Escalade Revamp

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Escalade Revamp

Post by Silverevilchao »

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w-what? no...whyyyyy...

I thought the old artwork looked perfectly fine! D: And now my precious Hakuoro doesn't look so standoffish/stern anymore! So now I have to go change things. *sigh*
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by lavender »

Ehhhh... aside from the helmet and the eyes, I think it's okay. As long as my chibi escalade doesn't change, I'll be happy.
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Silverevilchao »

One of the comments put my feelings about it far more eloquently than I did:

"The once fierce kickass pet got reduced to a fluffy cuddly plushie :/"
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Jessi »

I wrote a lot about how I feel about this revamp on my tumblr (which includes the full size for those interested), but it's mostly because I'm mad. I'm mad at the people who said this "looks like a corpse", "looks like a Taiwan knockoff toy", "Subeta did this on purpose to get people to pay 1000 CSC for custom overlays", and that my wife, a talented artist, is an idiot for even thinking about revamping this pet.

Oh, and the person who said "I like the non-hagane escalades better." You are hilarious. She drew them all.

I love this, I think it kept its old look just fine - but I never saw it as fierce, just intelligent and neutral. The shading is divine, Lindsey is amazing, and she in no way deserves the crap she's getting. Are people allowed to dislike this? Absolutely. But that doesn't give them the right to be giant douchewaffles.
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Gumdrops »

There's something really off with the pose. It reminds me of a big wheel. Two legs in the back and one in the front (I know technically, there are two front legs, but it's not easy to see).

I was gonna get a galactic escalade eventually, but if it's it's gonna be changed, I think I'll pass.
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Aqua »

I've never been a huge escalade fan, but the shading on the new one is a huge improvement. :) The old one was kind of harshly lit. The fur is a lot nicer as well, and the lines seem a lot smoother. I'm not sure it's deserving of some of the anger I've seen, though there are a couple of things I notice - the muzzle seems to be inclined to it's left (the left corner of its mouth is under the edge of its eye almost, while on the right corner seems to be more toward the middle). The hidden foot seems a little low as well, it feels like it should be more bent given the position of the rest of the limbs (looks as if it's resting on bumpy ground). I don't think I ever saw it as fierce as others apparently do, though. :?
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Silverevilchao »

Jessi wrote:Oh, and the person who said "I like the non-hagane escalades better." You are hilarious. She drew them all.
That's interesting, I thought Aqua did the originals? :o Which is why they're being revamped?
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Aqua »

Nah, I only did the base endeavors, cadogres, swampies and illumis (all of which could probably use an update). I'm not really a quad artist (which is why hagane(?) took on the cadogre).
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Runic »

I'm so sorry that Lindsey has been bombarded with these absurd comments! I think it's lovely, and doing a side-by-side comparison, the previous look was definitely pretty aged. I kinda miss the Pokemon-esque pose it had, but I really love the softer-looking fur! I'm a mush for soft fluffy things. The old one looks a little standoff-ish even, and it makes the new one more friendly and curious.

It takes time to adjust to something new, but at least it wasn't drastically reposed!

And here I thought we were done with the insensitive BS comments from users, but I guess it will always be there for any revamp. :/ -sighs-
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Wingsrising »

Ironically, this comic from The Oatmeal popped up in the sidebar when I was reading another comic from The Oatmeal. The end few panels are relevant to the current discussion.

That said, I confess I liked the old one better. The pose seemed more -- dynamic, somehow? Collected? Solid? As if it's just seen something interesting and has snapped to attention to look at it. The new one seems much softer and, well... limper. Kind of boneless.

I'll see what happens with my Galactic Escalade.
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Slugawoo »

I think it's a huge improvement as far as the art goes, but I can understand why people are upset about the personality change, and I can see what they mean about the anatomy. The eyes have definitely lost their fierceness. The back legs seem overly splayed out and the front legs look way too close to each other. I admit it's something I never would have noticed if someone else hadn't mentioned it though, so I wouldn't call it a huge issue.

I do actually like the changes to the helmet though. It (and the other shiny bits) could be shinier, but the protruding bits look a lot more sturdy (and the top one actually makes sense now!). Some people are saying they don't like the new helmet, but the old one looked so flimsy.

The tails are kind of funny to me too, like they're layered vertically instead of horizontally, but that was an issue with the old one too. I think it would have benefited a lot from a pose change because of that. But I guess that would have justified a poll, and I suppose that's a lot of extra effort to go through.
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Rakumel »

I'm not going to reiterate all the flaws people have pointed out with the new version. Nor am I going to share my low and hostile opinion of the average Subeta user in order to ameliorate the sting of their comments. Nope, I just wanted to point out a couple of things about the revamps that I like that I hadn't seen posted elsewhere. (Though I could have easily missed them)

I don't know if the new colors count as part of the revamp, but I like most of them. The Nuclear in particular looks MUCH better to me. The old one was so dark that it was difficult to see most of the detail. The Gold Escalade is beautifully shiny, the detail on it is impeccable. It's one I'd actually consider owning, and that's rare for that particular color. I do have a Dawn Escalade; their coloring changed some- but in my case, mine's new colors actually matched her minion better than before. So that was an unexpected nice surprise.

Also, the helmet. Yeah, it may be a little too rounded and I miss the metallic shine on both it and the tail...blade...thingys...but more importantly, the shapes make sense now and it actually fits on the head, as opposed to looking just stuck on the top (imo). That's a trade-off I'm willing to accept.
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Foghawk »


I was gonna vomit up my usual wall of text on this one, but... maybe later. I dunno.
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Sunwolf »

Hmm. Less shiny. Colors not as bright. Lost the fierce look. Face is now round. Claws are now giant. Helmet lost detail. It's smiling.

Sorry, but I think it's a terrible revamp.
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Re: Escalade Revamp

Post by Joey »

I really like it. The helmet and tail armor things look a lot more natural now and the face matches the redraws. I like that you can see more of the anatomy and less blob of fur (the neck and hind leg in particular). The shading is beautiful. If there's one thing that's kind of off, I'd say that the outline isn't as bold so the colours look a bit more washed out, but I really only notice it in comparison.
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