Photo Showcase

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Photo Showcase

Post by Alicorn »

Catchy title eh? XD Now I made this topic so I could show pictures of my apartment like I said I'd be doing. It didn't feel right to post them all up in the achievements and woes thread. And the two photo thread are of show pics of yourself/people and of your pets so it didn't feel right posting them there either. I do remember we have a room picture thread but I didn't see it on the first page so I didn't feel right bumping it up. So I decided to make a whole new thread just to show off my apartment! Yay! I know your excited. Now I gave it the name it has because I thought there might be some people that would want to show off pictures of things. Pictures of their room, pictures of a collection, pictures of their car, etc. Whatever you want. Show it off and be proud! **coughs** Anywho, onto my apartment photos. I have quiet a few pictures I want to show off so I'll be spoiling them to be nice to people's connections. Enjoy the look around!
Spoiler: open/close
Outside of my apartment. It's the second story of a two story building. The bottom has no one in them and there is only an old gentleman that lives next to us. There is another building next to us but not attached.
The dining area of the kitchen. My wife uses the table as her desk when we are not eating on it.
Sorry for the bad quality, no flash cause of natural light source. Anyway, this is our nice kitchen window.
Our fridge! Yes, I'm showing off the fridge. I just love I can decorate my own fridge, finally! Magnets here I come! Oh and the coat closet right next to it.
Here is our stove with the oven that doesn't work. **grumbles** And part of our counter.
The other part of our counter.
This is right above the doorway leaving out of the kitchen. Just wanted to show of the cute tin sign that I got my wife for Christmas. ^-^
Our little hallway. This is where family pictures will go up, I just need frames for said pictures. And there you see the boxes of books waiting for our second bookself to come in. Behind the door is the hotwater heater and boxes.
In the bathroom, showing off the shower.
Now here I am, showing off the bathroom sink and part of the toilet.
Entrance to our bedroom. Here is where you start to see my wife's love of wolves. **pokes Kyo plushie** He's my guard kitty.
Part of our bedroom. Don't mind the messy bed. ^-^;
Bedroom window, again with the natural light.
Bedroom closet. And you see I have a Kyo guarding it.
Entering the living room. You can see our nice big window that looks onto the lake.
Our nice tv/sitting area. And there is another guardian Kyo. They are so much cheaper then a security system.
Corner of our living room. The little bookshelf is all mine and my wife gets the big one (birthday present). We have another big one on the way that will go next to my wife's that we'll be sharing.
Just had to show off my coffee table.
The end table that sits infront of the bookshelf.
Wall decoration that you see on the right had wall in the entering the living room picture. The candle hangers I got for my birthday from my wife. This set up was thought up by her Dad.
And the view from the living room window. Yes, that's the frozen lake with people walking across. I could never work up the guts to ever do that. **shudders** People take their snow mobiles on it too.
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Re: Photo Showcase

Post by AngharadTy »

Looks like a great apartment! Mine is pretty small. I'd post pictures, but I'm afraid they make it look much bigger than it really is. Hehe.
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