Recent Purchases

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Recent Purchases

Post by Fury »

Sometimes I just can't help myself; even though I know I should stick the spare £50 or whatever I have left at the end of the month into my savings account, I usually treat myself to something. Anything! I think I can safely say I get a bit of a high from buying stuff, even if it's not for me.

So if you like shopping as much as I do then come and share your recent purchases here! Feel free to include pictures or whatever you want!

Today: Really didn't spend as much as I imagined I would. Probably because my partner and I stayed in Worthing rather than going to Brighton (Worthing = shitty shops).

- Pair of black leather gloves
- Pair of black pumps for work
- Pair of purple satin pumps (in a sale for £3.60! :o)


- Curb Your Enthusiasm Series 1 DVD (love this, SO MUCH)
- The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest book (finished the first in the trilogy and don't yet have the second but saw this in a charity shop for £2.49!)
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Kari »

Well, I put $60 down on a preorder for Hyperdimension Neptunia, a PS3 game that's out next month. It comes with an artbook and a deck of customized playing cards.

I really like game swag.
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Cranberry »

I buy way too many things online. I love receiving packages!

In late December I got this keyboard, which I mentioned in another thread (I love it).
I got this movie because it's hilarious.
I ordered these for my dogs because they love chewing them.
I bought this shirt because I thought the concept was clever (I love shirt.woot and I hope this one is one of the winners this week so I can buy it).
I got this figurine after loving the movie.
And I got some Neocash so I could buy useless crap for my Habitarium. :P

I was going to get myself one of those pocket HD camcorders, but apparently they all have sound quality issues (a lot of noise while zooming), which is disappointing. I was thinking of upgrading my digital camera to the newest model in the series, as it does shoot HD video, but it has a smaller sensor and photo quality isn't quite as good as the model I have now. Bah.
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Rah »

Oh gosh, I have an addiction to receiving things in brown paper parcels!

This month, I bought:
This bag, which I had seen in the shop for £65 and wanted, and died when my friend pointed out it was in the sale. (His name is Siegfried)
These boots, which haven't come yet and so may not fit me, but they're SO CUTE.
The DVDs Yentl, The Scarlet Pimpernel(+book), Requiem for a Dream, Young Frankenstein and Fun and Fancy Free (the last film in which Walt provided the voice for Mickey!)
This CD/DVD combo album (after I saw the show for my birthday in the West End)

I also bought some necklaces and rings from Accessorize in the sale which were all adorable (and way cheap).
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by EofS »

Let's see, today I bought... celery, a leek, a banana, an apple, a lemon, half a cucumber, tomatoes, white chocolate chips, hula hoops... And I'll stop there, because my shopping list is not overly thrilling ;0)

But a couple of weeks ago I did impulsively buy myself a washing up bowl (such a gorgeous shade of plum) and some storage canisters for my kitchen. I know how to live!
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Joey »

On Friday I got myself an electric piano keyboard, in an attempt to learn how to play. If nothing else it'll help with some of my music classes. Since I can't really practice violin much these days, I need to keep up some sort of music practice...

I also picked up the new Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, which I will play when I beat Birth by Sleep. And some Apple Jacks.
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Kantark »

Yesterday I bought a car because my previous one went kaput again. It's another el-cheapo old-ish one... I never learn :-P

I also recently bought an album by School of Seven Bells, and a few random cheesy mp3s using labels from a beer bottle promotion (and a couple of the latest 'Now That's What I Call Music' albums, and didn't recognise most of the music on them)
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Usul_Princess »

Cranberry wrote:I buy way too many things online. I love receiving packages!

*whew* I'm glad it's not just me. I bought another Coach purse last week on ebay, and went crazy in Maurices. They had an additional 75% off clearance items. I spent $55. and my receipt said I saved $195. They have little punch cards that you can redeem for $10.00 off your purchase for every $250. you spend. I wish I could save those so I would admit to myself that I might have a shopping addiction to this place. I'm sure the damage is at least 2 grand over 3 years.
EoFS wrote:half a cucumber
....They sell them in halves?

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by EofS »

Usul_Princess wrote:
EoFS wrote:half a cucumber
....They sell them in halves?
Um, yeah? You can buy them whole or just a half. Sometimes the halves are exactly half the price of a whole one, but usually they cost a bit more. What's really annoying is when the whole ones are on offer, so the price difference is pretty slim. I buy a whole one if I plan to put it in my sandwiches that week, or a half if I'm only eating it on the side. I struggle otherwise to get through a whole cucumber in just one week, but nor can I make one last for two weeks (gets a bit old by the end of it). Thus, halves :0)

Now I just wish they would come up with a way that I can reliably buy peppers where price and quantity both suit me. Without having to take my chance waiting for the mixed bags of oddly shaped/sized ones not to contain too many green ones. And even then they sometimes go mouldy distressingly quickly, whilst sometimes they last for a few weeks. Which makes them hard to rely on. (Annoyingly, the green ones seem to sit happily in my fridge for weeks without gaining so much as a wrinkle. Whereas the tasty ones will go mouldy inside a fortnight.) And I wish they'd bring back the value packs of cherry tomatoes - through the winter I've been having to spend more money than I want to buy more tomatoes than I want. *Grumble*
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Tom »

How can one ever have too many cherry tomatoes? I could easily eat a whole packet in one sitting - they're the perfect size for mindless consumption.

My moment of extravagance today was buying a white chocolate mocha from Caffé Nero as I met up with a friend. I'm depressingly poor at the moment - I came to the realisation last week that my favourite pair of jeans are over two years old. And I want a camera. And lots of DVDs. But things like rent and bills are generally more important. :(
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Marah »

Well I will be moving soon so in the past week I bought a washer, a vacuumcleaner and a diner table. Next on the list are a new couch, a floor and heaps of paint.
It is exciting (much more space!) but my savings are going to take a hit, eeep.

I have banned myself from buying small stuff for now. First I need to get settled in my new appartment and choose the colours of paint on the wall before I loose my head and start buying frilly stuff like pillows and candles and other stuff that you can't ignore while in the ikea...
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Alicorn »

Add me to the list of people who love getting packages. is my addiction.

My recent purchase isn't really recent, since I pre-ordered it in November, but I'll count it since it came out a little over a week ago. I bought the first part of Black Butler season one LE. I was a bit bummed to see it hadn't arrived when I returned from my trip only to find out that it was out of stock and they had more coming. Which I find weird since I pre-ordered it, you think they would of had ordered enough for all their pre-orders. o.O Oh well! It's worth the wait. [/rant]
Moving on, I also recently bought a few blu-rays that were on sale at Wal-Mart to go with my blu-ray player I bought (on sale) with my birthday money. And just yesterday I ordered a couple DVDs from Amazon. I've also bought food this week, needed to restock the fridge that we empty before we left.
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Wingsrising »

Interestingly, I spent a LOT of money this weekend, too.

From LL Bean:

I got a new door mat for INSIDE my door, to hopefully try to stop tracking mud and slush and stuff all over the apartment in the winter. I may get a matching outdoor mat later to replace my current old sad outdoor mat. I'll see how I like this one.

Sheepskin slippers -- full foot ones. I have moccasin style ones already, but my feet are getting SO cold these days. I'm going to take the moccasin sheepskin slippers I have now to work, for when my feet get cold there.

From Wintersilks:

Two pairs of long underwear pants, to add to the ones I already have so I can wear some every day without having to wear them a disturbingly large number of times in a row.

A pair of wool/silk socks to push me over the limit of my free shipping deal. (They were about as much as the shipping would be.)

From Amazon:
A cookbook and Toy Story 3, using that "Get a $20 gift card for $10" deal thingy that was floating around the Interwebs last week.

Yeah, WAY too much money. I need to cool it for the next few weeks. But I really could use the door mat and the long johns.

Why yes, it HAS been really cold here, why do you ask? Of course, next week looks to be much warmer (it may even flirt with freezing on Friday, meaning stuff will start melting and then freeze in sold sheets of ice as soon as the temperature drops again) but the only things certain in life are death, taxes, and that Iowa is going to get really fricking cold again.
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by TraditionsRule »

My biggest splurge was on a really soft plaid scarf I found in a mall stand for like $14.50. Almost got 3 for $20ish, but I couldn't see myself using three scarves. :|

I'm on the lookout for a few things now before I go back to college, most noteably a black winter hat. I've yet to find one that I still look good in when my hair is pulled back.
EofS wrote:
Usul_Princess wrote:
EoFS wrote:half a cucumber
....They sell them in halves?
Um, yeah? You can buy them whole or just a half.
I've never actually seen a half a cucumber for sale, even in my local market. I have seen pre-cut fruit though, can't remember if cucumbers were included in that. (I just think it's a cool idea, never heard of it!)
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by thelonetiel »

I got to go to Fry's Electronics yesterday, which was rather fun. I made out with a cheap new wireless mouse (my old one's receiver went missing), a network cable for when my school's wireless wobbles, and preemptive extra black ink for my printer, which I'll need soon.

Being a college student sucks, my purchases are so... Useful!
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