TC's Art Board (Update: 5-29-13)

Post finished and unfinished work here for critique and appraisal.
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TC's Art Board (Update: 5-29-13)

Post by TCStarwind »

I figured since I am an artist (at least when school doesn't zap all of my enthusiasm out of me), I should make one of these. :) For general use, this is my deviantART. Sometimes I upload school work, but usually it's only populated with fanart.

Let's start with something festive. I'm about an hour late, but I don't care. XD I'm also obsessed with Nightmare Before Christmas. Add those two things together and we get this:


Also, here's a walk cycle I did for my 2d animation class. This would have been better if I had felt like working harder. :/ But still, those legs. <3 There are some other videos up, too, if you want to peek around. :)

Maybe I'll get around to working on something decent during break...
Last edited by TCStarwind on 29 May 2013 01:23 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: TC's Art Board

Post by Faun »

Thats so cute! I LOVE the nightmare before christmas, Its the best!
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Re: TC's Art Board

Post by TCStarwind »

Thanks. :D

Anyway, new stuff! Kinda. I finished this thing on Wednesday. This is my first attempt at watercolor pencils. As you can see, it didn't go too well. If anyone has tips on how to use these things, I'd love to hear them. :D And to top it all off, I could not get this thing to scan well (tried two different scanners). Sorry. :( It looks a bit better in person.

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Re: TC's Art Board (Update: 2-5-10, tips for traditional wor

Post by TCStarwind »

We can double post on our own art threads, right? :D

Figured I'd update this a little. It's been over a year since I posted on this. Firstly, I've decided to stop posting on DA. I moved all my recent work to Storm Artists, which I'll also be cross posting on my Tumblr at the same time. It's weird not to be using DA anymore, but it's for the better. Now for art.

I've been slowly working on the pokemon challenge. I won't post them all here because it's a good bit of pictures, but they're all on Storm, as well as here. That's "Cool-Story-Bro Nidoking". I'm working on them numerically, and I'm only up to Golduck, so it'll probably be a good while before they're all done.

Here's a picture I drew of my kyrii last May. I'm still rather fond of this. :)

Since I'm going to school for 3D art, I figured I'd post this old thing. Made him around this time last year for a class final. He was my first character model, so as I look at it now, I realize how horrible it is. In May, I should have three more to post up. With any luck, they'll be better.

And last, here's a picture of me as a MLP. If I were a pony, I'd totally have blue streaks in my hair. The new MLP series is adorable, BTW. If you like cartoons, you should totally watch it. :)
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Re: TC's Art Board (Update: 3-18-11)

Post by ShadowHoundoom »


Your art is absolutely precious. I really dig your style~

Everyone's drawing MLPs as of late. I have heard the new one is pretty neat~
/should totally doodle some stuffs


Keep up the lovely work here, and good luck with that 3D stuff~ :3
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Re: TC's Art Board (Update: 3-18-11)

Post by TCStarwind »

I hope it's ok if I necro my art thread. XD Anyway:


I entered some plush designs in the Open Squish contest. Today, two of them are up for preliminary voting. It'd mean a lot to me if you could stop over and rate them. If they win this round, they'll go into the main contest and have a chance to get made into an actual plush. I'm so excited! <3

Links to the voting pages: Rosy Maple Moth and Luna Moth

You need a verified account to vote, but you don't need to give any personal information, just an email.

Voting for the moth round ends tonight at midnight, so there are a little over 17 hours left currently. Thanks if you vote!

I'll be back with more designs eventually! Two more of my designs just went straight into the contest, so they're already one step closer. XD
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Re: TC's Art Board (Update: 10-16-12)

Post by TCStarwind »


My last design is up for voting (as long as we don't count the one I submitted the other day...). Forgot to post about my bat. :( Whoops. Anyway, here is my reptilian. They're a more uncommon type of alien.

Click here to vote! You need to have a verified account, but you only have to give it a username/password/email.

Unlike the moth round, there are two weeks to vote for this and the other designs. So until Friday, December 28 at midnight (EST I believe). If it wins, it gets made into an actual plush animal!

Thank you if you vote! :D
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Re: TC's Art Board (Update: 12-15-12)

Post by TCStarwind »

So uh, I started an art shop on Storenvy. 0u0 Selling my art on necklace pendants, specifically (though I will also do custom photo pendants, too).

Here is a link. I have also made several posts about in on my tumblr. It is very purple.

I'm really really proud of the art for so many of these, so I hope y'all don't mind me posting some of them (I also hope tumblr doesn't mind me hot-linking them). :)


My favorites are Umbreon, Sylveon, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight. And Rarity's hair.
Well. I love them all, really. XD
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