Jetsam Day Predictions

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Jetsam Day Predictions

Post by Nogitsune »

So Eyrie Day has passed, and most people seem to take a pass on the pet colour. Bori Day is soon, but Jetsam Day is also coming. Last year we all went temporarily blind after viewing the horror of the Disco Jetsam Image. We were all much relieved when the Zombie Jetsam Image was released, some of us volunteering to have our brains eaten to remove the memory of the Disco pet (apparently many Zombie Jestam got ill thereafter, however). The poor Jetsam has much potential as a pet, but it's never quite been realized. Still, the pet day cometh and that leaves the possibility of new colours. Which new colours? Well:

Biscuit Image
Camouflage Image
Chocolate Image
Christmas Image
Custard Image
Desert Image
Invisible Image
Jelly Image
Maraquan Image
Royal Image
Royal Image
Snot Image
Split Image
Sponge Image

Royal is always a good possibility, especially if the artists have other things they need to do. It gives two pets for the price of one colour. Desert or Christmas are also nice clothing colours, though I must admit a bit of dread at the thought of a Christmas pet this time of the year (far too soon!). Chocolate has had some nice art and, since candy is popular for Halloween, could be interesting. A Jetsam with Camouflage like that of the Flotsam could be actually nice. Jelly or Biscuit could be interesting. Split and Invisible tend to be rather dull. Sponge lost much of its luster post revamp. Maraquan is likely in the realm of Baby Krawk, though there are varieties of sharks (like the sawfish or tigershark) that could be interesting. Custard and Snot are Custard and Snot.

Other thoughts, hopes, desires, gripes?
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Re: Jetsam Day Predictions

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

I could've sworn there was already a royal Jetsam-- must be misremembering some other pet.

I'll hope for... Royal, Camo or Desert. Nogitsune has said everything I would about the first two, but the interesting shape of the Jetsam would suit Desert quite nicely and they could give it a sandy gold base colour that almost evoked the sea bed.

But given that there's some kind of site event in the works, I guess we could forgive them this once for fobbing us off with Invisible. You have to wonder why they don't give Invisible pets special paint brush clothing-- a charm necklace or something, or a disembodied pair of socks. It'd take a little of the sting out of the invisible-zapping RE and stop newbies panicking that their pets have run away.
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Re: Jetsam Day Predictions

Post by champagnesoup »

Well Jetsam Day is the day after Plot Revelation Day or whatever we will get, so I'm holding out for Lutari Island :p Other than that, Desert or a nice Flotsam-y Camo would be good to see. I wonder if the Jetsam's Camo could be all indigo and purple, and even jagged shapes to be a sort of 'opposite' to the pretty Maractite-esque Camo Flotsam.
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Re: Jetsam Day Predictions

Post by Kamil »

Ahh, Jetsams, I once loved you so.

However, given what we now have, I'm going to hope for royal. Maybe they'll stick something in those hands, and just maybe, if we're really lucky, whatever personality they give the royals will change the god-awful expression.

Poor, poor Jetsams.
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Re: Jetsam Day Predictions

Post by Jamie »

I kind of really want a Santa Claus themed Christmas Jetsam... beard and all.
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Re: Jetsam Day Predictions

Post by ultraviolet »

I doubt we'll be getting a maraquan Jetsam - Jetsams, like Peophins, Flotsam and Kois are already from Maraqua. When have we received a maraquan colour for a pet that's already maraquan?

I'd really like to see royal Jetsams, partly because a maractite-warrior type king would be cool, and partly because I'm interested to see a jetsam that's obviously female.
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