Angelic Celinox and Mahar

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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by lavender »

Hmm. Still don't like it. It's just so awkward. The wings confuse the hell outta me.

The colors are lovely, but they don't make up for the terrible pose.

{eta} And it's arms/hands are too human.
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Wingsrising »

It's rectangular. Dragons aren't supposed to be rectangular.

Sorry, my first thought when I saw the Mahar was that it had been squashed into a glass box. Like a mime, or maybe a bonsai kitten. Bonsai Mahar.

The Celinox is better but something about the way the head joins the body seems off to me, and the whole thing just looks very flat. I want to like it since I love Celinox but it just seems lifeless somehow.
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Huggles »

The wings still look very very weird on the mahar. I honestly cannot tell where one wing ends and another begins. There could be two, or there could be four, and I can't tell if it has extra...well arms I guess, to which the wings are attached, or what. The front legs/arms are oddly human and the back foot looks like it's missing claws else it has really long curled under monkey toes. The coloring is great, but I couldn't get past everything else to own one.

I love the celinox coloring, except for the purple wings. I'm generally not a fan of the wings being a color not used anywhere else on the body. I think white or perhaps light gold would have worked better. I also agree that its right front leg is bent or at least outlined weirdly at the joint. I'd love it without the wings, know.
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Tom »

The Mahar confuses me to no ends. I don't understand how everything fits together, really, and its ended up looking a bit messy to me. I like the Celinox more, but it looks rather stiff and quite lifeless in the face.
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Xelio »

Well Huggles, I think the purple one the wings is supposed to match up with the colors used on the chest, but I could be wrong though. Honestly, the somewhat tucked in wings are my favorite part of the pet. They're feathering and well colored to be sure. I do have to agree on everything about the anatomy with the rest of your comments. Poor dear feels so clunky and how the wing connects to the body in the foreground is impossible for me to decipher.

The Celinox has lovey colors, sound anatomically and all that jazz, but I don't know, something just seems lifeless about the pet. I think its the lack of any shine on the eyes.


Looking more closely at the larger version of the Mahar image, I think the pose would have been fine and everything if the wings had been angled slightly differently. More horizontal to our line of vision. I think that would have made the wings cover over the back leg, the chest still appear appropriately deep, the torso not look ginormous and permitted the wings to attach in a way that's easier for the eye to pick up. The stripe would have been more obviously a stripe going down the wing and continuing to the arm.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by TCStarwind »

I want to like them, I really do, but something just seems off. The mahar looks like it has a huge chest and a nonexistant rear-end. The arms and hands are very creepy looking as well. And I can't even figure out what I don't like about the celinox. That said, the coloring and shading on both are absolutely beautiful. I wish I had the patience to shade like that. :/
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Teera »

Hokay... I really didn't want to do this, but if it helps you guys understand the pet, then maybe in turn I will understand what I'm doing wrong. So. Redlines. The red is the wings and approximately where they connect, and the blue is roughly where the body is.


That area under the nearest wing is what I guess you could call an armpit. Or wingpit? I didn't want to just tack the wings on, I kind of wanted to make it look like it was a part of the pet, and I didn't think wings only connected to the body at the joint. I thought there was a flap of skin as well. That's what I was trying to show with that "pit".
The back toes aren't really curled under, but the angle they're at you really wouldn't be able to see the claws. As for the entire pose itself, I wanted to move away from a sitting pose that might have better accommodated the pet and show motion. I sort of envisioned the mahar swooping down, and then ascending. Maybe a little too ambitious?

Hopefully it makes a little more sense now, though I guess it's like, "If you have to explain the joke..."
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by firost-the-dragon »

i like the celionox. i mean, A LOT. but i am not going to change my glacier one. maybe i will adopt a separate one, and make it angelic.
as for the Mahar, i don't think the artist was drawing the mahar recently. it looks confused, a little, and i think it has spaghetti limbs.

i should know this, i am a pet artist, but for a different site.
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Skidd »

Teera, I think it's the purple "streak" that seems to go directly over the top of the wing that I think we're finding confusing.

I'm seeing what Skitty was saying earlier with the shading being strange. It's that light purple color color you used for shading right over the "shoulder" of the wing that's got me - that part of the wing would certainly have more light hitting it, yahno? In that essence you're losing a lot of the definiton of where the wing actually starts. That's how I'm seeing it now - before seeing it in the large version, I was thinking the wings were starting about where Huggles outlined in red earlier.

It's the shading that's messing up how we're seeing the wings, not how the wings are actually constructed. The redline totally makes sense - it's just the shading that doesn't.
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Alicorn »

I quiet like the Mahar. I like the colouring and the wings are quiet pretty. The only thing that bothers me is the pose of the arms. They look awkward but that's probably because of the angle. It's nice to see the mahar getting some attention.

The celionox is quiet nice as well. I love the colouring that was used on it. I also like the pose. The wings are beautifully drawn but they look to small for the celionox. I feel they should of been bigger.
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Mort »

Up close, I actually like the mahar. Not enough to actually get one, but it's nice.

I like the colors used on the celinox, especially the contrast of light blue and gold it has on the spike things. I wish the wings didn't look the way they do, or I might consider owning one.
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Huggles »

Oooh. The redline does help. So it doesn't have birdwings like most angelic pets, like the celinox? It has another fleshy appendage, arm, to which the feathers are attached to part but not all of it? Like this, but feathers instead of skin flaps? The red on my edit is where I see the wing starting, so the purple looks entirely like part of the body with the "armpit" feather not being under the front arm/leg. I can see what you mean with your outline now, but now the purple arm where the feathers attach is really thick, and then suddenly gets chopped off. Like they're closed inward too far.
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Jessi »

I'm not too fond of either of these pets, but I actually like the Mahar more than the Celinox... even if its very humany hands kind of give me the creeps. But the coloring job on it is absolutely amazing.

I love the color choices on the Celinox, but it seems so... lifeless. It's just kind of hanging there, with no motion or anything like that. It also seems so -small-. The Celinox is this huge, big, beautiful cat and here it just looks tiny.

Also, I know the Celinox's cheek fluff is a lighter color than the rest of its body, even on the regular colorfills, but here it just seems REALLY contrasty to me. I don't think that's because of the color choices, though, but mostly because of the shading. Its shaded around the Celinox's bone structure, but the fluff just kind of falls after that. Obviously the bone would cause some difference in light, but it's like the Celinox's head cuts off and the fluff was added as an afterthought. That's the thing bothering me the most about it, heh.

I dunno. Just not feeling Celinoxes lately.
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by Omg Its Demi »

At first I hated the Mahar, but seeing it full size it is awesome! I love the diamonds on it's belly!
The Celinox is just pure love. The colours are awesome x3 And it looks so sweet and innocent
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Re: Angelic Celinox and Mahar

Post by HalfLucy »

I initially found the Mahar pose awkward, but I think it's intending to grasp something in midair, or throwing up its hands like one of those fair ladies from old movies.

The Celinox doesn't really do much for me; I've found the recent ones to be a little lackluster for reasons I can't really describe. They see a little stubbier than they ought to. It may be the contrast between blocky body shape and the thin lineart in the details of the fur. The face on this one looks a little too human and the shoulder spikes look like they were tacked on. Perhaps they should have been integrated with the wing structure.

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