Should this be allowed on tv?

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Do you think this commercial should be allowed on tv?

It's way too graphic and should come with a warning
It's perfectly fine!
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Re: Should this be allowed on tv?

Post by Jessi »

Will and I watched all of these months ago for laughs, and well... that's what I did. I laughed. They're so completely over the top, not at all scary.

Try you-tubeing for some of the others. There's one where a girl falls off a ladder and smashes into a glass display case, and she stands up all bloody with glass stuck in her wounds - blergh. That was a little icky. But still. So over the top I just chuckled.

Like everyone else said... if it was late at night, and on cable, and on Comedy Central... well, whatever then. They show the goddamn SOUTH PARK movie on that channel after 11 PM here. I don't think a commercial like this is any worse than the previews for that new cellphone horror flick.
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Re: Should this be allowed on tv?

Post by Illuen »

I'd much rather have Comedy Central show these late night here, it would give us a break from the 50 million Girls Gone Wild commercials that we usually get. I find the commercial series to be a good shock into getting people to think of a subject that is very very often overlooked. I know that at every job I've ever worked at, I and others would do things that are rather dangerous, simply to get the job done quicker, because we had so much to do, or because it was expected to be done fast by those in charge. I've done plenty of stupid things in the past on the job that, if I had gotten hurt, would of been mostly my fault. At the same time, you do have to look at why these unsafe things are being done, be it because employers are too frugal to pay for proper upkeep and repairs on equipment, or because they have unreasonable expectations . It is a very important topic, I feel, which isn't touched on nearly enough, and I'm more than okay with these commercials. They make their point with gusto, and they certainly grab people's attention.
I know that this company is trying to get across an important message about workplace safety - but I think they really crossed a line. I mean, what if a child saw this??
If a child saw this, I'd wonder what kind of idiotic parent is letting a young child watch a television station that is known for being outrageous, dirty, and raunchy, which also have their shows rated for adults (shows which are often preceded with a "Due to graphic content, parental discretion is advised" disclaimer) late enough at night that this commercial would be shown.
Will and I watched all of these months ago for laughs, and well... that's what I did. I laughed. They're so completely over the top, not at all scary.
Yes, it was quite fun. I think we both decided on the fact that our first instinct would be to say "Oh fuck, call 911" not "Oh no, there's been an accident!"
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Re: Should this be allowed on tv?

Post by Kantark »

Yes, it's shocking. And yep, it should be allowed on TV. Limited to a suitable timeslot, of course (which in this case it appears it was). I'm all for these types of adverts though they do tread a fine line between being shocking and thought-provoking, and just over-the-top laughable. This one just about works. If it'd been one of those terrible no-win no-fee lawyer adverts ('I was doing something really dangerous with a stepladder and injured myself, now sue my employer and get loads of money') I'd've said definitely NO :P
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Anna the Red
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Re: Should this be allowed on tv?

Post by Anna the Red »

It's pretty disturbing, but I think it's okay. It's being shown on cable, fairly late at night when most kids should be in bed. Even so, I wouldn't object too much to kids seeing it anyway. Sure, it's pretty graphic, but being careful around hot oil is probably in most people's best interests.

My favourite slightly horrifying ad was one they had for speeding here a while ago. It was pretty boss. I'm not sure if a link's been posted in this thread, but it came off like a toy ad, with a jingle for a small bike that could be ridden by kids. Jingle is abruptly cut off by small child becoming road kill. The first time I saw it was half way through an episode of Yu-gi-oh, so there was a big "WTF!" reaction.
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