Recommend me a Book!

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Recommend me a Book!

Post by Joey »

So I just finished all the books that are out of A Song of Ice and Fire series. And now I am in dire need of something fluffy with a happy ending to read. I've got the Enchanted Forest Chronicles in mind, since they're an old favorite, but they're kind of a short read for me. I think in general I'm looking for fantasy, but I'm open to whatever you guys think is good and fluffy.
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Re: Recommend me a Book!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Have you read the Magic Kingdom of Landover series by Terry Brooks? I highly recommend them. They're not all fluffy, but they have their amusing, silly, and light moments, and they generally end well. I haven't gotten to his heftier Shannara series, but i've heard they're good too.
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Re: Recommend me a Book!

Post by Silver Link »

Fjorab_Teke wrote:Have you read the Magic Kingdom of Landover series by Terry Brooks? I highly recommend them. They're not all fluffy, but they have their amusing, silly, and light moments, and they generally end well. I haven't gotten to his heftier Shannara series, but i've heard they're good too.
I've read all of his Landover (except the newest - waiting on paperback) and Shannara books (except for his most recent trilogy - not interesting). I highly recommend both series, Landover if you want to be amused and Shannara if you want heavy fantasy
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Re: Recommend me a Book!

Post by Cranberry »

Try this thread, too; there are a lot of recs in there and a lot of them seem to be fantasy. :)
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Re: Recommend me a Book!

Post by EofS »

Thread Title wrote:Recommend me a Book!
Ooh! I shall come and recommend Fatherland, which I just finished rereading! Murder mystery in Nazi-controlled 1960s Europe!
Joey wrote:And now I am in dire need of something fluffy with a happy ending to read. ... I think in general I'm looking for fantasy, but I'm open to whatever you guys think is good and fluffy.
Oh. Maybe not then.
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Re: Recommend me a Book!

Post by Arviragus »

None of my fantasy is "fluffy", but if you want to read a series about ninjas with supernatural powers I'd recommend checking out the Tales of the Otori by Lian Hearn. The Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay is also fantastic, but it's heavy and sad.

Edit: Life of Pi by Yann Martel is lighter, and ends well! It's also told in a very unique style.
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Re: Recommend me a Book!

Post by Foghawk »

EofS wrote:Ooh! I shall come and recommend Fatherland, which I just finished rereading! Murder mystery in Nazi-controlled 1960s Europe!
Intriguing. I may have to investigate this.

My recommendations, strongest last:
- The fluffiest fluff I ever read was How I Became Stupid, which is captivating but then I have weird tastes. Charmingly offbeat; pathetically adorable main character.
- It's kind of a YA book, but Silverwing is pretty damn good. Talking animal genre; bats. If you like it, read the sequel (Sunwing) but imho skip the third book.
- Tamora Pierce is pretty solidly entertaining. Familiar ol' sort of medieval fantasy, with nicely executed variations. The Alanna quartet is a good introduction.
- Summerland is always worth a read - Southwest/Norse/American folk mythology mashup, and baseball. Who doesn't like baseball? Gets a bit dark before the end to really be fluffy, but the aesthetic is wonderful, and there's a happy ending.

- If you feel like branching out into SF, try The Space Merchants (you might have to buy it online, it's kinda retro); it combines a capitalistic, advertising-ruled dystopia with all kinds of slick 1950s awesome.
- If you really like SF, grab Joe Haldeman's Infinite Dreams anthology (again, a bit retro). Hands down, best collection of SF shorts I have yet read. Gritty to humorous to everything in between, with really cool concepts. (Sadly, I found most of his later stuff pretty disappointing.)

I have a good deal more to say, especially on the subject of science fiction, but as I'm not sure of your tastes those are a decent sampling.
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Re: Recommend me a Book!

Post by Noodles »

I just finished "To Say Nothing of the Dog" by Connie Willis; perhaps more sci-fi than fantasy but it was excellent and the ending involved a basket of kittens - literally.
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Re: Recommend me a Book!

Post by thelonetiel »

I'm reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke, and I adore it so far. But kinda thick, Victorian era fantasy about magicians. I'm only part way through, so I can't tell you if it has a happy ending or not, but it seems like the kind of novel people here would enjoy.
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Re: Recommend me a Book!

Post by Mongoose »

I can't remember whether it has a happy ending or not, but Lord Valentine's Castle by Robert Silverburg is really good. I don't recall it being sad or traumatic at the end. I can't really remember the story very well because I read it over 10 years ago but I remember really enjoying it. I might have to dig out my copy and re-read it.
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