Revamped Angelic Kora

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by AngharadTy »

There are degrees of "pleasing people." Of course you can't please everyone all the time. That's why we have that saying about not being able to please all the people all the time. But you might disappoint fewer people if you didn't revamp from the ground up. (General "you.")

And of course there are people who like pure consistency. There are people who like every pet, in some way, somewhere. But, for one thing, it comes down to numbers again. I don't know whether "yes, 100% pure consistency!" is more popular than "we could have maybe a little variety." But who does? What I do know is that a pet that you don't own--and if you value consistency very highly, then you likely wouldn't own a pet that isn't totally consistent--does not affect you; so maintaining a spot of inconsistency with the species in order to maintain consistency with the pet seems pretty safe. I'm thinking of the ears again here; Tophy's Backstabber is not the same without them.

(On a mod note, I'm just about to go to bed, and I might not be around much at all tomorrow; if anyone wants to continue the discussion solely of the effect of revamps, please use the revamp thread here. But feel free to mention anything angelic kora-y here.)
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by shaelyn76 »

I love the kora. It is by far my favorite pet on the site. It was my very first pet and she is still a Kora even though she has changed color several times. This revamp I feel is well done. The new art is shaded well and the Angelic looks really pretty and soft. I agree that the ears are completely different and I prefer the old ones. The loss of the belly fat I see as an improvement and the wings I am still undecided on whether I prefer the old or the new...they both have their own merits. I myself do not own an Angelic Kora so my opinion really should hold less weight than those who do, but there it is for what it is worth. I would love to own either version of this Kora. As for the whole "people paid real money for the potion" part of the argument...I feel that pain very personally(my Angelic Warador was completely changed while I was on hiatus into something I couldn't even stand to look at) and i agree wholeheartedly that with Angelic pets there should be an option like with some of the pre-fistofdoom Neopets to keep whatever version you have and not have to "upgrade" to the revamp. For something so pricey in real life currency, there should be an option to either keep the art as is, have the pet returned to common and get either a CSC or another Angelic potion or just have an Angelic potion given to the current owners.

Back a little more on this specific topic...I do like this revamp, but can totally see why current Angelic Kora owners may be upset.

On a side note, I read rah's post about revamping the chibi and my heart broke just a little. If it loses its mouth, the chibi version will be dead to me. :(
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