Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

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Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Usul_Princess »

It's not really "annual", but a lot of new people have come since Neopets 2.0, and oldies but goodies have come back after leaving. I've never been in charge of instructions or when to send them, but I liked those, and I saved the ones people gave me. I just thought it'd be good if we started "Warm Fuzzy 2009".

For relatively new people, a "warm fuzzy" is a detailed PM that you send to someone (or even more than one person) that you're partial to, and why. It's like a "Just Because" Hallmark card, only far less cheesy.

Like Secret Santa, we don't ever say which PMs went to whom on the forums.

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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Jessi »

I ran a bracket for Warm Fuzzies back in 2007, and I wouldn't mind doing it again. Actually, I wouldn't mind 'running' it, if no one opposed. I thrive on organization and the like, heh.
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Seerow »

The last warm fuzzies were sent on August 30th, 2007. I know this because I still have that pm in my inbox :D I refuse to delete it!

So yeah, we need another Warm Fuzzies spree.
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Usul_Princess »

Oh, I do want to try and run it this year, I just don't know how. I'd really appreciate it if someone showed me how to manage it. The only "main" thing I'd like to change is that it be annually. People like to be appreciated, and even though we have the Christmas exchange, I want there to be an option to write out something to someone more than once per year.

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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Jessi »

Well, the problem with it being done annually is it is a LOT of work. Adi Gallia and I talked about doing it again but it takes a lot of time and organization. It's not really a simple task.

If you want to run it, I'm sure the old thread is somewhere for you to follow. I don't think chit chat ever gets purged. Personally (from my last experience helping with it), I think it goes a lot smoother if someone who HAS done it before does it. It's a lot of work, like I've said, and someone walking you through the entire experience will just be double the work in the end.
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by bonecrivain »

When Enri ran the fuzzies years ago--I think I was out of the country for the one before that--she was reminding people pretty much every day to write and send in their fuzzies. At least, she reminded me at least once a day, and that's why I was able to write so many! Otherwise, I probably would have put it off to the last minute, as I do with most things. It takes a lot of organization to send out reminders, gather and organize the fuzzies, send them out...

To be honest, I'm not even sure how much organization goes into the process, which is why it's helpful for someone who has run this before, and who is interested in doing it again, to take the helm. If an experienced fuzzy-person has to do all the teaching anyway, they might as well be running it! =)

It's a great idea, though--it's been a while since we've had one of these. Like I said, the first warm fuzzies event I participated in was years and years ago, and I actually think that was what made me realize how important certain people in this forum were to me. I'd definitely like to have an excuse to write nice things to all the NCers I've grown to like so much over the years!

I wouldn't mind helping with a bracket, but since I haven't done anything with the fuzzies before and am not sure what I'd be doing, I'll just drop my name in the hat, in case there's an extra slot and no one to fill it.
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Joey »

Oooh, it does seem like a good time for them. An uplift before summer, as it is. Though it might be best to keep it simple and look to see if anyone who's run it before can help to manage it, as it always seems like a daunting affair.

I thought the argument we had against having it annually would be that it would feel like a forced event. I like they way we have it, where it just comes based on when we feel like it. Either way, having them now still sounds good :D
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Seerow »

I agree with the forced statement Joey! I think it is best to leave it like it is now, whenever we feel like hosting another one.

I would love Jessi to run it. From helping me with SS, I know she's incredibly organized! And she's run it before, so it should go over smoothly which is always a huge bonus. So uhh, three cheers for Jessi, the Super Organizer! You need a costume.
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by daisybell »

Warm Fuzzies would be good, although I am going to be away for a couple of weeks at the end of June. If you want to do it at this time of year, I think you need to have a longer time for people to get their fuzzies in.

Also, I think it would be good if Jessi ran it since she has experience and that's always a good thing.
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Madge »

Remember warm fuzzies? I *invented* them, and ran the very first one. (yeah yeah yeah I didn't invent them but I was the one who said "why don't we do it as a forum". I don't want you guys to EVER forget that)

I personally didn't find it all that much work - I guess it depends how much you want to do. All it comes down to is keeping a big word document and getting PMs sent to you and adding them to peoples' sections in the document, then sending them all out. (Then again, now I think about it, back then there were far fewer people - we probably got 50 peoples' worth of PMs in all, whilst today we'd probably be getting 3x that!)

That said, I'm not sure if I'll volunteer to do it this time. If it seems to be a quiet time in my life, I will be happy to, but it all comes down to the dates that are chosen and how convenient they are for me.
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Alicorn »

I think warm fuzzies would be cool! I remember getting a couple during the last one. Which surprised me cause I wasn't posting much then. And I didn't get to do any fuzzies myself because I was away from the board most of the time cause I was busy. This time around I will so do it though! Though I'm not so good with words. Maybe I'll cheat and get my wife to write them for me. She's great with words. ^-^"
Anywho, I also think Jessi should do it if she's willing. She's done it before so she knows the best ways to do it and such.
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Usul_Princess »

Jessi can if she wants to. I don't mind enough to drag it out over who does it.

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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Madge »

Also on a completely different note I was really sad because I thought I had for some reason deleted my warm fuzzies! Then I realised that they were just HIDING in my saved messages! So I had another look and was like "wow people think I am awesome!I am so touched!".

It was very great.

IT WAS LIKE RECEIVING BRAND NEW FUZZIES since I hadn't seen them since I got them two years ago.

So yes, we are totally doing this again. And people who think they didn't save theirs like I did, maybe check your saved box JUST IN CASE?


Now I need to stop procrastinating bleeech.
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Twofold Black »

A couple of days ago I went through exactly the same process you did, with regard to my fuzzies.

Did you also do the 'oh my God that's a lot to live up to' thing, Madge?
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Re: Aren't we long overdue for a 'Warm Fuzzy' thread?

Post by Jessi »

I've already talked to Bon and Seerow, and I'm hoping to get a Warm Fuzzy info thread up in the next few hours, definitely by the end of tonight :D Let the lovin' begin!

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