RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by Nobby »

OMG It's been a month since my last post!!!

My aunt is pregnant.
Our basement is almost done.
Got Pokemon Diamond.

Three relatives get in minor car accidents all within hours of each other.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

:) : I have the next 3 days off from work hallelujah! Who would of thought retail could be so exhausting?

:) : Last night I went to a concert with my friends whom I love.
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Post by FaerieInGrey »

Woe: I just lost my job to Mother Nature.

See link:
http://www.patriotledger.com/articles/2 ... news06.txt

To anyone that hadn't been told, and if not obvious from my text and the article, I worked at Brant Rock Breakfast. I was out of the country when it happened.
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Post by Strawberry Limeade »


It's almost 5 in the morning, and I'm awake. I would be asleep were it not for the giant flying beetle that was buzzing around, crashing into my ceiling, and then decided to crawl around in my pillows (thankfully I was very much awake at that point). I HATE bugs, and it got away before I could kill it so I won't be able to fall asleep in my own room for who knows how long.

It's just my last two weeks of college, trying to complete 18 credit hours. It's not like I'm not already stressed out to the point where I'm on the brink of bursting into tears all day long anyways. Why would I need a good night's sleep again?

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Post by Ellie »

FaerieInGrey wrote:Woe: I just lost my job to Mother Nature.

See link:
http://www.patriotledger.com/articles/2 ... news06.txt

To anyone that hadn't been told, and if not obvious from my text and the article, I worked at Brant Rock Breakfast. I was out of the country when it happened.
Ouch, my friend told me about that. Luckily her house (she lives in Marshfield) is on a hill. It was so weird seeing the Patriot Ledger posted. x3

Achievawoe: 33 days of school left, according to Stephen (and he's been counting down since 165. xD) However, it's my last year at the school I've been at since kindergarten so it's going to be pretty hard. x3
Last edited by Ellie on 26 Apr 2007 02:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Arviragus »

Woe: I didn't get an interview to the summer job I really wanted :(
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Post by Slugawoo »

Woes all around for me today. I swear my day just got worse and worse as it went on.

I feel like the only person without Pokemon D/P. And unless I get a job this summer, which is highly doubtful, I wont be getting it or a DS until October. Poopy.

Had to do a timeline on Rembrandt in art class. For those of you who don't know, I dispise all those historic artists and their paintings. Having to do projects about them fills me with a terrible rage. -twitch-

Apparently, the a male friend of mine isn't allowed to get into indepth conversations with me about various video games anymore. I was playing FF:TA and complaining about not being able to get past 298 missions in study hall today. We get into a conversation about how our White Mages always wind up being the strongest characters we have. His girlfriend glares at me for the rest of the period. >.o; Oh but it gets better:

My dog had her puppies 5 days earlier than expected. Didn't show any signs of labor or anything. I came home and there was blood everywhere. As well as a puppy tail without the puppy. She had two more after that, which I'm glad to say are nice and healthy. I didn't expect many puppies to begin with, but the fact that something ate at least one of them is making me sick. I haven't been able to eat all night.

Someone kill me now. Plzkthx.
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Post by Chandi »

*hugs for Slugawoo* My day has been pretty crappy too.

I start out at 7:30 finding out I did not receive the camp counselor position on campus for the summer. Pissed, because they interviewed three people and were taking one. 1/3 odds, not bad. Ugh. Now I must work a menial job all summer instead of doing something that would have looked really, really good on a resume.

I busted my ass all day for an organic chemistry exam. Said exam, in turn, busted my ass.

I come back to find out I did not receive a position as a peer counselor for the coming fall semester. They were only taking 16 out of 50 people, but still, not bad odds. I just want to know why no one wants me! I'm qualified and competent! Hire me!
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Post by gomababe »

HUGE achievement: I finally got my thesis done and handed in and all that jazz. I@m not completely happy with it but it's done now and I'm not going to stress about it until the marks come out *nods*.

smaller achievement: My very first e-pal came up to visit at the weekend and we had a great time. The achievement bit for me is managing to get her to sit and be calm and happy in a crowded cafe to have a smoothie and some shortcake without having her fiancee around ^_^ {she's agarophobic}.

Woe: I now only have a week to study for my first exam and WebtCT is down ;_;
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Post by Spivsy »

yay: If all goes well, I'll be seeing reel big fish in june with my internet friends.
I just need to work out how to get to and from yeovil. =p
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

Achievement: I did something decisive in a split second without agonising over the choices. Kind of a big deal for a control freak/worrywart like me. It will also cost a chunk of money, which is another big thing as I am a stinge.

As a result, I will be staying in the Hilton Hotel in Copenhagen. -Beams.- I am most excited.

And Faerie - Man, that is rough!

EDITED to add: A good friend of mine is also coming up to see me in Iceland REALLY soon. She might even be visiting England with me! I am so excited about seeing her.
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Post by Madge »

On Monday I bought a DS (pink, of course) that came with the Sims 2 game, and also I bought Nintendogs. Total cost: $235

On Tuesday, Ewan was giving out $25 off vouchers for Game Traders new store in a suburb that's about half an hour from both my house and uni (uni is 25 minutes from my house thanks to the freeway!). However, my best friend... the Game Traders store is on the way to his house. Give him my voucher, and he bought Pearl for me today! (Have to have pearl... my name means pearl, and it is the version with Slowpoke). So the game's cost $45, which is awesome considering how it's $70-$80 retail!

Furthermore, a heck of a lot of people I know are getting D/P, which means I can trade IRL *and* over the internet.

Additionally, the release date in Australia is June 21. Game Traders imported a bunch of games from the US. :D
Uni-Related: I've done two tests today and both went well.

My computer club is going great, we actually have a club room now (something that is apparently quite unique to UWA... and another reason it's the best university in the world as far as i'm concerned :P), which is good. We hang out there, on couches. We'll have a fridge with cheap coke. We also have a whiteboard.
Just weird:
My mate Otter said to me that if his girlfriend wanted to have a threesome with him and me he would have no problems with that. It was very sweet.
I'm still about $3,400 in debt to my parents. But I'll pay that back over the next few years. Also I need to buy petrol tomorrow. Boo to that. But that is not woe ish at all. In fact it is all rather AWESOME. Because both imply my awesome care which rules
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Post by nanabobo567 »

Reading over this thread really makes me reconsider this, but, I have a saddening woe: I don't have my DS anymore.
See, every study loads of people bring their devices to play with. With Diamond and Pearl out, we have loads of fun. We aren't exactly supposed to have them, but we never disrupt others. Some people never even know who their friends are (Still don't know who someone named "PhauXE" is...) because we don't talk. Well, as luck had it, both my friend and I brought our games to study that day. We sit near one another, and normally just him or I bring something, since we don't really like the same things. That leaves one of us to watch for any teachers coming. Of course, what with us being so engrossed in the game, we never noticed her coming. She took them both and confiscated them. Luckily I popped my Diamond cartridge out before she took them, but my DS has my Emerald version, with all Pokémon but Deoxys and Ho-Oh on it, which even for someone who's never played Pokémon, knows that's a lot of work.
Well, there's this thing that the first time you're caught with something you aren't supposed to, you get it back at the end of the day and get told not to do it again. Next time, your parents are informed. Then you get detention and not given it back until the end of the year. As it was, she gave the DS's to Coach Crumling, the band director, and how it came to be he got to be the one to get things taken from study is another story in itself.
Well, we were told to come see Coach at the end of the day, which we did. We assumed it would be the "slap on the wrist" thing they do for first time offenders like us. Well, Coach said He's always telling people not to bring distractions to study, and He's sick of it. He told us we would get ten days in-school suspention (pretty much detention during school), our DS's would be taken until the end of the year, and our parents would be contacted. Now, knowing Coach, it was probably just to scare the living Croagunk out of us, but I'm still worried. In-school suspention I can deal with. From what I've heard, it's no different than detention. I'd be fine with taking our DS's away for the rest of the year if it weren't for the fact I want to help people with their Dexes (if you don't know, don't ask). But now, I really, really don't want my parents contacted. It just doesn't sound pleasant at all. If Coach is doing what He seems like He'd do, though, we'll be given back our DS's either on Friday or Monday, either laughing at our faces and telling us if we did it again He'd hold out His promise, or on Monday tell everyone in study what we did, what He was going to do, and how He's generously given us a reprieve, then laugh our faces after the little showing to scare everyone into not bringing their stuff to study. Either way, this means no Pokémon for at least a short while. I hope we do get them back Friday. I want Drifloon...
EDIT: Good news, we got them back and Coach was easy on us. He said, "And don't get caught with them again." I captured a female Drifloon and may now belock my Dialga eventually someday maybe.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by duenorth »

Achievement: Two more papers to write and then I'm finished with uni forever (where 'forever' is defined as 'however long of a time period I manage to put off going to grad school' :P)!

Woe: ...one of which is required to be 6-8 pages single-spaced.

I have a feeling that I have not yet begun to bullshit.
old world underground where are you now?
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Post by checkers »

Good: A few days ago I completed Re-Reading HP5 (Reads the books before the movies come out to get them fresh in head) It only took be about a week or so =D

Bad: My computer has many viruses and it is lagging, I get Pop-ups of "buy this!" and such.

Good: My Pokémon Figure collection is well over the 200 Figures =D and I have //all// the new ones released so far. *Has many figures, but about 230..I don't buy ones I don't like*

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