Your Favourite Birthday Moments

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Shiny Neomysterion
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Your Favourite Birthday Moments

Post by Shiny Neomysterion »

Since my birthday is getting closer, I thought that I may want to ask everyone about their favoured Birthday moments.

For me, I mostly like it when I get my delicious chocolate cake (or ice cream cake at least), as well as my birthday presents. :mrgreen:

How about you guys, do you have any favoured birthday moments you like to share?
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Re: Your Favourite Birthday Moments

Post by AngharadTy »

My birthday is on the Day of the Dead, so I like to spend it watching zombie movies. ^_~ Also, cake is necessary! One year I had cream puffs instead and it still makes me a bit sad (even though they were delicious cream puffs). I would prefer it if no one sings to me, though. That's just awkward for everyone involved.
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Re: Your Favourite Birthday Moments

Post by Rah »

I like reverting to goofy child state on my birthday. Two of my favourite birthday moments include running around on the Swiss Family Robinson part of Disneyland Paris in the rain on my 21st birthday, and meeting Ramin Karimloo at the stage door to Love Never Dies on my 25th birthday. I like to go out of my way to do /something/ special, just so I can say I did something special!

Me and my mum do have a running tradition of seeing a musical, though. I do love that!
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Re: Your Favourite Birthday Moments

Post by Jessi »

For the past several years, my birthday has fallen around the same day as the Downtown Lawrence Sidewalk Sale (the third Thursday in July). For the past three years, my birthday has consisted of getting up SUPER early (like 6 AM!) to go shopping, getting my hair cut and colored as a treat (also they give me 10% off on my birthday!) and then meeting my best buds downtown for sushi and ice cream! It's been a pretty fun 'tradition' the past few years. Sadly, this year my birthday falls the week BEFORE the Lawrence Sidewalk Sale, so that tradition has officially 'ended' - as this is our last year in Lawrence! Though I'm sure shopping/sushi/ice cream will still be involved ;)

After that, who knows? Being in Seattle will create a whole new tradition for it, I'm sure!
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Re: Your Favourite Birthday Moments

Post by Faun »

I remember one year I went to Disneyland in florida for my birthday. It was amazing.
My birthday this year was less than great though, as my parents were working and I had to go to school.
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Re: Your Favourite Birthday Moments

Post by Kali_Lupine »

my fav parts of my birthday in the past involved Ali coming to see me in Canada or me going to see her in the USA. Because I was off work on disability I could go down for a month or more. The longest was 2 months. I ALWAYS asked for a trip to the USA for my birthday and Christmas! But I think the best year was my 25th birthday because I got my shi-tzu Lute as a gift! I got a sapphire ring as well, but I passed it along to my sis since I don't wear jewelry and she is mad for gold.

Recently happy memories around my birthday including the fact that I quit smoking right after my birthday (this year will be 3 years smoke free!)

The best memory of my birthday EVER was that I asked Ali to marry me on my birthday...mostly so I wouldn't forget our engagement anniversary. She still has to remind me of the actual date of our wedding anniversary. But thats ok because for years she thought we were engaged a year longer than we were. LOL we both have bad memories.

Edit: @Jessi- if I get up at 6am that's sleeping in for me :P
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Re: Your Favourite Birthday Moments

Post by Griffin »

For some reason I can't remember what I did on most of my birthdays. I remember going with my parents to Marie Callender's for my 18th. I remember in my teens I got a new computer but it took about 2 months to make it work for various reasons. Last birthday I got a new video card that ended up breaking my computer and my boyfriend gave me his computer, long story. Maybe I should steer clear of electronics on my birthday. *shrug* Can't think of anything else... I like regular days more.
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Re: Your Favourite Birthday Moments

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Most of my birthdays have been very different, even the ones in the traditional location of my parents' place. The one constant is totally plain brown sugar pound cake (no frosting, no nothin') which i love. Mom mailed me some across the country this time!

Sometimes Mom comes up with something cheesy and creative and sometimes elaborate. The most memorable was when i was 18, she asked me to list the 18 things i wanted most - and i was honest, even though i couldn't expect to get half of what i asked for. For those, she twisted the meanings of them. "Buckskin Quarter Horse" became a drawing of a horse colored buckskin with a quarter taped to its butt. "DST, RTN, or WBC in a black velvet box with red satin lining" (a dream presentation of my big crushes at the time) became a LITTLE black velvet box with a folded sheet of red satin and the letters written on paper. But she did get me an enormous set of Prismacolor pencils and a few of my other requests.
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Re: Your Favourite Birthday Moments

Post by Kali_Lupine »

heh heh I am looking forward to my birthday this year, even though it is about 2 months away. Ali has already declared that she is baking my cake. Ali stays out of the kitchen for the most part (except doing dishes :P ). She is a very good baker, but I am the cook 99% of the time.

The part that I am looking forward to is due to the fact that I have Celiac Disease and this will be Ali`s first time baking a gluten-free cake. Gluten free baking is notoriously hard and even my nana has trouble, and she not only worked as a baker but has been doing gluten free baking for over 25 years since my little sister was born with the disease.

I have high hopes since I don`t get to eat cake very often since it is so hard to make and the store bought stuff is very expensive. Around 7 dollars for a loaf of bread that is half the size of a normal one @_@......but in my heart I am expecting hilarious results!
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Re: Your Favourite Birthday Moments

Post by Joey »

My birthday has a bad habit of falling right around the end of the semester, so I've been stuck with finals these past couple of years on my birthday. Not the greatest present, let me tell you.

Before college I had some memorable birthdays. My 18th birthday was when I finally got my drivers license after two and a half years, and it was a great night cause I was able to drive round with my friends and eat sushi. And on my 20th, I ended up in Las Vegas for my job, but my boss was super awesome about it and I got to model a Victorian bathing suit in a fashion show, and after work we went to the Star Trek experience.
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