Shameless Begging/Recruiting for Pony Island

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Shameless Begging/Recruiting for Pony Island

Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

Okay, yes, I'm a shameless bastard...well, not really, but I'm in need of Bonus Points (BP) to make more pretty starter ponies and if I have to do anymore training quests to only get 1 or 3 BP my brain will explode. X_x So, will you save a brain today?

Seriously though, I do think it's best to explain some of the more important features and highlights of the game before anyone delves into the depths that is PI.

I can already hear the groans. Now, hold up just a moment before you go back to your regularly scheduled NeoColours and at least let me explain the whys. You see, back a few years ago there was VeeZ and ZarqX and the decided to make an online game based on My Little Ponies. However, they did not want many of the problems that plagued other "free" pet sites. Such as ads all over the place; pop-ups and people who did not read the rules. So, they made it pay-to-play and saw that this was good. The current price of a Full User Account is $14 for 6 months and $23 for 12 months.

Trial Accounts
Trial Accounts (Trials or Tris) are what your account is before you pay to play as a Full User (just called Users on PI). A trial account is exactly what it sounds like, an account to try out the game. If you like it enough and have the money then you can become a User. If you hate it then you don't pay and in a few weeks your account goes "poof!" and is deleted. Sadly, people abused the old system so trials can't do as much as they use to. :(
1. Trials can not breed with other users ponies be they trial or user.
2. Trials can not sell ponies to other users be they trial or user. Nor can they get rid of the pony by sending it to the Trial Market.
What they can do is this.
1. Buy from the Trial Market. Users can not buy from the Tri Market.
2. Create a Basic Starter without the need of BP.
3. Breed with ponies in their own stables, users can breed with ponies in their own stables too (of course) but it gives you an idea of how to breed with the ponies. The mother ponies take up to 5 days to give birth and the babies (including your starter) take 20 days to grow up. A lot of Tris never get to see their starter grow up. :(

The Manual and other Guides
The Manual must be read if you even want to consider joining. Their are more indepth tutorials within and of course, The Rules. I give you the link to the Rules page first. There are other links in the manual at the top of the page.

PI Forums, non-users or non-tris can see the forums. Useful information can be gleaned from them and I'm glad they're visible as it helped me to decide on whether or not I wanted to join.

Empress Poohgirl's Stable Presentation Page is a good place to find out about the different Breeds and S-genes. ... er&usr=826

And, last but not least Valkyries Presentation which (if you scroll down far enough) you reach The Colour Possibilities Chart for Starters. This is a near to complete list of all the likely effects of combining the Starter Ponies' "parents'" colors together. ... &usr=24344

Note: I took about a year and a half (really in total time it was probably a day or two) of on and off lurking before even deciding to sign up for a trial account. I read the manual thuroughly (every single link at the top) and watched the forums. I'm not saying this is what you must do, but I definitely encourage such from anyone even considering signing up. After all, it is a pay-to-play site and it wouldn't be any fun if you happened to get frozen/banned for breaking a rule that you skipped over.If there are any questions about anything involving PI, please do not hesitate to ask.

If you do decide to sign up for a trial account or even a paid account, please click the link in my signature at the bottom of this post or put the name Lucifer Apollyon down as the person who recruited you. Once you pay for the account I get BP for recruiting people. :D

To our lovely Mods: If this is against the rules here, please delete and let me know. I didn't find anything in our guidelines, but that doesn't mean I couldn't have overlooked something. :/ Thanks!
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Post by AngharadTy »

Doesn't seem against the rules to me. Lots of games offer incentives to sign up friends, and it's a good way to guilt those friends into joining, hee. I don't mind seeing it here (you are, after all, introducing a game--it's not like you're making a topic trying to get referrals for, uhh, Maple Story [whatever, lemme alone--there's a topic for that already, I mean]). Good luck. =)
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

AngharadTy wrote:Doesn't seem against the rules to me. Lots of games offer incentives to sign up friends, and it's a good way to guilt those friends into joining, hee. I don't mind seeing it here (you are, after all, introducing a game--it's not like you're making a topic trying to get referrals for, uhh, Maple Story [whatever, lemme alone--there's a topic for that already, I mean]). Good luck. =)
Thank you! ^_^ I wanted to be extra sure though.

I'll probably have piccies up of the pretty ponies here in a bit when I can be bothered to save them to my computer and upload them to photobucket, seeing as PI pics don't transfer over to other sites well. I know that has a name, however it's evading my mental grasp as of right now. :x Edit Added Pics of first four breeds that you can get on PI as purebreds in the Starter Generator. (The "father" has unicorn, but I didn't use it my first time. Also, S-genes are not available until you have 60 BP, but I thought you might like an idea of what they look like. Course, you can always go look at everybodies stables and click the name plate and see our ponies that way. Still, where's the fun in that. ;)

Female Sea Ponies
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Male Sea Ponies
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Female Pegasi
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Male Pegasi
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Female Flutter (Dream Pony)
Image Image

Male Flutter (Dream Pony)
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Female Earthie (Dream Pony)
Image Image

Male Earthie (Dream Pony)
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Post by Kuroro »

I was browsing around at the site, and it looks like a fun thing to do. But I seemed to experience quite some loading troubles tonight. I'm not sure if it was my connection or the site itself. Though while other sites loaded, Pony Island didn't. I mainly tried browsing the forums.

I use firefox. Is this a problem the site is experiencing, or is it just me? :|
Set by WIS!
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

Kuroro wrote:I was browsing around at the site, and it looks like a fun thing to do. But I seemed to experience quite some loading troubles tonight. I'm not sure if it was my connection or the site itself. Though while other sites loaded, Pony Island didn't. I mainly tried browsing the forums.

I use firefox. Is this a problem the site is experiencing, or is it just me? :|
The game is a bit laggy and I apologize for that actually, I picked the worst time to post this. Like most petsites (especially young and successful ones) it has it's peek lag times right as a bijillion children get out of school and weekends. However, it does seem that ZarqX and VeeZ are working on it. We got new servers in early December; we have had mass sign-up in contests for a while now and we just recieved mass removal from contests, so that should help since people won't have to view quite as many pages.

Currently all I can suggest is be patient with it. I wish I could offer more. :|
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Post by Kuroro »

Well I made a trial as 'Tasmaniantiger' (my old and still well used net name), I have been snooping around a bit, reading the manual and the forums. The breeding attracts me a lot, though I still don't know what you all can do.

I've been signing up on contests here and there. And found that quite enjoyable. Especially the fact that you can hold them yourself too.

I made a starter pegasus. And picked one up from the pony market.. but I will abandone her again if I decide to get a full account. (Not very pure and has all breeds in her line. I didn't know how you checked the pedigrees when I picked her. ;P)

I'm still not sure if I will buy a full one though, I tend to like games very much the first month and then suddenly drop them. I'm not sure why.. some games last forever with me and some.. not.

About the price, I think it's quite reasonable. Plus, I've had the opportunity to play during the day and the site is running smoothly then.

_edit_ I'll let you know when I do pay for it. Maybe we can talk some more about it? I put up your name as recruiter.

I'm not sure too what I'll breed. I took a peg starter without thinking too much about it.
Set by WIS!
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

Kuroro wrote:Well I made a trial as 'Tasmaniantiger' (my old and still well used net name), I have been snooping around a bit, reading the manual and the forums. The breeding attracts me a lot, though I still don't know what you all can do.
Yeah, the breeding was what attracted me to the game as well. I got so tired of not being able to really interact with the pets on neo, but breeding is much more so because you have to choose just the right mate for your pony for them to come out with a nice color.
I've been signing up on contests here and there. And found that quite enjoyable. Especially the fact that you can hold them yourself too.
Heh...I'm going to say this even though I doubt I need to. Always remember to vet your ponies after every contest. I was a dunce once and killed off my favorite. Luckily I'd gotten a resurrection scroll from somewhere...don't remember where though...O.o
I made a starter pegasus. And picked one up from the pony market.. but I will abandon her again if I decide to get a full account. (Not very pure and has all breeds in her line. I didn't know how you checked the pedigrees when I picked her. ;P)
The peg was my first starter as well. :) They're rather nice. Your girl is a rather pretty shade of green. XD
I'm still not sure if I will buy a full one though, I tend to like games very much the first month and then suddenly drop them. I'm not sure why.. some games last forever with me and some.. not.
That's why they let you have a trial period. :wink: Makes so much more sense to me than having an account sit there and rot for years.
About the price, I think it's quite reasonable. Plus, I've had the opportunity to play during the day and the site is running smoothly then.
That's good. Yes, paying less than 2 dollars a month is far more reasonable than neo's premium. -_- *shakes head*
_edit_ I'll let you know when I do pay for it. Maybe we can talk some more about it? I put up your name as recruiter.

I'm not sure too what I'll breed. I took a peg starter without thinking too much about it.
Sure. I don't mind discussing the finer points. :D Pegs are a good starting breed to get into.
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Post by Kuroro »

Luckily, I picked up the vet - contest thing from the manual, I think. It's still weird though. Sometimes he looses only one point of health, and sometimes he looses 5, for the same amount of contests. The closest I got to death was 9. :shock: I enrolled him into four contests. I'll never do that again.

I've been on Neo Premium, and though, it was handy, I cancelled it after two months or so. Because, that was only what it was to me; handy. I decided I could use the money for something else. But hey, I tried.

I've been snooping around some more about breeding. All while I've been searching the pony market for some suitable/liked-by-me ponies. Breeding has many sides, it seems. I discovered a few babies of starters (Mer ponies, something I would like to breed, a koi-like mer pony). And I thought, nice, pure mers, starter. Then I looked at the father, which had about.. well over 40 kids. Inbreeding was a realistic future with babies of his son. I begin to understand why some people don't want ponies that have overbred ponies/more then 30 generations (not sure of the number). It's simply un-overviewable.

And yes, I'm putting too much thought into a mere game. :oops:
Set by WIS!
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

Kuroro wrote:Luckily, I picked up the vet - contest thing from the manual, I think. It's still weird though. Sometimes he looses only one point of health, and sometimes he looses 5, for the same amount of contests. The closest I got to death was 9. :shock: I enrolled him into four contests. I'll never do that again.

I've been on Neo Premium, and though, it was handy, I cancelled it after two months or so. Because, that was only what it was to me; handy. I decided I could use the money for something else. But hey, I tried.

I've been snooping around some more about breeding. All while I've been searching the pony market for some suitable/liked-by-me ponies. Breeding has many sides, it seems. I discovered a few babies of starters (Mer ponies, something I would like to breed, a koi-like mer pony). And I thought, nice, pure mers, starter. Then I looked at the father, which had about.. well over 40 kids. Inbreeding was a realistic future with babies of his son. I begin to understand why some people don't want ponies that have overbred ponies/more then 30 generations (not sure of the number). It's simply un-overviewable.

And yes, I'm putting too much thought into a mere game. :oops:
Huh? O.o Four contests rarely do that much damage. Weird.

I've never tried neo's premium mainly because all it did was allow you a better shop wiz and no advertisements. Pfft! I hardly pay any attention to the adverts, my AOL knocks out any pop-ups and I don't mind refreshing the shop wiz to make sure of the lowest price. If it added more pet slots like subeta's gold account did, then I'd be tempted to pay nearly 9 bucks for it.

Merponies are nice, but yeah. They are fairly rare as pure breds, since they can also come from breeding an earth pony with a sea pony and so that makes any pure bred likely to be over bred. :( They're also a fair ways along in the BP department, but if you can contest and do breeding quests (and guilt trip friends into joining :mrgreen: ) I don't see why you couldn't make a few good starter mers after a while and have pure mers with very few breedings a year as your goal. :D That'd be awesome really. :)
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Post by Kuroro »

Well, I finally took an account for a year! I thought, why not. I was still playing it every day. And, well, we'll see where it goes. I was pleasantly surprised about the baby that was born for a breeding quest: ... 1171202403

I was really liking the black white spotted ponies. So, yay! (Don't know how to show the piccies.)

And yep, I was doing four quests. It's amazing what kind of damage they take. I thought the max was 2 per contest. I still thought I did only four. The damage seems to fluctuate a lot. Sometimes nothing, sometimes the whole bar. I can see why contests are so dangerous..

The mer pony thing seems like a challenge. Which is good. I'm still not sure what breed to concentrate on. So many nice choices.

Anyhow, if you need any help (like with quests or so), please do call upon me too!
Set by WIS!
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Post by sureq »

I actually paid for a whole year too, and have decided to take p that trians project, because it looks like a whole lotta fun.

I tried a few medium breeding quests, but I fail miserably. No matter how close to the desired colours i buy a pony, the offspring never are inside the desired hexes. I tried that search function that they outlined but it hates me or something :K
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

Kuroro> Wow! O_O She's beautiful! I had to save the pics in photobucket and then show them that way. :? Four contests are the max amount anyone is willing to do because they do survive those. Five or higher is often not a good idea. Though, the vet fees are really rough they use to be 100pg for every single bit of health lost. -_- If you lost 9 health points you were out 900pg instead of 450pg. It was nuts back then!

Sureq> I've not tried the Trians breeding project, but have read about it. I hope you have fun with it. :D
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Post by Kuroro »

100 Pg?! Auch.. I mean.. auch. That's too much. I haven't taken on any breeding quests.. I'm mainly contesting.

About the latter, I managed to get myself to 5 Pg. I miscalculated how quickly my ponies would rise in level. *is anxiously awaiting salary* So, I cancelled one medium quest and took one easy up. I'm still on one med and one hard too.. sigh. Those vet costs are well.. much sometimes. (Look at me complain when they cost only 50 Pg now.) But that's ok, I love the challenge. :mrgreen:

I haven't tried any breeding projects yet. I don't have that much grasp of how to influence color outcomes. I had fun with the test breeder though. Hehe.
Set by WIS!
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

Kuroro wrote:100 Pg?! Auch.. I mean.. auch. That's too much. I haven't taken on any breeding quests.. I'm mainly contesting.

About the latter, I managed to get myself to 5 Pg. I miscalculated how quickly my ponies would rise in level. *is anxiously awaiting salary* So, I cancelled one medium quest and took one easy up. I'm still on one med and one hard too.. sigh. Those vet costs are well.. much sometimes. (Look at me complain when they cost only 50 Pg now.) But that's ok, I love the challenge. :mrgreen:

I haven't tried any breeding projects yet. I don't have that much grasp of how to influence color outcomes. I had fun with the test breeder though. Hehe.
Yeah. Heh...and yeah, I remember when I would get myself into the same messes with my pg. :oops: I had to stop contesting for a bit just to let my money accumulate before going back and starting again. Now I try to have at least 50k in the bank for 4 weeks earning 9% interest. The only draw back is the fact that you can't get to your money once it's been put in the bank until the time you've chosen is up.

On another note, to anyone considering joining up, but are still unsure: I've got some nice looking mixed breeds in my first stable. ... nclosure=1 The first two rows are being sent to the trial market March 1st. By then I'm hoping they'll all have an unused level up for you to begin your own training (begin quest before leveling up ponies) and The girls should all be expecting and ready to give birth when they hit the tri market. That's all the update I've got. Good luck to anyone here that might sign up before or on March 1st. :)
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Post by Kuroro »

I've had a quite busy weekend. Shaju got to level 100 recently (my first pony) and I won a lupine in an art contest!!!

So proud of her:


I'm starting to get PI adoptable fever! Weeh.

_edit_ The give out/contests for them are still on the roll, so I think that's why owners haven't updated yet. The hours of the give out were killing. In the middle of the night for me. I stayed up as long as I could. :P
Set by WIS!
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