Christmas & Camo Skeith

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Christmas & Camo Skeith

Post by Kantark »


People are commenting that this is a Grinch-like Christmas design. I can't really comment about this as I'm not particularly familiar with the Grinch, other than it was a book by Dr. Seuss that was turned into a film which I think starred Jim Carrey, an actor I find intensely irritating and over-rated (all that gurning does nothing for me)for example in Ace Ventura and The Mask, although I thought he was much more palatable in The Truman Show, a very good film that I'd definitely watch again and... where was I? Oh yeah, Skeith, nice enough but why are we getting this in September? Anybody who mentions that 'it's only 80-odd shopping days till Christmas' will get an Annoyed Glance.


Interesting muted non-clashing colours & chevron pattern on the chest, I think this would blend in well against a backdrop of concrete and asphalt typically found in the seedier parts of Neopia Central. This is better - a Camo pet that would actually look camouflaged in an environment you might actually see in Neopia (or possibly a conveyer-belt factory).
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Re: Christmas & Camo Skeith

Post by MalionX »

Christmas?! Shouldn't they be saving those colours for... you know... christmas?

Yeah he does look like the grinch with his green skin and yellow eyes.. that was likely the idea.

Camo is cool. It seems like one of those that's based on a real animal... though for the life of me I can't figure out which.
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