPs, minions and plushies are a bit on a pricey side.
I agree!

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 11:40 pm
by Alicorn
My favorite of this batch is the forget-me-not dragon. It was an instant must have! Not to wear (I find the wearable version not as good looking) but just to have as an item. It's just so damn cute! My wife was super sweet and bought one for me, yay! Now it's sitting happly in my glade kora's treasure chest. Though I also wish it was a minion, it would make such a good companion for him. I also must admit, when I first saw it I thought it was one of the season dragons. We really need the winter and summer version of those.

The jewel plushie for this month is quiet cute! I'm very tempted to snag one for myself. And I thought it about time the celinox got made into one of these plushies, I mean it's so perfect for this type of plushie.

I'm also very tempted to get the dark matter cobra. I mean I'm such a lover of snakes and I find this one so pretty. **sticks on wishlist**

The rest of the items I can do without. I must admit I'm missing the gem wigs. I always looked forward to those every month.

Re: September '09 DPs

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 05:11 am
by Tiki
I was afraid there would be a ton of sapphire-related things that I needed this year, now that I own September... but in reality, nothing really excites me enough to spend that much sP to put in her treasure. I'll grab both minions eventually for my minion gallery, but that's it.