What are you watching?

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Feral Koala
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What are you watching?

Post by Huggles »

On tv? The internet? Through binoculars from your window? I am curious and just plain bored. My usual tv viewing habits only include a few channels: HGTV, Comedy Central, Cartoon Network, and PBS. I like to tell people I watch HGTV for all the design makeovers and that's certainly true, but I'm also incredibly nosy. I've since moved on to the RateMySpace portion of their website. I no longer have to wait through a half hour to get to the final 30 seconds. There's only two shows I watch on Comedy Central and everyone who guessed the Colbert Report and the Daily Show gets virtual cookies. On the Cartoon Network, nearly everything I watch is part of Adult Swim. This is where the insomnia starts to wear me down into watching shows I'd probably just ignore in the daylight, with the exception of The Boondocks. Aqua Teen Hunger Force has grown on me and it's a great show to watch when your not really awake and wondering if that taco that's been sitting in trash for the past week is going to come to life and start opening all your spam attachments. Metalocalypse and The Venture Brothers were forced upon me by my male online friends. It was either watch or miss out on half of whatever they're talking about at any given time. Oddly enough, I think I like Metalocalypse more. I watch PBS for news and and all the neat documentaries.

Oh, I forgot about the syfy channel. Well, not so much as it has forgotten about me. I've caught a few episodes of the new Stargate, but it's nothing like the Friday night lineup of days gone by. The rest of channel seems to be comprised of space debris, cheesy paranormal fluff, and crap magic.

The interwebs has afforded me the opportunity to see a number of wondrous things. I've caught up with Heroes, because I'm always at work it comes on tv. I'm not terribly interested in that show anymore either, the things they've done to most of the cast and Sylar make what's left of my brain hurt. I love The Guild! It's like watching a deconstruction of the my psyche. I can't imagine myself as a single character, but The Guild as a whole could very well be me. I also watch Bleach, but purely for what is called "the lulz" now. Oddly enough, I'm not really a youtuber. I usually only go there because I already know what I want to see. I've never really just wandered around and there isn't a show or person I always check up on every week.

Spoodles! I almost forgot about Dr.Who! My first Doctor was the 9th and I haven't seen any of the older series yet. I've seen a couple of shows with the 11th. I don't have a favorite? I kind of took a peek at the fandom, then backed away slowly and quietly shut the door.

What are you watching?
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Ierosbats »

Almost all of my shows have ended their current seasons so now I'm looking for new things to combat summer's television deadzone.

I'll miss Glee when it ends on Tuesday. It was mindless fluff, sure, but it was fun if you didn't take it too seriously. I'm curious to see how it ends, though. Without spoiling anything for those who haven't been following lately, I'll just say that I feel the writers dug themselves into a hole and I'm not sure how they can end the season in a satisfying way. That's not a good way to leave the show for a few months.

Desperate Housewives (I know, I know...) had a really good season, I thought. I really liked the new housewife Angie and her storyline, and Bree's new employee Sam was crazy, but easy to look at so I liked him too. The finale was a little weaker than usual, but generally the episodes were strong. Unlike Grey's Anatomy, which I used to love but lately has taken a turn for the terrible. All the drama this season felt so forced and I will never forgive the writers for what they made some of my favorite characters do (eg. Mark's idiotic baby plot, Lexie and Alex hooking up...) Again, both of those shows are kind of goofy but... what can I say? I have simple taste, I guess. I like my shows full of mindless drama. Shows like Lost are too much work for me, especially since my work schedule doesn't allow consistent show-watching. That said, I've been a 24 fan from the start. I guess out of everything I watch regularly, that show is the most cerebral (plus it has explosions!!). It just had its series finale, not just season, so I'm pretty bummed. It went out with one of its best seasons, though, and the finale actually made me tear up.

This is old news, but NBC's Thursday night comedies are all amazing. 30 Rock had a much better season this year than last, but even at its worst 30 Rock is hilarious and I look forward to it every week. I like The Office, too, but I tend to lose interest in it fairly easily. I find it very hit-or-miss; some episodes are very funny, but some are so awkward or tense that they're almost too uncomfortable to watch. I tend to dislike Michael for that reason. Usually if I miss an episode of a show I like I'll catch up later online, but The Office is the exception. If I miss one, I usually just shrug and figure I'll just jump back in later if it's convenient. I was on vacation when the last three episodes of this season aired and I still haven't seen them.

Parks and Recreation is maybe my favorite show on TV right now. It had a very weak first season, but then that writers strike happened and I'm not sure who fixed what, but when the show came back for the second season it was completely different. Every episode was fantastic. I watched five minutes of an episode on a plane recently and had to stop because I realized, "Oh, right. This show makes me laugh out loud every thirty seconds" and I didn't want to be the crazy guy on the plane laughing at seemingly nothing.

For the most part, I'm pretty upfront about the terrible TV I watch, but one of my guiltiest pleasures is that I still watch the Pokemon anime. It's a hard habit to break! Dawn is much less annoying than May (though still not as likable as Misty), so I've actually been enjoying the past few seasons. Pokemon Contests are much less stupid in the anime than they are in the actual games! And by that, I mean things happen other than me flailing. Again, the show is pretty brainless, but this time I have an excuse because it's technically intended for children. Also, preeeetty! It's fun to see how the animators and voice actors interpret different Pokemon and their attacks. A Skuntank used Toxic in one of the more recent episodes and I was shocked! I don't know how I'd been picturing that move but it definitely wasn't as the expulsion of steamy purple puddles. I thought turning Jessie (of Team Rocket) into a coordinator was charming and that the Jessalina storyline was great.

This post is so giant and makes me sound like an absolute TV Junkie, but I'm really not! I recently went on vacation for three weeks and didn't miss having a TV at all. (Well, we had a TV, but it didn't have cable and I didn't recognize any of the British shows so the only things we watched were the evening news and Snooker.) A lot of the time I only have the TV on so I have some background noise as I paint or browse online or whatever. There are a few shows I'm definitely attached to, but in general I feel like TV isn't a big hobby of mine. If it's on and I'm there I'll watch, but if not I can find something else. The internet, however... Maybe we should make a "what non-virtual-petsite sites do you frequent?" thread and I can write a long, boring post there too!
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Officer 1BDI »

My TV viewing habits degraded sharply after I moved back in with my parents, mostly because I only have access to a TV in the living room. I watch Glee with my mum, but I don't dare watch anything like South Park or The Daily Show/The Colbert Report with either of them in the room. And I'm the only one who really appreciates cartoons, so I tend to skip Cartoon Network/Adult Swim and Nickelodeon for their sakes. If I'm desperate to see something, I try to watch it on Hulu or another web site. Or I dive for my DVDs.

Futurama comes back this month, and I'm determined to watch the new episodes in full, but I'll probably DVR them (or, hopefully, Comedy Central will actually post the full episodes on their web site).
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by AngharadTy »

I can't afford my Tivo or my cable tv, so I've ended up missing a ton of shows I would normally watch (e.g., House, CSI, CSI:NY) because I can't keep track of time on my own. I needed Tivo to do it for me. So a lot of the shows I was all "yeah, I like this pretty well" went unwatched entirely. I guess that pared it down to more of the essentials, though.

That was mostly Modern Family. I love that damn show. I am so glad it exists. It's a great blend of funny, sweet, awkward, and silly. I have a hard time picking out who is my favorite character. Often, it's Phil.

I started watching Happy Town, but it turns out that got canceled already, so I give up.

I watch a ton of crime dramas. I know they're all stupid (and part of the fun is finding the parts that are stupid and mocking them). But I definitely enjoy all the flavors of Law and Order (RIP, original series, you were so close to a record). And Bones before it went crazy. Almost all the CSIs (I just can't handle Miami, too rich for my blood). Criminal Minds. Just don't talk to me about Numbers or NCIS. I don't know how a person can love procedural crime crap but not like those; apparently my brain works in mysterious ways.

I've been watching shows that are already done with, because at least that way I know I won't be disappointed when they get canceled at a stupid time (I still love you, Firefly). And because Netflix is the only luxury I can afford. So I only just watched all three seasons of Avatar (the airbendy kind). Oh my goodness crap that was fantastic. I blame all of you for not bugging me to watch it every day because I know you like it. Especially you.

And I just started watching Dollhouse, which I think I like so far, although it's difficult to get attached to Whedon characters by now because I know how well they seem to do at living. I'll probably accidentally get attached and then they'll die the next episode. I dunno. And--how belated is this--just started Farscape yesterday. It's a good show so far, although I really do not care about the main character, mostly because I can't recognize him at all. It's a good thing he's the only human male character or I'd get confused every time he came on screen. "Who is this one again? ...who is that? ...do I know him?"

I also apparently really need to watch Doctor Who and Torchwood, according to Netflix, and Netflix has been right about almost everything else. I did watch the episode with the statues because I wanted to understand the internet's obsession with it. I did like it.

Other shows I like: Psych (but I'm behind), Dexter (even though it killed me dead), Men of a Certain Age, The Venture Brothers (so so so so much, when is it coming back, omg), Family Guy, The Life and Times of Tim (so awesome), Archer (needs more episode), 30 Rock (also behind), Californication. Project Runway and Top Chef are the only reality shows I've watched, and I like them, but they need less stupid drama and more making awesome things.

Also, I recommend the show Kids in the Hall did: Death Comes to Town. It was hilarious and awesome and yay.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by TCStarwind »

I generally don't watch TV. At all. If I do, there's a 99% chance that it's some cartoon. I used to dvr Chaotic and Yin Yang Yo, but those are all repeats so I haven't been watching them lately. I also really like the W.i.t.c.h. cartoon, but I don't think that's been aired for a while. Oh, and Gargoyles. Gargoyles is my most favorite cartoon in the history of the world. So is Digimon (I'll take the first three Digimon seasons over the Pokemon series any day). And I would totally be fangirling over Biker Mice From Mars. If they bothered airing it in the States/ made DVD sets. I like Venture Bros, and Aqua Teen is pretty awesome. And if I'm insanely bored, I'll go and see if Johnny Test is on (even though everyone else I talk to hates that show and because the talking dog is pretty neat). And Avatar the Last Airbender is amazing (I still haven't see the last two episodes? WTF, me?! Also, can't wait for the movie even though it's probably going to fail epicly). And I used to watch House and NCIS, but they got boring so I quit.

Though in the past month I've also discovered that my favorite anime ever is Ronin Warriors. The dubbing is so bad, but that makes it so much funnier. And the warlords are the best ever. I love them and their fighting with each other like children so damn much. I also used to watch Naruto and Bleach. But then the fillers started and I completely lost interest in anything that was happening. I swear, fillers are the death of anime. And every so often I'll get out my Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, Wolf's Rain, Fullmetal Alchemist, Big O, and Code Lyoko DVDs to rewatch.

I'm mainly a DVDophile. If I like I, I get it on DVD so I don't have to watch it on network television and deal with commercials. Which is what peeves me about half of the shows in my first paragraph because Disney won't release them on DVD (and if they are on DVD, they can only be gotten on ebay and are really expensive, with the exception of Gargoyles because it's still in print (REST OF SEASON TWO RITEFUCKINGNOW. Kthx.) and BMFM because it's not a Disney toon or even been shown in America for years). I have to resort to youtube to watch a lot of them. And I don't browse youtube much otherwise. I go, watch cartoons, then leave. I refuse to wander through the rest of that poo pile.

Oh, and they need to re-release Ronin Warriors on DVD because 39 episodes are not worth the $400 the people on the Amazon marketplace are charging, no matter how amazing the series is.

DVD!FRAGE. IneedajobtobuyDVDs!Frage. :<
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Silver Link »

I am a TV junkie, plain and simple. Not so much during the summer since there's nothing on (aside from Wipeout) but come September, I become a true couch potato. I'll go by what I watch each night

On Monday night, I watch How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory (sometimes), Castle (sometimes), and Dancing With the Stars. This season I was switching back and forth between HIMYM and DWTS so I didn't fully catch every minute of every episode of the former but I got the jist. I think HIMYM has sort of lost its way but I hope it gets back on track. I don't like douchey Ted

Tuesday night is sort of meh for me since there isn't a lot on. I mostly watched The Biggest Loser and some of American Idol and Glee. I skipped most of the first half of Glee since I wasn't into the 'Terry faking her pregnancy' storyline but I liked the second half so far. Mike O'Malley is an excellent guest actor (the scene where he defends Kurt from Finn is amazing)

On Wednesday I only watch The Middle and Modern Family. I didn't catch every episode of the former but when I did watch it, it was great. Modern Family can do no wrong. I adore Manny, Gloria, and Cameron

Thursday night is all about the NBC comedy lineup. Community is fantastic, though I don't get every pop culture reference they make. I'm also really feeling the Annie/Jeff chemistry though I don't think that will go anywhere. After a crappy first season, Parks and Recreation has become amazing. I don't know how they did it but they did. The Office has been hit or miss this season though I like the Andy/Erin relationship. Also, I want Holly back. If the series doesn't end with Michael being with her, I'll be pissed. 30 Rock has been hit or miss this season also. I think the first season was the best, where it was more of an ensemble rather having a major storyline focusing on one person

I don't watch anything on Friday and on Saturday, it's only Saturday Night Live. I haven't missed an episode since 2001 and I don't plan on stopping now

On Sunday, I usually watch Family Guy, American Dad and The Amazing Race but I'm not too invested in any of them

A list of shows I also watch but weren't mentioned:

- Top Chef
- Project Runway
- The Venture Brothers
- Futurama (when it comes back)
- House Hunters, Color Confidential, Property Virgins
- Ace of Cakes
- Animal Cops
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by gomababe »

I generally watch the same sorts of programmes myself. Mostly things like QI, Have I Got News for You, Mock the Week and other satire shows. If I get the opportunity to watch documentaries, I'll go with the animal ones {Attenborough is God in this regard} and things like Seconds from Disaster and Aircrash Investigations. Other than that I don't watch much TV and prefer to either watch my DVDs or trawl through the internet for something interesting
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Huggles »

Maybe we should make a "what non-virtual-petsite sites do you frequent?" thread and I can write a long, boring post there too!
Go for it! There are lots of things I want to talk about, but none of them have anything to do with virtual pets, for now.

30 Rock is a show I keep hearing good things about, but my mind keeps changing the title over to 3rd Rock from the Sun. That was an awesome show, but I'm fairly certain it's not the same thing. I've seen a few partial episodes of The Office, but it's not something that's made me laugh out loud. I find the American version quietly amusing, the orginal British show quietly bemusing. 24, Lost, and even House are just too big for me to get into at the moment. I actually rented the first season of Lost, but I didn't watch it. I've seen a few of the first episodes in bits and pieces, over and over, and I'm not one to watch reruns unless the memory of what's happened has had years to fade. House being much more episodic, allows me enjoy any stray episodes I come across. I've also been told to watch Glee, but I haven't gotten much further than knowing the name.

Futurama! Yays! Another show that doesn't make me lol, but whose goofiness is extremely relaxing and comforting. Avatar the Last Airbender is fucking awesome. Yes, I did just up my swear count just for Avatar. There was a thread a while back about the movie when M.Night was first announced as director/producer/whatever and I remember being cautiously optimistic. Alas, how wrong I was. What he did to the movie sends me into a nerd rage the likes of which have not been witnessed by the internet, Neopets customization does not compare. You'll have to forgive me if I haven't been constantly poking you about the cartoon, as I just end up getting angry about the movie. And for once, I don't want to be. I've just been trying to forget about it, but it's hard with the other Avatar being spammed all over the interweb.

Gargoyles is probably one of my most favorite things ever. Right up there with chocolate. I haven't bought the comics yet, even though I should. It's just outstanding on nearly every level. The fact that it made me think I'd gone crazy from hearing all those familiar yet unknown voice actors is reason enough to love it. I don't think I even had the internet back then, and I had to talk to my uncle, who'd also watched the series, to confirm all the Star Trek transplants. I'm secretly hoping for a live action movie or *gasp* series, but I'm afraid to even wish for that considering Avatar.

I vaguely remember thinking Ronin Warriors was awesome. But that was a long long time ago. It was airing on tv back when I was still in school and probably before I knew what anime was. The memories were good, so I'm not interested in rewatching it any time soon and discovering that I hate it now.

Also finished watching Wakfu. It's a French series animated with hyper super flash based upon a mmorpg. It's fantastically animated, cast, and written. Nox is an amazing villain and I can't wait till it comes out on dvd and when/if the next season starts. America's Best Dance Crew was a guilty pleasure for a while, then there was just the guilt. ABDC screwed over a lot of great dancers by not letting them DANCE. Unusually, I dug around online for info about some of the groups like Fanny Pak, Kaba Modern, and Jabawockeez, and found a ton of great dance vids on youtube and learned a lot about bboying.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by hebdenhippy »

I'm really loving Glee and I've been watching that every week, it’s such a happy show and I love all the songs! I'm gutted this series is finishing soon, what will I do on my Monday evenings now!

I've also been watching Britain's Got Talent, which I love, but that finished on Saturday.

I'm not ashamed to admit it - I love Big Brother! And it's back this Wednesday and I can't wait! I watch it pretty religiously, and it lasts for 11 weeks this time, hurrah! I’m sad that this will be the last one (on Channel 4 anyway), but I really hope another channel takes it.

Other shows I watch when they're on are Britain’s/America’s/Canada’s/Australia’s Next Top Model, I love 'em all! I'm a huge fan of X Factor and I also go to see the live tour every year. I also watch The Apprentice which I think is coming back soon, so I’m looking forward to that. And any of David Attenborough's documentaries, that man is a legend! I also like comedy shows, anything with Jimmy Carr I'll love, I think he's hilarious.

So yeah, I don't really watch anything too serious on TV, I can never get into those drama series.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Joey »

I'll start out by saying that with few exceptions, I tend to not like most live action series type shows. Every once in awhile something like Firefly or Glee will come along, but I usually don't care enough to bother with any of them.

My default channel is the Food Network. Good Eats, Iron Chef America, and Ace of Cakes are all shows that I'll stop by and watch. Also Mythbusters is one of the greatest shows ever, but I've missed new episodes for the past year since I've had class on Wednesday nights. I also have an unhealthy addiction to How It's Made. And for my terrible guilty pleasure, it's Say Yes to the Dress. I don't know why I love that show so much. If I remember, I try and catch Jeopardy when it's on. I should also mention that I almost always watch Angels baseball, if only just for background noise.

Cartoons and Anime are the primary things that I watch purposefully, and not just out of boredom. I've got a fairly large DVD collection, so I'm usually watching some series or another if I'm not busy. Recently I watched Trigun, Card Captor Sakura, and Elemental Gelade. There's a bunch more I want to watch now that I'm almost out of school. I'll watch a fansubbed episode of Pokemon every now and then, because I never know when the dub is on TV. As for the American side of things, I have a great love for Avatar the Last Airbender, Samurai Jack, and DC Animated series.

On youtube, I most commonly watch videos of kittens.
Silver Link wrote:(the scene where he defends Kurt from Finn is amazing)
That scene was really one of the most amazing I've seen on any show. It made me cry it was so awesome.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I don't watch a whole lot of TV. Usually if i do, it's for information or goofy entertainment.

Chances are i'll be watching something on Animal Planet, truTV (i love watching people get caught for doing stupid crap), Cartoon Network/Boomerang, Discovery (yay MythBusters and Time Warp), or Nick at Nite. I like old-skool cartoons and also classic Cartoon Network (hence Boomerang). Sometimes i'll watch VH1 Classic.

What i've really been watching way too much, on freakin' repeat, is my Alan Parsons Live Project concert DVD. I siriusly fancrush on the guys on there, and i've been really blessed to have gotten to hang out with them a few times. I've also been going through my CD collection, what i can find of it anyway, and some of them came in special packs with DVDs of extras and concert footage etc.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Larkspurlane »

The Food Network is my source of background noise of choice while I'm doing crap on the comp/around the apt. Some of those shows are so zen and peaceful (Barefoot Contessa, Anna Olsen). Whee. I also like Antiques Roadshow (the Brit version) for the same reason.

I watch The Office (took me a while to "get" it, and I don't think I loled for at least 2-3 episodes at the beginning, but now I love it). I watch 30 Rock online 'cuz it doesn't air on my tv. I THINK LIZ LEMON IS ME. @_@

I always watch the Jane Austen specials on PBS.

My TV-watching habits make me sound devastatingly boring.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Kari »

As for real life action living people TV, I pretty much only watch MythBusters now. NCIS finished its season a couple weeks ago with ANOTHER cliffhanger, so yeah.

When I'm home and remember to, I've been watching Dragon Ball Z Kai on Nicktoons. I never really saw much of the first few seasons (up until the Buu arc) in the original DBZ back in the day, and I HATE the Japanese VAs in DBZ, so I waited for the dub. I like it so far, nice to see no filler.

My weekly anime this season is Angel Beats, which is an odd choice since it's a Key anime (sorta, Maeda wrote the plot and that's about it) and half the time it shows by being horribly depressing, but the other half of the time it's utterly hilarious.

Usually my TV is plugged in my room to my game consoles, where there's no cable splitter to hook it into for actual TV. Plus I have a digital cable box, and who would want to move that thing between rooms?
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Jessi »

I hardly ever watch TV, or at least regular seasons of shows. I watch House, but I am probably a good 10 episodes behind, and over the summer I'll try to finally catch up... if I even can.

I used to be a Food Network junkie, but the programming there has just really taken a turn for the worse, as far as I'm concerned. I hate watching stupid reality cooking shows. I want to watch people actually COOK. I want to watch Good Eats. I don't want to watch 12 episodes of Ace of Cakes or Diners, Drive-ins and Dives every night.

So somewhere over the winter, our TV watching shifted from watching Food Network to watching HGTV. I'm not really sure why, but we absolutely love watching House Hunters and Property Virgins and My First Place. Holmes on Homes is probably my favorite show on television right now besides House, and I have to fight with myself every Sunday to either watch that or Iron Chef; usually Holmes on Homes wins. Mike Holmes is my hero.

We watch a lot of TruTV too, tons of crime shows - and by crime shows I don't mean like, CSI or Law and Order (though we've been watching SVU a lot. It's just always on when we turn on TV e_e). I like to watch stupid police chase shows and Disorder in the Court and stuff like that. My TV watching habits are really strange.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by AngharadTy »

Joey wrote:
Silver Link wrote:(the scene where he defends Kurt from Finn is amazing)
That scene was really one of the most amazing I've seen on any show. It made me cry it was so awesome.
This scene?

Gargoyles: I need to watch it. I should bump up the priority of the dvds on my Netflix. I found it online, but it was the censored version, so that's right out.
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