So... what'd you get?

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So... what'd you get?

Post by Jessi »

I feel almost silly starting a "What'd you get for whatever holiday you celebrate" thread, but I was so excited about one of my presents, and I mentioned it to Ty and she told me to go ahead and make a thread. So I am!

On that note... what'd you get? :O

Lindsey and I had a pretty amazing Christmas, I think. We had Christmas with her parents on the 23rd, and she got a new digital camera as her big gift. I got the new Mario game for the Wii, which is AMAZING and so much fun and I totally recommend it to anyone who loves old school Mario games, haha xD We did Christmas with my aunt and uncle last night, and we got an amazing set of Pyrex holiday dishes from them, as well as money, and who doesn't love money?

And this morning was Christmas with my parents, and Lindsey and I exchanged gifts as well. who spoiled us both rotten. I got Scribblenauts for my DS, tons of new clothes (the older I get, the more I like clothes :P), the two pairs of shoes I wanted, new scarves (which are my favorite items of clothing xD) and a Post Secret book. Hooray!

Lindsey (who is sitting behind me, hah) also got tons of new clothes, new sketchbooks, and a bunch of stuff from me including a new hat that she finally took off xD

My best gift, though... My mom was hunting around on Amazon when she found this book: Aesthetics of Abandonment: The Dixie Square Project. Some of you guys already know this, but I am absolutely obsessed with urban decay and dead malls, abandoned shopping centers, regrowth... anything like that, and Dixie Square is the ultimate in dead malls. I can't believe my mom found a book about it and I can't believe she got it for me! She made me open it last because she knew I'd just sit down and start reading it (which is exactly what I did!)

WHEW! So, I clearly had a fabulous Christmas xD Did you guys all get what you wanted, too?
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Joey »

I got Spirit Tracks! Even though I knew I was getting it, it's still awesome. I'm going to start on it once I finish Minish Cap.

I also got two anime series I've been wanting for awhile Trigun and Ouran High School Host Club. My sister got me a bunch of cool things from Europe including an adorable purple kitty coin-bank, my stepmom got me a neat wool hat that looks like an owl and a borders giftcard, my dad got me a sushi plushie, and my friends got me a tea set and Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSP.

My sister ended up with two copies of Bowser's Inside Story, so I'm going to buy her Spirit Tracks and trade :D I also treated myself to the first volume of the manga Pluto because I've seen it recommended by everyone, and holy crap are they not kidding about how good this is. I need to go buy the rest of it.

So overall, an awesome Christmas!
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Griffin »

I got some pistachios and macadamias, my favourites :9 And there was a $150 check hidden in the container's lid! I wish I got that earlier because this month sucked financially, but I guess I can do some post-Christmas gifting as well.

My other gifts were a few projects my son did at school. There was a cloth oven mitt with a design made out of thumbprints, a card with a reindeer made out of his footprint, and a decorated a paper ornament with his photo on it. ;w; the best gifts i've ever gotten.

The kid got the lion's share of the gifts, as usual. Tons of construction vehicles from his uncle and grandma, a special Texaco truck I found in an antique shop, two Dr. Seuss pop-up books and... a little paperback book about signs that he seemed to love the most. He's been obsessed with signs of all kinds lately. (He just walked up behind me with the book and happily proclaimed, "DO NOT ENTER!")

I got my boyfriend a room heater because his apartment is gasless and drafty. I hope it works well.

A pretty satisfying Christmas, and we still have food to look forward to. c:
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by AngharadTy »

Mmmm macamadamia

I got a DS game too; Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes. It's sooooooo fun and I want to be playing it right this second!
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Seerow »

My big gift was the plane ticket to go meet up with Jessi and Lindsey in about a week :D

Other then that I got a bunch of really neat little things. My grandma is an expert garage saler and gets most of our gifts from there, so we tend to get quite a few things but they only ever cost a few dollars each (which is perfectly fine by me, but people are surprised by the amount of stuff we get XD ). I got some gorgeous necklaces which I can never have enough of, and a few shirts. Tons of random but amusing books and little cat knick knacks. Both season of Pushing Daisies on DVD, though I already knew I was getting those.
I also got this neat gift card for Target. They have the coolest gift cards and this is a dog that you wind up and it will walk while pulling a sleigh. Cats find it very amusing as well.

My sister got the Mario game so I'll probably play that sometime, it looks rather fun.
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Wingsrising »

I got a new digital point-and-shoot camera, which was excellent because my old one broke. (I've been borrowing an old one of my Dad's). I also got some new books and some DVDs, a hand-thown cat mug my Mom got at a craft sale, a hand-thown pitcher from a different craft sale, and some fuzzy sheepskin slippers that are keeping my feet nice and toasty.

I hope everyone else is having a fabulous year-end holiday of your choice!
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Faun »

I got a new phone, which is great! and Loads of books. that will keep me busy for a while
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Jamie »

Being a broke full-time uni student, I got a fair amount of money from my mother and grandparents. Mum also bought me a really nice ring and my flights to come home for christmas. I also got a card holder so I don't have to take my whole wallet when I go out, gift cards, toblerone<3 and mum's boyfriend bought me a black leather Pandora bracelet, which I love. Also had the most amazing lunch/dinner yesterday. I still feel bloated.
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Saturn »

Yay, the annual swag thread! XD

I got a pretty good haul this year, mostly clothes/jewelry (which I really needed >>) and weird in-jokey gag gifts that wouldn't make sense to anyone else, but I *like* getting stuff like that. :P Lesse... I also got the new Mario game (seems to be popular!) and Guitar Hero 5 for Wii, season 5 of The Office on DVD, some really cool art books from my sister, TOE SOCKS (shut up, I love them!) and of course, money. :P Though I have to say the best part was getting a chance to spend some time with my niece on her first Christmas ever <3 Lol, she got more stuff than the rest of us combined! And she looks so cute in the little outfit I got her. :D

All in all, pretty nice~
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Usul_Princess »

I got a lot more than expected! I got $100.00, (The best present of them all! My work week was cut short because of Winter Break in the school districts.) a $75. gift certificate to my favorite clothes store, The Boondocks on DVD (both seasons), and another coach purse. I bought an HP G60-445 laptop on before I went to Ft. Lauderdale and got my free copy of Windows 7 on Christmas eve.

I'm spoiled. ^_^

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by WisteriaLynx »

I got a phone, which is great since I've been using a 1997 cell until just today. (It helps that the phone is orange, my favourite colour.) Also a bunch of gift certificates and miscellaneous Digimon Tamers things.

I need to not give my parents a "Christmas list" more often. They get more creative when they have to come up with things out of the blue than when they essentially have a list of things they WON'T get me (since "the best gift is one that you don't expect," but in that case, I'm not sure why they ask me for a list every year...).
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Saturn »

WisteriaLynx wrote:I need to not give my parents a "Christmas list" more often. They get more creative when they have to come up with things out of the blue than when they essentially have a list of things they WON'T get me (since "the best gift is one that you don't expect," but in that case, I'm not sure why they ask me for a list every year...).
Lol, I'm kinda the same way. This is actually the first year in quite a while I've even specifically asked for ANYTHING - my parents have an odd enough sense of humor that it's usually more interesting to see what they'll come up with on their own without me helping them. XD (yet this does not stop them from constantly begging me to tell them what I want, for nearly TWO MONTHS before the actual holiday, when I haven't even put any thought into it yet...)
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Madge »

Ty - is that Might and Magic game a Heroes of Might and Magic game? I get so confused with the might and magic names, haha :).

I got a bunch of things, but nothing major. My Mum got me a pair of fitflops (groan! But they're kinda comfy and don't look too horrible), a bouncy ball with a dinosaur inside it, and a kite. (It's summer here, the kite will be awesome)

My brother hasn't picked up the present he bought for me yet, so I asked him to draw a picture of it :P. He drew a square. It is a pictuer of the box it comes in, duh, he said to me! So I'm curious about what it is, now!

The boyfriend got me a book ("The Atheist's Guide to Christmas", which I was actually eyeing on a blog minutes before he arrived at my house funnily enough! It's pretty cool), and some plastic dinosaurs (velociraptor with feathers! Iguanadon on four legs! diplodocus with spines! Go Wild Republic brand!).

We also did something that I thoroughly recommend to anyone who knows a person or people who are hard to buy for - you buy yourself something that YOU want, wrap it up, and give it to the other person. They then put it under their tree and give it to you on Christmas. They are then surprised by what you got for yourself, and everyone gets something they actually want. So he got a bunch of CDs I wouldn't have been able to pick out, and I got some scented candles (yeah I've always wanted some despite being a manly girl!).

My swag was not that big, but I really wasn't expecting much :). I'm pretty good in my life, I have few expenses and a good, secure job, so I'm good! :D
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by AngharadTy »

It's a spinoff, mostly just stealing the name and more or less the world. It's a puzzle game with a basic structure similar to Magical Drop, if you know old school puzzle games. It's so fun. I already went through the elf campaign, so I guess I'm a third through it? That represents a stupid amount of hours, despite having to be family-oriented. ;D
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by TCStarwind »

My favorite gifts from people this year were my spiffy new point-and-shoot digicam from my grandparents and new computer chair (my old one was so horribly broken that it was begining to destroy the wood underneath my carpet), season 2 of Fullmetal Alchemist, new Jak and Daxter game, Stitch plushies, and a Lock, Shock, and Barrel statue all from my parents.

My new camera is so much better than my old, broken one.
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I'm posting pictures because holy hell I love these things. ^_^ I had already bought Jack and Sally beforehand. Lock, Shock and Barrel were the last to complete the set, but the guy I got the other two from ran out of these three. :( I was very sad until I found them under my Christmas tree this morning. Lookithowcutetheyare! 8D' Though, if I sit back in my chair a certain way, it seems as if Shock stares into my soul. D: Creepy.

Have I mentioned that I'm a Nightmare fan?
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