Mutant Lutari

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Mutant Lutari

Post by Kantark »


Well, it's definitely unusual! Very furry, odd pincer-claw hands and raptor-like feet, two tails....

But something about the face, the teeth and general expression immediately brought to mind Ludo from Labyrinth. Just me?
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Cranberry »

I kind of love this. Great colors, and nice shading. It looks soft, and scary but not mean -- look at that little smile just visible behind the teeth! I'm not overly fond of the blue shade of the skin on the hands and feet, but I love the rest. It looks masculine to me, but then again, most mutants do.
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by EofS »

Love it! I've never liked lutaris*, either old or new version, but I think this one is absolutely wonderful. It looks scrappy and powerful has an intelligent looking face.

*Roxton T Colchester III excepted, of course.
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Gagarox »

I've been waiting for this for a long time. The long claws, the two tails, the snaggletooth face. It's all so awesome. Even the color and fur contributes to this. After a long time, this will make up after the awesome looking mutant acara that was released on sloth day 2011. Well done TNT.
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Madge »

I approve of this pet and heartily endorse its presence in my heart/life/etc.

The two tails makes me think of the two or three-tailed lupes that used to be on the FC boards back in the day. Now I want to create a lupe with 6 tails, each a colour of the rainbow. Just to be vicious parody. Except multiple tails are no longer vogue so the satire would be lost.

But seriously, I approve of the tails on this pet. It just works.

If scythemantis were here, he'd probably say it looks too beastly/darigan and that mutants are meant to look a bit pathetic. But who cares. Awesome is awesome, whatever name it goes by.
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Kantark »

And I think he'd have a point, Madge - Mutants really should make you go 'Ewww!' (e.g. Mutant Gnorbu) or at least pause for a few seconds going 'What the hell is going on there?' (Kau), whereas my first reaction to this was 'Aww!' before I noticed all the other stuff going on.

Couple of things I want to add to my earlier post... As Cranberry noted, the colours are great. And I completely forgot to mention the genius that is the random orange eyebrows (and yet it works with the other colours and the red eyes). I can imagine this design turning up a lot in Neo fanart/comics.
Last edited by Kantark on 31 Aug 2012 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Fury »

Oh wow, this is incredible. I love it! I never liked Lutari's but I'd be happy to own one of these!

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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Scythemantis »


And it is nicely filthy and decrepit looking, also really sloth-like.

It still could have used one overly large eyeball, or something, but all I actually dislike is that so many mutants are this same blue color scheme. What's with that? It's like the very least mutanty-color, and I don't know why so many default to it when they could be any color in the whole world.

I suppose I'm also rather sad to realize that in just a couple more years, mutant will be done, and we're unlikely to see anything as outrageous as the Kau or unused Aisha in the species we have left, which I believe are only the Poogle, Wocky and Nimmo.
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Madge »

OMG, did I just summon Scythemantis by saying his name?!?!

Also, I saw you have written at least one article on Cracked about awesome insect sort of things. I saw it and squeed and thought of you (because you wrote it, that would make sense, yes?). Congrats on being an internet writer!

EDIT: I should add that hopefully TNT will add a mutant-esque colour like they have done for the halloween/christmas sort of colours when they begin to run out.... perhaps "birth defect"? Can you imagine??? A girl can dream...
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Color Wheel »

Oh, the shading on this is gorgeous! It even has some fur textures as well.~ This is one of those mutants that, instead of looking pathetic or gross, looks like it could tear you apart if it wanted to. The color scheme's commonly used but nice, though the orange eyebrows are different. I'm fond of the two tails, which is reminiscent of real-life mutants, and those pincer-like claws are very interesting.

tl;dr - A very nice Mutant. No complaints here.
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Scythemantis »

Oddly enough there's no known case of a multi-tailed mutation in a vertebrate, just multi-headed. You would think multi-headed is more difficult, but it has to do with the direction in which an embryo grows and splits! I could be wrong, but I've never found an example of a truly two-tailed chordate birth defect.

The Lutari's claws seem taken from the hooked claws of a tree sloth, just with opposeable thumbs.

I'm just inclined to come by here and comment on new mutants, and sometimes other new colors :p

I've written a dozen things for Cracked now, but the most recent thing about spiders came out sucky (they re-wrote it to totally hate on them) so I had them take my name off it. They're usually not that bad, though they always do change some of my writing.
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Color Wheel »

Oddly enough there's no known case of a multi-tailed mutation in a vertebrate, just multi-headed. You would think multi-headed is more difficult, but it has to do with the direction in which an embryo grows and splits! I could be wrong, but I've never found an example of a truly two-tailed chordate birth defect.

The Lutari's claws seem taken from the hooked claws of a tree sloth, just with opposeable thumbs.

Ahh, that makes sense! I've seen plenty of pictures of multi-headed animals, and I just assumed multi-tailed animals happened as well. :P Now that I think about it, I've never seen one either. However, that actually makes this even more mutant-like!

And that's a good observation about the tree sloth! I can really see it now.
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Re: Mutant Lutari

Post by Scythemantis »

I don't know what new mutant-like color they could ever possibly do that would make sense as its own distinct theme, once they've filled up all the mutants. Maybe an alien themed color, though a lot of mutants already have that look, unless they pick a specific alien motif and run with it, like exoskeletal Gigeresque aliens (TYRANNIAN BUZZ >:( )

Or they could do a freaky mutant counterpart to Maraquan, like if we were to discover, say, a new abyssal plane beneath Maraqua?
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