Faerie Draik: old or new?

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Should I convert faerie draik?

Yes, I like the new art better
Yes, the old art is painful to look at now
No, I don't like the new art
No, you should wait and see if Neopets changes anything
Why do you care what I think? Make up your own mind.
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Faerie Draik: old or new?

Post by Ailiel »

Out of all my pets, I am pretty solidly in the camp of "old art is much better"-- but I am conflicted about my faerie draik. The image was always kind of cramped, and now that it's so small it hurts to look at it. She looks like her petpet is gonna swallow her whole. Thus:


If they were going to make the image big again, I might still be conflicted... I actually think the new faerie draik is kinda nice. At any rate, I can NOT keep looking at her as she is now.

I have the new image bigger on her userlookup for comparison:
(she totally stole that shit off a royal draik)

SO anyway, I'm polling people's opinions. To sum up, I like the new faerie draik, think the old one is wayyy too cramped now, but I'm afraid of doing something that is OMG irreversible, what if I get nostalgic for the way she's looked for two years now? Then again it's just a damn neopet, if they revamped it I wouldn't have a choice would I? It's happened to other people.

Whaddya think?
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Post by Silverevilchao »

Keep the old one. The new one... *shudder* The EYES, the EXPRESSION, EVERYTHING...yuck.
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Post by bonecrivain »

I personally don't like the new art--I think it's chubby and loses a lot of the gracefulness of the old pet. But I just voted that you should wait and see if Neopets changes anything (like making the old pet art larger). If you like the new art, it's your choice, but I think you should definitely wait for a little while before making that decision (especially if they keep it as an irreversible thing).
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

I voted for "wait and see," but if nothing changes... I still think you should keep the old image. That's just my own preference, though.
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Post by dandelions »

I would wait and see, but I actually prefer the new one because it looks so much more solid and believable. I might actually get a draik potion, which is something I said I'd never do...I think the revamp has fixed the things I couldn't stand about Draiks.
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

Well, I do like that it's no longer sitting on it's tail. However, I'm with the camp of wait and see...hopefully, depending, it'll all be a sick; twisted and evil joke and we can all move on with our lives.
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Post by Trick »

Keep the old one for sure - the redraw art on the old faerie draik is wonderful and one of my favourite faerie pets. I do like the new non-redraw draiks (mostly as I despise the old ones) but I've yet to see any of the new art that can hold a candle to the good old redraw pets.
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Post by Crystal Firefly »

I would also wait and see. Don't convert her yet if you feel it might not be what you really want.

As for the new Draik itself..I really like it. While most Faerie pets came out looking rather bad, the Draik's wings actually look like part of the body. I don't really see anything fundamentally wrong with it. What I really like was how this Draik and all other Draiks no longer cramp their arms and legs towards their body. The one bad thing I suppose is how the old one is a lot more graceful.

I'd give it a few weeks and see how you feel then.
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Post by Symmie »

Old. At least the old one isn't a stinky redraw.
Not the nice one
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Post by Kamil »

Old. The new faerie Draik is hideous. As are all of the new faerie pets.

And every other damn redraw too. >.<
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Post by Hawk »

I say keep it in the old form, at least for now.

You can convert it whenever you want, but you can't change it back. Make sure you're REALLY SURE before you make your decision.
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Post by Xulael »

I'mma vote wait and see.

Me, personally? I don't get why anyone likes the faerie draik. It's the most cramped up draik, and draiks were always incredibly cramped. The revamp fixes that, but it's cartoony and very, very permanent.

If you have to ask us for opinions, you're probably not ready to commit yourself to such permanence. Better wait.
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Post by EofS »

My thoughts:

1) The 'old' version (on her pet lookup) is approximately 10-15 pixels smaller than the original 150x150 circlepose. I overlaid them in psp. So... if the only thing you dislike about the 'old' one is its size, I'd say definitely don't convert. Because the size difference is pretty small and I should think after a while you quite probably won't even notice it.

2) On the other hand, I think the new faerie draik is much nicer than the old one - draiks in general have improved enormously. I always thought the old faerie draik looked silly and airheaded and more than a little bit coquettish. Whilst the new one is by no means perfect, the pose is much nicer.

3) However, I didn't own a faerie draik (because I didn't like them) and you obviously did, because you own one. So I'm not sure how valuable that opinion is to you ;0)

I think the best thing you could do would be leave it a bit to see how things pan out. We don't know exactly what the future holds yet, but as things stand now converting your pet is irreversible, so not something to enter into lightly. Besides, it's not like they're going to take the conversion option away anytime soon ;0)
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Post by barquest »

The new faerie draik looks far more relaxed. Also if you had a royal girl draik you could add the accesories to the faerie one. It would look great. I'm painting my kougra pirate then spotted for the accesories.
<img src="http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t217 ... orever.png" border="0" alt="Feline Dreams"></a>
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Post by bonecrivain »

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