A couple of neopets sketches. EDIT: coloured eyrie!

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A couple of neopets sketches. EDIT: coloured eyrie!

Post by Yfandes »

First of all a sketch of a darigan eyrie...my OWN darigan eyrie when i get him ^_^ He's not a totally evil darigan eyrie as you can probably tell from the pic but he's scary when he wants to be ^_^ (pffff...show off!) The big mane right around the eyrie's head that is in the real darigan eyrie wasn't working so its just gonna be a ruff of darker feathers...maybe variegating down his body until there are just a few black feathers sprinkled. I can't-do-wings :x So, i think a nice profile will do for now

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/ ... sketch.jpg

Second a completely random halloween uni, i don't have one of these nor will I...i find the neopets art of them a bit sloppy. So this was done from memory, i could have sworn there was a lot of fire going on with them :shock: Seems I went a bit overkill. Again, the wings just weren't happening. There is also something that irks me about the perspective... Anyway, here he is...i think he needs a hug:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/ ... eenuni.jpg

(The images are probably too big to post) Aaaanyway, I hope that these sketches are enough to warrant a post, i've been too swamped with work to do much more. Comments/crits are ALWAYS welcome from you lovely, NCers, you ;)
Last edited by Yfandes on 25 Mar 2007 05:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by anzuronamin »

My god, those are AWESOME *-* I especially like the Eyrie. The beak came out so cool.

I can't really give critiques since I don't really know anything perspective-wise with animals//neopets, but good work anyway, you're really talented. Do you have a DA account?
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Post by Yfandes »

Thankyou! *preens*...

I do have a DA account but most of it is art from when I was quite about 13 and er...not too brilliant - look at your peril. I don't update it much since i get little feedback. http://www.loyal-brego.deviantart.com *suppresses a shudder*
8): Laura
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Post by Veo »

I like! :D

Do you plan to ink and color them in???

The only thing I saw was that the eyrie's ears and the Uni's horn both seemed "small" . . . other than that, i can't say anything else! SO COOL! ^_^
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Post by Yfandes »

Thanks again for the compliments ^_^ My hats won't fit now! ;)

Yes, I do plan to ink/colour...particularly the eyrie. I get a bit pedantic though, when it comes to colouring, when I have line I'm pleased with i'm always petrified that i'll ruin it with the colouring and shading...I always want my shading to be PERFECT.

Yes, i can sorta see what you mean about the horn and eyrie ear tufts beings small but the eyrie i'm quite happy for them to be that size...i'm not ignoring your critique or anything...when I was sketching the eyrie, the ear tufts were something that involved a lot of jiggery pokery 'til i got this result...so its kinda personal choice ;)
8): Laura
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Post by Veo »

Ah, i get ya. Always the artist's choice, eh? ^_^

As for inking, I only know too well this predicament. I've trashed so many sketches because i messed up on the inking . . . /sigh. :P

Still, i can't wait to see the finished product!! Good luck!
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Post by Usul_Princess »

It's so typical of me to post crappy art after someone else's magnificent work. :mrgreen:
Sketches/Black and white are my favorite. But I'm a little biased because sketch seems the most 'Au Naturel'. But I love these pics.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Post by checkers »

Great art, maybe you could scan them in then print them and have two copies or photo copy them, and then use the copied version for inking incase you mess up then you still have the original versions.
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Post by EofS »

Gorgeous work Yfandes. Particularly like the second one. Even if it does remind me of the horse someone had drawn on the wall of one place I lived *shudder*
checkers wrote:Great art, maybe you could scan them in then print them and have two copies or photo copy them, and then use the copied version for inking incase you mess up then you still have the original versions.
Unfortunately it would probably very difficult to rub out the pencil lines on the photocopy ;0)
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Post by Jessi »

Yfandes, I have -always- loved your art, and these are no different! Your eyrie sketch is just beyond gorgeous! Very, very nice ;_;
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Post by Yfandes »

*grins* You're all so nice, thanks for the feedback ^_^ Its always appreciated ...and a huge ego boost to boot

*goes to tell people that I totally rock at art*.....haha..ha....ha, kidding ;)

Anyway, I coloured Velgarth's picture (I got my darigan eyrie ^_^) I'm really quite pleased with the result but getting that result to look the same on screen....that's another matter. The scan made it lose almost all definition (the dark bits black and the light parts lilac..ey) so I took a quick snap with my phone and thats the best I can do at the moment...maybe if i figure out how to use a photoshop I could cut the image away from the horrible dingy background? Oh and incase you were wondering, the beige blob on the left was my finger...it was horribly distracting :? Anyhow crits are appreciated if you can imagine what it ACTUALLY looks like :S

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Post by checkers »

*just stares at the pic*
I love your shading skills, I can shade like that when I want to but I have to be :

1) bored
2) drinking tea
3) have a good set of pencils

Ya know like the ones with 24 shades of each colour ? ^^;
Well, it is really good you should enter it on eyrie day...I would =P

Maybe you could draw a body? or would that ruien it?
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Post by Yfandes »

Thanks ^_^ I too am horribly lazy when it comes to shading...I end up with tons and tons of pencil sketches but I colour very few of it - its just so time consuming compared to sketching! I really don't have that much natural intuition for shading without a reference picture.

I like my pencils ^_^ I use a set of about 100 prismacolours (plus 25 verithin ones if i need 'em) its safe to say that my "imperial violet" is a fair bit shorter after doing this! :P I probably would be rejected from the art gallery because of a) the silver ruff and b) the grubby photo or very poor quality scan. The AG also seem to like things with backgrounds and I don't really fancy giving this one :?

Think I might colour that uni now...if its not all crumpled up somewhere on my desk :wink:
8): Laura
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