RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jazzy »

Babycakes, you just don't know know...
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Garrett »

I think I am just quite stupid at times =P. And everyone else needs to grow up, haha. My name is Garrett and I wear thongs! =P
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

Well, got my first traffic violation today. $149.00 :( Speeding in a place where an officer is known to sit and wait is a bad idea. He was a real dick too, less than a minute after he was finished with me and I was pulling back into the street he had another person pulled over.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I got a letter in the mail from my university today! I was expecting it to be a bill for the $60 fee you have to pay twice a year, but no, it was a letter congratulating me for getting the highest score (85%) in one of my units last semester (Software Quality & Measurement).

I'm really happy because on my first lecture in that unit the lecturer asked people to put up their hands who were Masters students and almost everyone put their hand up - being one of about a dozen undergraduates in a class of 55 was a bit daunting. And I won! :)

Probably in no small part because there were only about half a dozen people in the class who had English as a first language and most of the unit was writing essays, haha :).
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Woe, Wyn has an ear infection. To be specific, he has a yeast infection in his ear - gross! $118 at the vet for an exam, an ear swab, an ear rinse and some fancy anti-yeast drops he has to have twice a day for two weeks. That'll be fun.

But! He's maintained his healthy weight (10.72 lbs, he's actually up .3 pounds since June xD) and his bladder is nice and small, and his overall exam was good. I'll take an ear infection over the alternative with this cat any day xD
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »

Yay Wyn!

I have some good news :D Some of you may recall my recent hiring at Kroger/Payless. While the job is just cashiering and thus ohhsoexciting!not, I work hard and try to be a good cashier. Well, it's certainly paying off! I had my 30 day review last Friday I believe it was and it was excellent. The manager wants to clone me to replace all the new hires, which quite frankly suck. My stats (alms? elms? olms? I can never remember what they are called!) are far above average. I was secret shopped one day last week and the guy was so impressed that I got a gift card from the company.
So yeah, I was really happy about my review, turned a rather crappy day a little better :)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

Woo Seerow! Congrats on that. =D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Ailiel »

I never post in here, because my woes seem too depressing and my achievements too paltry. But for my 24th (! old old old) birthday on August 30 I got an annual pass to Disney World, and tomorrow we are driving up for a last minute trip for my Mom's birthday (so she can get an annual pass too with the $84 birthday discount promo thing they are running this year, it's pretty sweet actually) and I will finally be scanning my AP for the first time FOR REAL (because I'm not counting my own birthday, I would have gotten in for free anyway). I haven't been to Epcot in 10 years and I am actually pretty excited, they've added a bunch of new stuff since then. I always have a ridiculously great time in Disney World, I love it, some people are just born to be theme park people and I am definitely one of those people. AND I was able to find a Disney hotel for $40 a night (yes you read that right) and so we will be staying at the resort and will never ever have to leave. Except I'll be back Friday.

I am so HAPPY.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Oh wow, that sounds like fun!

And pssht, 24 isn't old. I'm 32, and I'm certain there are several NCers who are older than you. :-)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alecko »

My first proper holiday since starting my job nine months ago has turned out pretty shit. :( I originally had Monday- Sunday off and the general idea was: laze around for for two days, drive to my parents house Wednesday, go to the theatre with my dad in the evening, spend Thursday/Friday at a spa with my mum, drive home Saturday, slob around Sunday.

Monday/Tuesday went according to plan. On Wednesday, I left around 12:30; it's an hour and a half drive back so I figured me and my mum could do something before I went out. About twenty minutes from their house, I go to pull into a services because I'm thirsty and I've got my cockatiel with me and wanted to give her a break. I try to go from fith gear to fourth and it doesn't go in. I'm still braking so I shrug and go into third. Try to go into second....and it won't go. I get into the services using first/third and pull into a space. Test my gears and I can't get them into any of the ones on the bottom half of my gear box, which is second, fourth and reverse- so I can't actually get out of the space now as well. I ring my mum, tell her I'll be late arriving, and she decides to come meet me regardless. I ring the RAC, manage to direct both of them to the wrong service station. Once they finally get their, the guy spends an hour prodding my car and says he can't fix it so it'll have to go into the garage. I drive home with him following me.

Thursday- car goes into garage, and thankfully it should be covered under warranty, but it'll be finished at the earliest by the end of next week. My mum says I can borrow her car. We go to the spa. It's nice and I have a lovely massage but after a few hours I'm bored of sitting around. I decide that tomorrow I'll go for a walk or something.

Friday- wake up a couple of times early morning with my eye hurting. It's still the same around 8:30 when I get up, and feels like I've got something in my eye. I wash it out but after an hour or so, it suddenly gets really painful. Eyewash from the First Aid kit doesn't help so we end up checking out early and driving home (hour and a half drive again), then heading out to the doctors. Turns out I've got a corneal abrasion (i.e. scratched my eye) in my right eye. Should only take a couple of days to heal, but it both hurts and is irritating as fuck.

Saturday- spend the whole day in bed, asleep mainly because I can't open my right eye without it hurting, and I can't have my left eye open because it gives me a headache and still hurts. My eyelid also really swells up.

Sunday I ring work and get Monday/Tuesday off (I have Wednesday off usually) because there's no way I can get back. It'd healed by yesterday, but my eye was really sensitive to light. It's overcast today, so that's good, and hopefully things will be alright for me to drive back tomorrow morning. Though I drove my mums car this morning and hate it. Stalled about five times coming out of her work. :( First gear is so sensitive. Urgh.

/pissed off

(Good thing I've got my cockatiel, I'd have gone mental if I didn't have her to entertain me (this post took just over twenty minutes to type because she kept on jumping on the keyboard and sitting on my fingers as I typed).)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Mongoose »

Alecko - sounds like you need another holiday to recover! My sympathy with the eye thing, I had a similar thing once, very painful. Hope it's all fully recovered soon.

Woe: one of my cats, Lily, has an abscess from an impacted anal gland. The vet drained it and has given her an antibiotic injection. I've got painkillers for her and bless her if I put the liquid on her favourite treats she just eats it up so I don't have the stress of trying to syringe it into her mouth. She's perked up a bit now after being very quiet for most of the day but it must be very uncomfortable, poor little love. Got to take her back to the vet on Friday for a check up to make sure it's healing ok, fingers crossed it will be.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kantark »

Ouch, Alecko. Sounds like you got hit with a big dose of Murphy's Law over the past week :-( I hope your eye improves and the car is easily sorted out.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by EofS »

Ooooouch. Think of this tiny silver lining - all of these things would/could still have happened whilst you were at work, and then you'd have been trying to juggle work with sorting out everything life was throwing at you.

And I can completely sympathise on the eye thing. I have a randomly recurring problem where I'll sleep with my eye every so slightly open. The eyeball dries out, then I close the eye and it sticks to the inner eyelid. Come morning I open the eye and rip a layer of skincells off. Hurts like hell, and makes life very difficult until it heals. (Don't do what I did recently. It was a day later, it had mostly healed. I chopped some onions, washed my hands and absent-mindedly rubbed my eye. Normally that might sting a bit, but nothing unbearable. But with a freshly damaged eye? Oh my GOD did that hurt.)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Arrgh reading that made me cringe so badly EofS. >< For some reason eyes are one of the only things that will make me squeamish. *flails*
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alecko »

I'm actually fine about eyes and such, but I had the same reaction to MM when I read that. o_O Jesus.

Thanks, guys. :) I drove home yesterday fine, then had my mum ring me a couple of hours after I got back saying that the garage had rung her and my car was all done! Figures, but she'll bring it up Saturday and we'll switch. My eye is also completely healed now and I went back into work and it was great. All happy now!

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