Pet Trading 'Values'

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Pet Trading 'Values'

Post by Jamie »

Hi there, I have a question/favour to ask of someone here who has a bit more experience with pet trading than I do. Lately I've been trying to trade my Maraquan Ixi, Colpys for something. I really don't know what I want, but I'd like to know what it is 'worth' just to get an idea of what I could get. Also, I'm entertaining the idea of possibly trading off Treid (UC RB Acara) & Sezlly (UC RG Mynci), again, I'm not sure what is reasonable to look for.

If someone could either lay out a really quick guide of 'values' or point me in the direction of somewhere that will tell me, it'd be greatly appreciated. I've been on a few petpages, but they all seem to contradict eachother or don't cover what I specifically want to know. Thank you so much.
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Re: Pet Trading 'Values'

Post by Rah »

Maraquan pets I've found can generally go for: other maraquan pets, chocolate pets, low-end/badly named royals, coconut jubjubs, mallow grundos, some veggie chias, baby customs, jelly pets, robot pets, faerie pets and basically anything else zappable.

They're unlikely to go for plushie or pirate pets, or alien aishas, or royal customs.

I personally often trade pets for less valuable colours with better names!

Your UC pets have great names, and are very highly sought after. You could pretty much ask for anything you wanted. People tend to trade UC royals for UC plushies or other UC royals, or UC draiks/krawks.

What kinds of thing are you after?
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Re: Pet Trading 'Values'

Post by Iggy »

When I was trading a UC RB Acara, I had tons of UC Plushie offers. UC Plushies seems to come and go in waves, there are some kinds you'll have massive number of at anytime, and some that are rarer, such as the Lenny, Blumaroo and Kyrii.

(I traded all of my UCs for converted, so I got a trained custom Robot Krawk for mine)
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Re: Pet Trading 'Values'

Post by Usul_Princess »

Not Sezlly! Nuuuu! She's beautiful! I do agree with the consensus that VWN UC royals go for pretty much anything you want. Their plushie counterparts go for a lot, but not as much because the former is harder to find with a name you can work with.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Pet Trading 'Values'

Post by thelonetiel »

Interestingly, I just had a Maraquan zap on a gelert, and she was surprisingly popular. I traded for a WN RB Gelert this morning. I suggest going to the Neoboards and stating that you are new to trading, but want to know what you can get for your Mara. People will offer, and some people will have advice or remember what others went for. Since they are zappable, royal customs are difficult, but I'm pretty sure the

For your royals, I'd recommend you to this petpage but it doesn't seem to have much helpful information. It may still be useful to look at to figure out what pets are most common. Both of yours are unusual (while say, there are multiple UC RG Lupes around UFT at a given time, there is rarely more than one UC RG Mynci, if that, and rarely well named) so you should probably be able to get some UC Draiks/Krawks (Royals, Faeries, Tyrannian would be relatively easy, Plushies, Darigans, Maraquans are more difficult). And you could easily get the more common UC Plushies and Royals, and many of the more uncommon ones. Mainly, try to keep in the same name range (VWN/WN in your case, which is Xxxxxx pronounceable format) and lurk a lot, to get a feel of which ones are most common/uncommon. A lot of UC Plushies, for instance, are nearly impossible to find, like chia, uni, ixi, and many others, while lots of UC Plushie Shoyrus, Cybunnies, and Buzzes exist.

I've been lurking the Pound Chat and watching UC Royals/Plushies/Draiks/Krawks for a while now, so if you have questions about specific offers, let me know!
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Re: Pet Trading 'Values'

Post by Jamie »

Yeah, I've had a few VWN UC Royal Draiks offered on both of them, it's a shame I don't really care for them that much. Thank you so much for the input guys, I think I'm just going to lurk/look around until I find a beautifully named UC plushie of a species that I want. Hopefully I can find one, I'm really picky with names, heh. It's times like these that I wish I didn't downsize my accounts and give away so many pets that would be 'worth' something now, haha. How horrible of me ^^
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