Moving to California

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Moving to California

Post by AngharadTy »

So, a couple weeks ago, Derek decided to give his two-week notice without telling me, exactly, and we're packing up to move to California. We don't have a place to live, yet (but we do have relatives to infringe on), and we're leaving Monday (or early Sunday if we can) but are only about half-packed as of yet, and I'm verging on panic but thinking calming thoughts about zombies when that happens.

You can help us out by praying to whatever the heck you like that it doesn't snow in Denver on Tuesday. Other than the packing, and the driving across the country, with rats that chew on the bars and drive me mad, that's my biggest concern. Oh, also the whole finding-an-apartment thing, and the where-the-hell-will-I-work part, too, I guess. Oh, and money.

So, in conclusion, I'm crazy. But I've gotta be out of here by Monday because that's what we told our landlady.
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Re: Moving to California

Post by daisybell »

Wow, that sounds horrendously stressful. Poor you *hugs*
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Re: Moving to California

Post by Cranberry »

Wow, I can't imagine just packing up and moving so quickly like that! But California, yay... it's warm there, and so pretty (in most parts, anyway). Good luck!
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Re: Moving to California

Post by Ailiel »

Are the calming thoughts about zombies what you would do in case of attack? Because I think about that sometimes at night when I can't sleep. Conclusion-- I would meet up with my family and friends who aren't zombies at the nearby middle school, which has a cafeteria with battery powered blackout lights, steel doors that lock from the inside, and no windows. It's also on the water with ocean access for an escape route (zombies can't swim).

My friend thinks we should be on the roof, I think that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard and the easiest way to get cornered by zombies. She thinks she's going to sniper them with a gun, we don't even have guns (our families are liberals who will be the first to be eaten, probably).

Good luck with the move. California is lovely, though I'm partial to Florida myself (oceans for swimming in). I'm sure things will work out!
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Re: Moving to California

Post by Jazzy »

I hope the move goes well, Ty! And even if it's scary, at least you'll finally be out of Nebraska.

In case of zombie attack, if I'm at uni I will go to 1 East 3.9. That room's better hidden than a nuclear bunker - there's no way of getting from the entrance level of 1 East to floor 3. I'm not going to tell you guys how you do get there :P If I'm at home, I'll go sit in our bomb shelter, because I figure that it's built for this sort of thing.
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Re: Moving to California

Post by AngharadTy »

I have my trusty Zombie Survival Guide. (I actually got two copies on my birthday a few weeks ago, hee.) I'll be stockpiling and fortifying in earnest when I get to CA. I even know what kind of gun I want to buy, for maximum zombie efficiency. (It's a good guide.)
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Re: Moving to California

Post by Goldenchaos »

Any plans on where in California you'll be moving too? South, north, central?
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Re: Moving to California

Post by Kantark »

eep... good luck with the move!
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Re: Moving to California

Post by AngharadTy »

South, probably somewhere in San Bernardino county. Derek has a job lined up, so we'll go move somewhere around that, heh.
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Re: Moving to California

Post by bonecrivain »

I would totally offer you all of my California wisdom, but you'll do just fine without my haphazard advice. I'm vaguely jealous, but hey...I chose to leave California.

I don't think you'll have a problem getting a job; there are a LOT more openings for someone with your skill levels in that part of the country. Seriously. I have a lot of friends and family in that area, but I don't thiiiink any of them would have job leads for you. Hmm. I'll check into it.

Anyway, good luck! Packing up on short notice is insane but wonderful.
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Re: Moving to California

Post by Jessi »

I've been bothering you a lot, cause... I like to do that, cause you're my Ty, but good luck with the move *cuddles* Seriously, if you need any extra help, let me know. I can come up Saturday after work. I'll sleep on the floor with the rats and yell at them when they chew on bars *nods* Otherwise, feel free to bother me whenever you need a break!
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Re: Moving to California

Post by Figment »

I'm not entirely sure my new car is road worthy for long trips, but maybe I can come VISIT when you guys get a place and get settled in (which I am positive will all go smoothly)!!!! You can impart all of your wisdom about surviving a zombie attack. I'm so woefully unprepared; I'm sure I'd be the first to go.

Drive safely. If you hit a snowstorm just stop in some cheap motel. The expense would suck, but it's better than trying to push through. Colorado snowstorms can be deadly -- I've been caught in a few.
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Re: Moving to California

Post by shaelyn76 »

good luck Ty! I can't imagine just packing up and moving across half the country like that. Scary, but exciting all at once I would imagine. I'm sending positive thoughts your way and hoping for a happy and safe trip for you and Derek(and the rats). As for zombies..I have a totally irrational fear of them. I can't even watch zombie movies any more. I used to love them, but now I can't sleep if i watch them because my brain just keeps churning over what I would do in case of zombie attack. None of the scenarios end well in my head.
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Re: Moving to California

Post by AngharadTy »

Since I logged in, I'll check in with y'all. We're currently in Grand Junction, CO, and about 6-ish hours from Hurricane, UT, where we're staying tonight. So we're running about a day late, but ah well--we're alive, at least! ^_~ (And our family in CA is planning Thanksgiving for Friday, anyway.)

I never want to drive again after this. Also, driving in windy snow showers through the Rockies is... shall I say... tricky. My mom told me it was a pity we passed through the mountains at night, because they're really quite lovely, and I just laughed (only slightly hysterically!) and responded that, with my fear of death, I didn't glance away from driving for hours, anyway.

Soooo... in CA on Thurs., looks like. Dunno if I'll have internet.
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Re: Moving to California

Post by oogabooga »

You're in Utah and you didn't come visit me? *sob* (well, it may be in the same state but it's 300 miles away, so you're excused)
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