Pink Pandemic

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Pink Pandemic

Post by Marah »

So apparently Ecks got reigned in succesfully and there will be no zombie plots again? I'm fine with changing the status quo because Subeta seemed to be going from event to event with many events becoming a bit predictable. I hope another plot will happen this year, but am fine with it not being a zombie plot.

I like the new floating flowers and all the new pinky fluffy amour stuff.
However I would love to know if this open underground thing is only during the pandemic or is it open for everyone, all the time. I have some alchemy tokens and am wondering if we will also get some new things to make in the alchove or if the staff is fixated on the new cute stuff. (I might be if I were staff, those pets are adorable!)

Also I don't need kisses, but please tell me if you do. I love to help people get the achievements (And collect those precious hearts ;)
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Re: Pink Pandemic

Post by Gumdrops »

I hate that we can't get candy hearts from profiles anymore. I don't like having to go through the forums.

Whatever, zombies are right up there with snakes on my list of least favorite things ever, so I'll probably just ignore pandemic for the most part.
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Re: Pink Pandemic

Post by Marah »

I think the change in hearts was because they had to take the profiles down because of lag and somebody trying to do something bad with the script.
So I'm glad they changed it to this because the first solution (free shop) was not working at all, thing was empty every time.

Here is, however the very cool Neocolours kissing board:
post and be smooched by your NC buddies!
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Re: Pink Pandemic

Post by Gumdrops »

I suppose I could do that. There are some beanbags I need from Louis L'amour.
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Re: Pink Pandemic

Post by Ierosbats »

Has there actually been any word from the top that there's no new zombie plot this year? People in the news/forums are freaking out, but I think it's a bit early to get upset over anything. The biggest complaint I've seen is that so far there are no new infections, but... that seems sort of silly? With the underground open, everyone can do all the stuff they'd be able to do with an infection anyway. Not to mention basically everyone cures themselves as soon as they're able. According to the zombie stats page, only 100-300 people wind up keeping each new infection per year. I guess it's a bummer for any new players who haven't had a chance to get infected yet, but there's still plenty of time. This event usually lasts for at least a couple weeks, right? (I hope so. Need so many candy hearts gahhhhh)

To me, at least, the Ecks/Skitters stuff doesn't feel resolved. The last "plot" with them was fairly anticlimactic, and this year is no different. A 100% zombie-proof medicine seems like something Ecks would definitely not be happy about and clearly she has a tendency to plot in secret. Even if they do take a break from that conflict this year, I'm sure they'll revisit it at some point. That would be more similar to real-life political struggles. Usually you have to endure long periods of "quiet" unrest before any big confrontations. Plus, if there's no big zombie event, hopefully that means there's something special planned for the Masquerade. In terms of a big plot, I think the Masquerade has a more engaging cast of characters to work with.

Personally, I'm really satisfied with how the event is going so far. I think the 2013 batch of Skitters items is really great. I needed quite a few. Half Baked and the Lost Skeleton both got some new items, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Alchemy has some waiting. Maybe there will even be some new fish in the fishing hole. I don't think the zombie part of the event has been forgotten or neglected. And oh man! All the great Louis stuff... including a new pet colour! Come on, that's a big deal. This isn't Neopets, we don't get four or five half-assed new colours a year.
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Re: Pink Pandemic

Post by Faun »

I really, really love all of these new wearables. They make me want to make a HA like a Sugar Rush character! All the colours are so pretty and everything is just so damn adorable. I can't wait to see what else is going to happen!
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Re: Pink Pandemic

Post by Slugawoo »

I don't mind if there isn't a plot, since I find Subeta's plots to be pretty dull. Click click click through text, click click click through a frustrating minigame, wait two to three days, rinse and repeat. Also, I heard someone say on the forums that the Pandemic and Masquerade plots alternate every year, so we'd have a Masquerade plot this year instead of a zombie plot? I don't know if that's true, but I vaguely remember it being mentioned before.

I will say that I'll be slightly disappointed if there are no zombie viruses this year though. I wouldn't even mind if they reused old strains to allow newer members to obtain them. I never stay a zombie, but watching the viruses "grow" every year is always really interesting. On the other hand, if there are no zombies, I'll understand since we got a new pet colour. That was a very pleasant surprise, even if the colour itself isn't my cup of tea. :p
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Re: Pink Pandemic

Post by Seerow »

I'm rather hoping there isn't a plot this year. Last years was so dragged out and frustrating that I was dreading what this years would look like. So far I am more that happy to kiss people for hearts and there is plenty of stuff to do.

I would appreciate it if the zombies living in the Underground would put some signs up down there. So hard to navigate the tunnels!
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Re: Pink Pandemic

Post by Iggy »

Slugawoo wrote: I wouldn't even mind if they reused old strains to allow newer members to obtain them.
Pretty sure that it won't happen, because of the zombie den allowing access to items per year. If they were to reuse old strains, it might get complicated to see who got it the original year and who got it in 2013.
Ierosbats wrote:The biggest complaint I've seen is that so far there are no new infections, but... that seems sort of silly? With the underground open, everyone can do all the stuff they'd be able to do with an infection anyway. Not to mention basically everyone cures themselves as soon as they're able. According to the zombie stats page, only 100-300 people wind up keeping each new infection per year.
Agreed 250%
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Re: Pink Pandemic

Post by Wingsrising »

Do current zombies still have access to the 2013 Zombie shop?

I was just wondering, I seem to have somehow managed to miss picking up the Torn Green Scrap and was wondering if someone with access could get it for me. :-)

EDIT: Got it! Thanks! :-)
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Re: Pink Pandemic

Post by RNA »

I really wonder what the lack of zombies this year is going to do to the overall prices of Underground restockables.
I never cured my 2011 strain because it's one of the easier ones to dress up and I also have a zapper skin on top of it.
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