Neopets Mall Beta

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Post by EofS »

thelonetiel wrote:So, do you guys think that this is the grand surprise they promised the day of introducing customization?
If by that you mean the "justice" then no, I don't think this is it. They have been quiet about the justice, other than saying it's taken longer than anticipated, but they announced the mall (in function if not by name) some weeks ago in the editorial.
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Post by Dachusand »

MRBboy2005 wrote:Dachusand, none of those questions are answered, sorry.

Hehe. Your reply was funny MRBboy :D. Sorry Illuen those were very specific questions I'll go to the editorials for those.
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Post by Cranberry »

Hm, neat... I like the shifty-eyed meepit hat. However, it seems weird that the clothes and trinkets are animated, and yet the actual pet stands there like a statue, not even blinking. I can't fully enjoy them because of that. I wouldn't pay real money for anything I've seen yet.
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Post by oogabooga »

Something that's not really related to the mall itself: I'm really pretty surprised at how negative everybody on the neoboard seems to be. About half the topics in there are about how awful it is that Neopets is going to charge for content, and how stupid it is to pay for pixels, and how evil it is that you don't even get to keep the items FOREVAR.

Now, personally, I don't expect to buy any myself, but you don't see me foaming at the mouth...
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Post by Goldenchaos »

So they expire in a year.. I suggest telling them they are crazy for putting an expiration date on items. I doubt Maplestory works that way, right? You pay for the item, so its yours forever. Its in their best interest to make you keep the item as long as you desire. :| otherwise, its just bullshit
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Post by bonecrivain »

I don't really have a strong opinion about this feature, since it's doubtful that I'll be using it, but the fact that you don't get to keep the items seems particularly idiotic to me. Of course I'd initially say that there's no way I'd pay for something on a pet site, but I've had a paid livejournal and have spent a few dollars here and there on subeta. And all the folks who have paid accounts on Neopets probably don't mind this development at all.

But...paying for an item that you don't actually get to keep? ...That's the stupidest idea I've heard yet. Do they have any reasoning behind that decision? Do they replace the items with something else at the end of the year? Or do the items simply go *poof* along with your money?

The only one of my Neopets that I have ever wanted to dress is Zaphod, my detective yurble. And all I want is a dark brown fedora, a magnifying glass for him to hold, and maybe a coat. If they released items like those that I could buy cheaply enough, I might do it. ...but there's no way I would ever buy them if they were simply going to disappear at the end of the year. That would be a complete waste of money.
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Post by Bacon »

Goldenchaos wrote:So they expire in a year.. I suggest telling them they are crazy for putting an expiration date on items. I doubt Maplestory works that way, right? You pay for the item, so its yours forever. Its in their best interest to make you keep the item as long as you desire. :| otherwise, its just bullshit
Um..are you joking?
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Post by AngharadTy »

I doubt she's joking, so that comes across as just a little rude. Probably not how you meant it, but just so you know.

It's actually more likely to be in their best interest to keep you buying things. I don't remember how MapleStory does it, but there are plenty of games that have items decay after time just to keep you putting money in. (Puzzle Pirates works a lot like that.)
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Post by Goldenchaos »

Oh, so, maybe Im thinking Gaiaonline in so far as buying items that never expire
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Post by sureq »

Egh, although this seems like fun theres noway I'm putting in money for something I can't keep. When you guys spoke about time limits, I thought thats how long they would be in the shop, not how long you cold keep it once you bought it.

Its cool you can buy stuff for non converted pets though, and if they make some non-premium (or if they get rid of the time limit) I might look into it.
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Post by Madge »

Well, people spend money on stuff they can't keep every day - if I go to a movie, I don't get to keep anything except my memories of the experiences I had, how the movie made me feel, if I got to snuggle up to a cute person during it, etc. If I go on a roller coaster, I'm paying to be scared out of my wits and possibly throw up, but in a good way, if that's possible. I'm not looking at it as buying the physical clothing items, what they are selling is the fun you can have dressing your pet up with it for a period of time.

I think in the end it will come down to price - if the items are $1 each and you get them for a year, that's pretty good value. But if they're $10 each and you keep them for a year, that's pretty lousy. By the same token, if they were $1 each and only lasted a month, that, too would be pretty bad. (The same way that if I spend $10 on a movie ticket, that's fair, but if someone wanted $30 for one movie I'd not be too happy).

I mean, if the faerie gown or whatever other item you fancy was priced at ten cents a year, I doubt anyone would be complaining.

So the fact the items aren't permanent really isn't as much an issue, in my opinion, as everyone is making of it - if the items are priced at a rate that is reasonable for their duration, that's all that matters. Besides, you might get sick of the hat you bought after a year, or find a better one, so it might have rotted in your account anyway.

That said, I'm unlikely to use this feature on PRINCIPLE - I don't want to reward TNT for "ruining" the site with all this customisation garbage. (Unless, y'know, they release something I really really like....)
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Post by ladynight6 »

In MapleStory items expire after 90 days, if I remember correctly. And then you go back and buy more. Only way to ensure more money coming in.
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Post by Kantark »

So this is clothes rental, rather than clothes buying... fair enough. Noth the first time someone's offered this kind of service, but it does seem a bit... limiting. I agree with Madge that many will have changed their pets look within a year anyway and, as presumably you won't be able to sell these items on, they'd just rot in your <strike>wardrobe</strike> closet.

For those who want to dress a pet a certain way and then keep it that way forever without having to worry about its clothes disappearing after a year then it's a bit more of a problem.

Personally I think the whole idea is rather daft. I really think there's a higher profit margin on Premium memberships and if they'd concentrated on making those more appealing they'd be financially better off. But, hey, this is what passes for 'progress' nowadays, it seems.
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Post by Illuen »

Since I know quite a few people were asking about it, here is the "official" FAQ for Neocash.
NC Mall

1. What is the NC Mall?
2. The NC Mall has the fanciest and coolest new styles available to those who wish to expand their customisation experience. Items at the NC Mall use Neocash which you can purchase through PayPal.
3. What is Neocash?
4. Neocash is the currency that the NC Mall accepts. Neopoints do not work at the NC Mall nor is there a rate of exchange of Neopoints to Neocash. You must purchase Neocash by using your PayPal account.
5. Do I need Neocash to play on Neopets?
6. No, you do not. Neopets is free to play and will continue to be a free site. Neocash is optional to those who wish to expand their Neopets experience by purchasing Neocash to use in the NC Mall and customise their Neopets with a special line of apparel, accessories, and backgrounds.
7. How can I find out how much Neocash I've used or my current balance? *Need to confirm Buying Log and Neocash Log function*
8. Your current balance is displayed on the NC Mall's main page. If you wish to check out your past transactions, there is a history log page that you can browse.
9. How often is the NC Mall updated with new items?
10. There should be new items available every week, so please keep an eye out for the newest and hottest items available to you from the NC Mall! In particular, we highly recommend that you check out the NC Mall on the birthday of your favourite species!
11. Can I preview the items before I buy?
12. Yes, there will be a preview area in the NC Mall where you can preview your pet with all the different items we will have to offer.
13. How do I buy Neocash items from the NC Mall?
14. There are several ways to add an item to your Cart when shopping at the NC Mall. From your Cart you will proceed through a couple review and confirmation pages which allow you to be sure what you are about to purchase is what you want. You will be required to enter your Password in before the purchase is finalized.
15. If I am only 12, can I buy Neocash?
16. You can only have a PayPal account if you are over 18 years old.

Therefore, to purchase Neocash, you must either be 18 or over or have clear consent and assistance from your parents to use their PayPal account to purchase Neocash.


1. How can I buy Neocash?
2. You can currently only purchase Neocash using your PayPal account. You will see the option to purchase Neocash on the NC Mall's main page.
3. If I am only 12, can I buy Neocash?
4. You can only have a PayPal account if you are over 18 years old.

Therefore, to purchase Neocash, you must either be 18 or over or have clear consent and assistance from your parents to use their PayPal account to purchase Neocash.
5. How much does Neocash cost?
6. The current exchange rate is $1 in U.S. currency for 100 NC. So $20 US would purchase 2000 NC.
7. What payment methods do you accept?
8. We currently only accept payment via PayPal, but we are looking to roll out other payment methods in the future.
9. What is PayPal?
10. PayPal is the global leader in online payment solutions with over 100 million member accounts worldwide. Available in 103 countries and regions around the world, many of the major online businesses, online retailers, buyers and sellers on eBay are transacting with PayPal.
11. Is it safe for me to buy Neocash online?
12. Yes, PayPal's industry-leading fraud prevention measures and one-of-a-kind method of keeping your financial information private from sellers make them a safe way to pay online. Plus, they offer 100% protection against unauthorised payments sent from your account and dispute resolutions on PayPal purchases.

Neopets also has a support team ready to deal with disputes or fraud. You can submit an inquiry here.
13. What if I don't have my own PayPal account?
14. As of right now, the only way to purchase Neocash is through PayPal so unfortunately if you do not have a PayPal account you cannot buy anything from the NC Mall unless you receive your parents' clear permission and assistance from your parents in using their PayPal account.
15. I purchased Neocash through PayPal, but it's not updated in my balance.
16. Usually, the PayPal transaction will be completed instantly. However, there may be one or more verification issues that would cause a delay. Please be patient and do not submit another purchase request, or you may end up buying twice the amount you initially intended on.

If a week has passed and your balance still has not updated please report this to
17. How long does it take to get my Neocash? I purchased Neocash, but have not received it.
18. Usually, the PayPal transaction will be completed instantly. However, there may be one or more verification issues that would cause a delay. Please be patient and do not submit another purchase request or you may end up buying twice the amount you initially intended on.
19. Does my Neocash expire?
20. Yes, your Neocash expires 1 year from your purchase date.
21. How do I buy more Neocash?
22. As long as you are within the spending limit, you may purchase more Neocash via your PayPal account.
23. What are spending limits? Why do you have them? *Awaiting Decision*
24. The spending limit for the NC Mall is set to a maximum of $ per week. This is in place primarily to reduce the impact of a fraud occurrence.
25. Why can't Neocash be free?
26. There is no fee to play Neopets! There are certain areas of the site where, if a user chooses to, they can pay to enhance their Neopets experience but this by no means is required to play and enjoy the site! The NC Mall is one of these special features of the site that requires payment to use.
27. Can I return my Neocash for a refund?
28. No, you may not return Neocash for a refund. Once you have made the decision to complete your purchase of Neocash, you cannot trade it back, so please be sure purchasing Neocash is what you want to do. Please take advantage of the NC Mall preview feature to see the different looks you can throw together.
29. My child used my PayPal account/credit card without permission.
30. Please report any wrongdoing with your credit card or PayPal account here. *Link to be added*

Neocash Items

1. What is the difference between Neocash and Neopoint items?
2. Neocash Items are special items that are purchased from the NC Mall. These items do require Neocash, which is bought through PayPal. Neocash items are also non-refundable and non-transferable.

Neopoint items include the same type of items, whether it would be clothes, accessories, backgrounds for your pet, that are obtained through playing the site, most of which can be bought and traded for with Neopoints and other items on the site.

Neocash items will always be outlined in green in your inventory; Neopoint items are outlined in orange.
3. What Neocash items can I buy, and where?
4. Neocash cash items will be sold in the NC Mall. You will need to use a PayPal account to purchase Neocash, as Neopoints will not work there. In the NC Mall you will find a wide variety of apparel, accessories, and backgrounds to enhance the look of your Neopet.
5. Do the Neocash items I buy last forever?
6. Unfortunately, they do not. Most items will expire one year from the date of purchase. The term of an item will be displayed in the item detail when you click on it.
7. Does time elapse on my items that are not currently being used?
8. Yes, the day you purchase the item is the 1st day it will count towards its expiration, whether it is being used or not.
9. Why can't I find the item that I saw in the NC Mall a week ago?
10. We will always be adding, and even sometimes removing, items to keep a fresh supply of items available to you. Also, there will be items that are only sold for a limited time. In particular, be sure to check out the NC Mall during your favourite Neopet's birthday!
11. How can I use items I purchased from the NC Mall?
12. Items sold at the NC Mall are used for customising the look of your pet. You can buy clothes, accessories, and backgrounds to give your pet a unique look! When you purchase an item, it will appear in your inventory. From there, you place it in the closet, and it will be accessible at the Pet Customisation Application.
13. Where can I see the items I purchased from the NC Mall?
14. Items you purchase from the NC Mall will appear in your inventory. There will also be a log of your item purchases, so you can check on what you've bought, when you bought an item, and how much it cost you.
15. Can I trade Neocash items with other members?
16. No, Neocash items are non-transferable, so they will be restricted from being used on the trading post.
17. Can I give Neocash items as gifts?
18. No, Neocash items are non-transferable, so you cannot give them as gifts.
19. I don't want the Neocash item I purchased. Can I return it?
20. No, there are no refunds on Neocash items once they are purchased, so please be sure you want the item. We allow you to try on every Neocash Item before purchase, so please take advantage of this to preview all items.
21. I purchased an item by mistake. Can I return it?
22. No, there are no refunds on Neocash items. You will be required to enter your Password before any purchases are final so please be sure to review your order before completing this process.
23. The price of the cash item shown to me on the site and the price I actually paid are different.
24. Sometimes items may get a discount for a certain period of time, or at any time we may decide to just change the price of an item. Please always be sure before you finalise your purchase that the item you want is the actual item you intend to buy, at the price you intend to pay.
25. Can the Pant Devil steal my Neocash items?
26. No, he cannot. You will be glad to know that your Neocash items will be immune from the Pant Devil, Grundo Leader, and even Dr. Sloth's sludge ray, as well as all other negative random events on the site.
27. Can I sell my Neocash items in my shop or in the auction house?
28. No, Neocash items are non-transferable and will be restricted from being placed in your shop or from being used in auctions.
29. Do my Neocash items fit all my pets?
30. Most Neocash items will be universal for all Neopets. If an item is meant for a specific species or is restricted from one or more species, it will be documented on the item's info. Be sure to always take advantage of the preview area so you can be sure how the item will look on your pet before making a purchase!
31. Can I wear Neopoint items and Neocash items at the same time?
32. Of course! We want you to able to find the best looking combination of apparel, items, and background for your Neopet, so if you have a selection of both Neocash and Neopoint items available in your closet, then you can use the Pet Customisation Application to give your Neopet a cool, unique look.
33. Will Neocash items give my pets an advantage?
34. Definitely not. Neocash items are for those who wish to add a little something to their Neopets experience. Neocash items are used to affect how your Neopets appear on the website. They do not in any way effect the game play on the site.


1. I closed my account. Can I get a refund?
2. Neocash is non-refundable. However, if you wish to reactivate your account, we will be happy to do so! Please fill out the necessary information on the form here to reactivate your account. Your Neocash and items will still be in the account.
3. Can I transfer my Neocash to a different account that I own?
4. No, Neocash is non-transferable, so please be sure you are on the correct account when purchasing it.
5. Can I purchase Neocash from another user? Can I sell Neocash to another user
6. No and No! Neocash is non-transferable and all transactions from your PayPal account should only be with your Neopets account.
7. My account was frozen. Can I get a refund?
8. If your account was frozen for breaking the Terms and Conditions you agreed to when creating the account, it will not be unfrozen, nor will you receive a refund.
9. If I'm frozen, what happens to my Neocash and Neocash items?
10. If you're frozen for breaking the Terms and Conditions, your Neocash and items will remain in the frozen account and cannot be refunded to you or transferred to another account.
11. My account was scammed! Give me back all my Neocash items!
12. If we determine your account was indeed scammed by no fault of your own (do not log into fake �Neopets� pages), you will gain access to your account again and will find your Neocash items there. Neocash items are non-transferable.

Please fill out the Account Abuse form here to report your scammed account. Thank you.
13. Can I send Neocash as a gift?
14. No, you may not. Neocash is non-transferable so there will be no option to gift Neocash at all.
15. Can I use Neocash to buy gifts for my friends?
16. No. Neocash is used only to purchase items for your Neopets account that you charged it to. The Neocash items are non-transferable as well, so please do not purchase an item thinking you can send it to a friend afterwards.
As a note to the exchange rate, currently, all clothing is 100NC ($1.00). The backgrounds are priced at 200NC ($2.00) and toys such as the Faerie Dolls and the slorg are 150NC ($1.50).

Slightly off topic, since I've never used it, could anyone tell me the approximate price of Maplestory items?
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Post by Tom »

Well, a typical clothes item can go from anywhere between about $1 - $5. Personally, though, I feel clothes has a different objective within the game, and it's probably their main source of revenue. You'll either stuck with a, quite possibly, ugly pair of clothes for 10 levels, and also, you're always exposed to the clothes whenever you're logged in (unless you decide to dance around in some alternative items).

I've bought things while there have been offers in the game, but otherwise, would not invest. I do buy items which help me in the game, though, but that's a different matter. Still, I'd say it's a fair rate to be charging, but certainly makes me feel more cynical as to Neopets reasons for revamping our pets... to get more money from us.
Subeta: Thomas
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