Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Cranberry »

I bought a purple dinosaur!

Clarence the Rawrous
Click to play with my awesomely-named dinosaur!

It cost me only 40k, which I made fairly quickly. It seems decently easy to make money. I saw a post about moneymaking on the forums, which I'm copying here so I can find it again:
Coreks quests, don't buy anything over 5k, Dim Quests, nothing over 3.5k, Higher or lower, rarity game (enter in 99 as the answer for everything if you are a beginner or you actually know the rarity), play slots intelligently, under the rock, and then money grabbing. Rsing is optional, but you can easily get about 80k-100k a day without ANY effort.
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Veo »

Cranberry wrote:I bought a purple dinosaur!

Clarence the Rawrous

D'aaaaaawwwwww~~ he's so cute..*plays*
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Cranberry »

Okay, so it doesn't seem to be too horribly difficult to make money... but can you actually BUY anything? I can't find any crystals or Magical [whatever] Lycan Mirror Shards in any user shops, trades or auctions. Are they not rsing often? Are people using all of them up? There aren't even many in galleries (I saw two Magical Red Lycan Mirror Shards in galleries, and one user was frozen). It shouldn't be this hard to change your pet to a colorfill. Even Misticpets, where it's hard/tedious to make decent money, had (has?) that tree NPC who can change your pet's color for a small fee.
Last edited by Cranberry on 11 Aug 2008 01:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Veo »

It's because the game is still new and the economy is kinda in shambles. I would recommend going to the shout box and asking, if anything - good luck, as well. :/
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Cranberry »

I get that... I also wouldn't mind if the color-changing items were expensive/involved a bit of time and effort, as long as I knew I could actually get one. But I think that if a site owner's going to make it so you can't choose your pets' intial color, they should at least make it at least a little easier to change the color later on -- maybe through a NPC like Misticpets had, or a special limited-time event, or something. You've gotta hook the new users so they stay and make all their friends join, you know? Frustrating people right off the bat isn't a great idea.

(And I'm not only talking about color. As Jessi pointed out, most of the ichies have really high rarities -- and the lower-rarity ones definitely aren't as cute. Obviously not everything on a site should be cheap, but I tend to think there should be a nice variety of cheap stuff before you start getting into adding a lot of pricy stuff.)

I complain a lot, don't I? Heh. If it makes anyone feel any better, I only bitch about stuff I care about. ;) I think this site has potential. It has a lot of neat little features (such as ichie leveling, pet chants, the different battling system, the egg hatching, hearting users, etc.) that I like.
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by mellaka »

Cranberry wrote: (And I'm not only talking about color. As Jessi pointed out, most of the ichies have really high rarities -- and the lower-rarity ones definitely aren't as cute. Obviously not everything on a site should be cheap, but I tend to think there should be a nice variety of cheap stuff before you start getting into adding a lot of pricy stuff.)
That's one thing that hooked me on subeta, aside from the pet art. There were so many cool looking items that were relatively cheap that my friends and I just had fun finding them and sending them to each other (because of the descriptions too).
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Veo »

Cran, you make a very good point about the pets not being able to change basic colors with relative ease. I mean, my Shiva is GREEN. GREEN. ;~;

(for those who don't know, I'm taking "Shiva" from the Final Fantasy games who is an ice goddess who is obviously blue in color)

I'm hoping this will change with the next coming days - I mean, sure, let the rare shards like demon, newborn, and timewarp rarely restock, but I think some of the more common ones or colorfills should restock pretty often to keep up with demand.

*crosses fingers*
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Ole »

We wanna get more low rarity items in :X We just struggle with finding artists who produce 10+ items a week. atm we have sooooooooooo many artists who do like...5 a week...max XD
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Cranberry »

What about the colors, Ole? Have you thought about letting more shards/crystals restock? (Colorfills, anyway -- I agree with Veo that the redraws should be rare.) Those items are already drawn, and it would please a lot of people if they were easier to get.

I like that we have the ability to buy custom items for (I think) $10. If the site sticks around and gets bigger, I may do that sometime. :)
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Veo »

Yeah, I mean . . . all you have to do it tweak the Magic Shop just a wee bit --- :< How does having more items in stopping the basics of wanting to paint your pet? *confused*

And yeah, having your own custom items drawn is kickass and a great and wonderful idea! I'll be doing it sometime, I'm sure! *wants a Veo doll* XD
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Ole »

I increased the restock rate a bit :X Shops with a huge stock will restock more now :D
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Veo »

It's really nice now - thanks, Ole! :)
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Veo »

i would also like for everyone to know that with college starting, I killed the guild. Please go join another more active one, (like Elite!!) thanks. XD
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by 23639377 »

I signed up as Horizon... still a bit confused... are there any pet previews?
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Re: Ichumon--New petsite/RPG

Post by Skitty »

Sirius the Sirius

I come back from restocking and check my inventory. What do I find? My custom item is done! I'm totally in love with it. *o* Looks like they got a different artist to do it then does most of the Ichies, as the art quality is very, very good. Almost Subeta-y.

If any of you want to play with him for me... there's the link. xd

In other news, apparently there is no upper pet limit using the Extra Pet Slots, a concept that I find very bizarre for a pet site. I'm almost certain they'll have to implement one eventually, but until then I'll be more then happy to get as many as I can.

EDIT: Oh, and if anyone else is planning on getting a Custom Item, make sure to specify the description you want. In my excitement to order, I forgot, and they added some filler text in instead. Apparently his three earrings represent "love, peace and friendship" from now on. :?
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