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Post by Cyaneus »

Officer 1BDI wrote:Image

(Rainbow Hissi + Island accents = best of both worlds. :mrgreen: )

It seems to be really hit or miss. Some pets look great in this new feature, some look awful, and there are very few that are in-between. I like the idea, but I'm not sure it's worth all the time and effort TNT must be putting into it.
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Post by sureq »

Robot cybunny:


On a side note, my black pteri is customizable yet any red one I have isn't.
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Post by Bif »

Playing with the feature is fun and does satisfy the little voice in me that cried when I realised that I couldn't actually put my Blue Eyrie Sweater on my pet all those years ago. However, it is not something which I would go out and buy items for (unless I was to make a good profit :mrgreen: ) and I definitely would have preferred them to work on pet colours and not this.

Having said that I realise that TNT can not please everyone and really, this feature has been a long time coming. Remember that Neopets is for the little kids as well and they can't exactly play the stock market or even restock for their own fun. This is bring the children back to Neopets (in my view anyway) and give the some of the older players a kick as well. I wonder, does anyone know if under 13(or is it 14?) yr olds can Beta test? If they can't then it would tell me that this is a feature made for the younger players and we are helping with the testing for when it is released to them.

And the naked robo grundo is AMAZING! :D
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Post by Lou 500 »



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Post by phoebemittens »

Actually the pwnsome accessories on the Island hissi look pretty good on several colours - I'm liking Khobrenna (although I hate her graspy mits). This is the only pet I would actually keep this way:

<img src="http://www.kittenspyjamas.com/neopets/phoenix/kho2.gif">

(...yeah I know I said I'd stopped playing with it. I have now.)
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Post by Anna the Red »

I really want to play with this, but the bloody thing keeps freezing my computer up. And because it's a laptop, I have to unplug and wait for the battery to run down rather than just being able to unplug the thing when it REFUSES to shut down or restart.

Grrrr....-goes to send off bug report-
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Post by AngharadTy »

I put the snake-body bands and the gold necklet on Chaostrophy, which don't make any sense at all for her character, but she is purdy and I kinda like that.

However, I am utterly distressed that I can't put the robot body parts onto _MetaRidley_, because that would have been beyond perfect. And distressed that Krawks look like utter, complete, amazing crap. And distressed that Zafaras are still just a tad too... round. And irked that somehow, viewing in Japanese conflicts with this beta system, causing my browser to die painfully. I had tabs open, yo.
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Kids can't restock?! How come?

I don't like the smallness of the customised pictures. I reverted all mine in the end, because they were just too small to see properly. And neither Flap nor Silver seems to be customisable at all.

What I'd really LOVE love is if you could apply actual items, not just virtual concepts you don't own, to your pets. Like the Faerie Bubble Bracelet. But maybe that would be too difficult...
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Post by Madge »

What I'm hoping for in a future version is for the petpet and petpetpet to be available - no need to redraw them, just use the current images. Maybe make them resizeable, and definitely drag and drop-able. I'd love for my petpets to be featured in these images, it would be awesome :).

I do agree on the sizing issue, though I think that's probably more related to the fact that the white space is "meant" to have a background. I do agree that when the owner opts not to have a background, the image of the pet should fill up the whole screen.

But hey, this is what beta testing is for? :)

Also, it's weird for Sail to have eyelashes. You should be able to turn them on and off.
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Post by Bif »

Kids can't restock?! How come?
They 'can' as in the site does not stop them from doing so, however their age does. 10 yr olds and under (sorry that this is a generalisation) in my view, find it hard to grasp the concept of restocking - all the refreshing, the pricing of an item, what to buy, what not to buy, haggling, etc.
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Post by lavender »

I have lose some interest in Neopets mainly because it slows down my computer too much. And this feature, while interesting, doesn't help. I fiddled with it a little, but it's too slow and I'm too impatient.
There's some points that I'm not quite understanding, but will probably get cleared up when it's out of beta, so I'll wait until then to make up my mind :P
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Post by EofS »

Anna the Red wrote:I really want to play with this, but the bloody thing keeps freezing my computer up. And because it's a laptop, I have to unplug and wait for the battery to run down rather than just being able to unplug the thing when it REFUSES to shut down or restart.
a) Pressing the power button for long enough ought to turn it off
b) Taking the battery out also works ;0)
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Post by Trick »

I think that while this is awesome, some of the pet art really lets it down. The poses I can live with as those are what makes it easy to use the same clothes for all of one species. However, some of the attention to detail, or rather lack of it, is a bit worrying. Some species look rather primitive compared to others, for example the wocky and lupe look like painfully old art while the lutari and pteri just don't look like they could exist without their misshapen skeletons crushing their organs to death.

My other complaints are mainly things that hopefully will be sorted as this progresses through beta - namely, some pets not having clothing options, and the errors that some clothing items bring - but I don't see anywhere to actually report such bugs and requests.

My favourite aspect of this is the ability to take clothes off as well as put them on. Robot pets perhaps best illustrate this but the ability to take the ear bands off of an usul is just as appreciated. I also greatly appreciate TNT letting us all try this out rather than having to rely on premium people showing screen shots. Being able to play with it pre-release is lovely.

I would like to see more information about the implementation plans of this - how do we get said clothes and how affordable will they be, will this mess with current prices and inflation of current items, and is the quick ref page going to insist on displaying our pets in flash rather than a fast loading gif? Will we have the option on where to display this for every display option?

But mostly I would like to know if Denegor and Trethys are going to be stuck looking like that if I want to customise them, and if clean up art of the species in general that are getting criticism across the board is possible.
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Post by Skiler »

Cheese wrote:Oh my CRAP what have they done?

Calm down, we are making a team of "Redraw those pets plz" wich spam a lot the Feedback button :)

Cool, they fixed the tail of my robot kougra, so, they worked fast and added other things to the place:
Wutt???? I came to the Haunted Woods to find little strayed childs for breakfast and Esophagor already ate them up!!!! *shakes fin*
They just added a crappy Faerie background to the lot :(

This is just a disguise.... I'm not that solid nor that cheerful good-looking but a wraith of pure evil :[
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Post by daisybell »

Trick: the feedback button is at the bottom of the customise page, here's the link:

http://www.neopets.com/feedback_form.ph ... item_id=27

It might help if it was more obvious, heh, but it does tell you at the top of the page that it's there.
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