Altador Cup '10!

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Re: Altador Cup '10!

Post by Alicorn »

Congrats to Lost Desert, Kreludor and Darigan! It was a close game. ^-^

I actually ventured onto Neopets (which I only really do now and again) to play this game. I saw the bored and was, oh why not. I haven't done it in the last 2 years so I wanted to check out what had changed and such. I went with my old team (one I'll always be with) Darigan (whoot!). Then I actually played! I usually do a few games and that's it because I've never really been good at the games. But this time I decided to make an effort. I made it to rank 1! Not high but I was proud of myself for how much I played. I was actually getting better at YYB which I was always bad at. So yeah, I panted myself on the back after all this. ^-^ And I had fun!
As for the staff tourney on the last part, I went for the new guy/underdog. I can't help myself, I enjoy rooting for the underdog. XD
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Re: Altador Cup '10!

Post by zebru »

Congrats everyone on LD, Kreludor and DC teams! And Kamil, woohoo for All-Star! :mrgreen: That's brillaint!

Choosing Moltara for my team wasn't much of an incentive for playing apparently.
I played less than any year before and reached just rank three (1,980 points). I kind of wish I stayed with DC instead now - I'd probably
would have put more effort into it if I thought I was making any kind of difference for my team. Having a friend over for ten days during
AC and watching real World Cup daily didn't help matters either.
Cuddos to TNT for placing some decent stuff in Prize Shop this year. Shame about the glitch though - I hope it won't mess up the profit for people who played hard.
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Re: Altador Cup '10!

Post by Fury »

Congratulations to everyone! Well done to Lost Desert for winning first place.

Haunted Woods came even lower than last year at 12th place (last year 9th) but I am proud of myself for achieving Rank 8 and scoring 6,067 points. I wanted to aim for a higher rank but admit to losing interest - there's only so much Yooyuball I can play before I start to fall off my perch with boredom.
I applaud all the fabulous Charter HW Board users who played their asses off and were so supportive and kind - it was they who kept me going till Rank 8.

Looking at the prize shop, I'll probably buy doubles of the books - one set to read to Sunburn and the other to keep until they inflate. I am also rather tempted by the hilarious Yooyu hat.
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Re: Altador Cup '10!

Post by mellaka »

Congrats to LD and to everyone on their scores. I was very happy to see Darigan get a trophy again after all these years. :D

The prizes are nicer this year but I am disappointed that they are so expensive. I have just over 30k points to spend but won't be getting a snow yooyu - last year I got something like 3 yooyus for fewer points. I guess with more people scoring maximum points, they have to raise the prize costs.

And I also picked Twitterpate because she took out Snarkie. Unfortunately I didn't get the 50k staff tourney prize because I sucked in guessing overall.
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Re: Altador Cup '10!

Post by Marah »

203 points baby! Oh yeah! Apparently I don't care about this cup either :) I couldn't bring myself to play. I see a lot of old prizes in the shop though, and a pirate paint brush. So would that mean that next year is a desert one?
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Re: Altador Cup '10!

Post by Kantark »

11th? Oh well, that's two teams who had promised much but failed to deliver that I've supported this month :-(
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