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A Way To Speed Up Quests & RSing

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 04:33 am
by Enriana
Note: this is for Firefox.

Okay, so I have a friend who loooves extensions. Has one for every occasion. I got her addicted to Subeta, and she found an extension that makes questing and RSing and anything where you search for an item's price much faster. I don't know if anyone's already figured this out - if so and I'm late, apologies!

Just go here, get the add on. Install it. Then, go to Subeta's Shop Search. Right click the text bar, where you type in the item. Choose "add to searches" from the menu that pops up.

Then, when searching for an item: select the name, right click, choose search and then Subeta's Shop Search will be one of your options. The search opens in a new tab.

Hope this helps someone! :)

Re: A Way To Speed Up Quests & RSing

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 05:15 am
by Seerow
Enri, this is maybe quite possibly most likely the best thing ever. Thank you so much for sharing it! This will make questing so much speedier, I may even start doing more then just the Wizard again.

Edit: I'll just have to remember to switch it from Google to Subeta when I do quests XD Is there a way to make it like always search subeta when I'm using Subeta?

Re: A Way To Speed Up Quests & RSing

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 08:33 am
by zebru
Oh, very clever! Do you think this could safely be used on neopets with shop wizard as well?
It would speed up kitchen quests considerably.

Re: A Way To Speed Up Quests & RSing

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 08:45 am
by Enriana
Seerow: not that I'm aware, but poking around might have some success!

Zebru: I honestly don't see why not, but I know Neopets is paranoid. Still, it's a normal Firefox add on - but if it speeds them up so much that it's suspicious.. hm, that's a puzzle. I'd say it depends on how paranoid you are about getting frozen, hee.

Re: A Way To Speed Up Quests & RSing

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 02:12 pm
by Rah
Oh this is just lovely, thank you!

Re: A Way To Speed Up Quests & RSing

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 03:40 pm
by Griffin
I've been using a similar search extension, DictionarySearch, for a while but kept it quiet in case someone considered it cheating... because it's really the fastest way to do quests, or instantly search anything that can be plugged into a search engine. It's also what I used when compiling free Neopet names--highlighting and right-clicking to jump to a lookup really beats typing endlessly into search boxes. =)

Re: A Way To Speed Up Quests & RSing

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 09:16 pm
by Silverevilchao
This is freaking awesome! Thank you!

Re: A Way To Speed Up Quests & RSing

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 10:33 pm
by Mongoose
Well that's nifty!! I haven't been questing much because I haven't really had the time but this speeds it up enough to be able to complete more quests more often. Thanks!!

Re: A Way To Speed Up Quests & RSing

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 01:26 am
by bonecrivain
Thanks for posting about this! It seems to be working great for wizard quests, which I hate doing and tend to skip because they're time-consuming and frustrating.